The Hammerdown trip to california


Here's josh on one of the many hill climbs.


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The last day

After the rescue on sunday morning,adam josh and i returned to camp. Jeremy was ready to run..."Back Door" Named for it's close location to the camping area is is argueably the most difficult run in johnson valley. The locals will only run this trail the last day just before leaving.saying "if you are going to break your junk,your gonna do it on "Back door".It consists of some VERY large boulders at the entrance and a small rock field followed by a 7 foot high rock ledge that is about 80 egrees in angle. I really had no plans to attempt to put the dodge on that kind of angle. A roll like that would be really bad with my limited cage. Adam was able to fix his broken front shaft but the detriot locker wasen't working properly,popping in and out,so he was giong to be waching. After the last break, jeremy was out of spare shafts and had only 3 wheel drive. Josh made a good attempt at the ledge but coulden't find enough traction to make the last few feet. I made it up on the boulders but decided not to push it. Jeremy however would not be denied a hard throttle attempt and almost made it up the ledge 3 wheeling it. Had he had the other rear pulling he would have made it no problem!!:burnout::burnout::burnout:


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I have more pics and will post up soon . I am still in Calif ornia visiting my family this week . I will be heading home on Sunday from Red Bluff ( Nor Cal ) . If anybody wants me to pick up some parts along the me . Thanks for all the posts and we will keep posting up some pics and I will put some links up for some youtube videos later .

Ben , I did get the compresser and it worked awesome . Thanks alot for passing on the good deal .

Shane , Chris , and Monte , we NEED to go back . We made it there quick ( 40 hours +/- )and if you eat out of a cooler and sleep in a bag its not that bad on the wallet .

My Tag is rated for 24,000 and we figured it weighed 23,000 . We were way off when we tipped the scales at 26,940 lbs . The Duramax pulled this with no problems . I have a 5in . exhaust , EFI tune custom tune , air dog lift pump , and a KN air filter . The 35 in . tires with stocks gears helped out with the 10 miles to the gallon but I knew that it was gonna suck the fuel with Bobs heavy Dodge looming in my rearview mirror .

We were originally going to wheel the rubicon as well but the director of the rubicon foundation was at the hammers because he said that it was under snow up north . We stayed in Johnson valley and it was worth it .

I hope ypu all enjoy the pics and we will keep posting if you guys enjoy it thanks for all the comments !
Glad to hear to got it in time!Man Im so jealous that looks awesome!

:driver::driver:Jeremy ran Mr Angry eyes pretty good,but with 3 wheel drive there just wasen't enough traction to make it. if the other wheel was pulling he would have made it no problem. That was it for our wheeling here in johnson valley. Although we diden't run as many trails as we had hoped,what we did run was unforgettable. We will go back some time and hopefully have enough time to hit all the trails.:driver::driver:


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Heading Home

:poop::poop: Headed Home :( Our wheeling behind us we were forced back onto the paved roads. We were going to be staying in a hotel however,and after 4 days we were REALLY gald to have a Hot shower and sleep on a real bed. We drove about an hour outside yucca valley and found a place to stay,ordered up a few pizza's and caught up with friends and family... All in All a great trip. Monday morning we left for sacramento so jeremy could drop me off at the airport. He will be driving home alone.. (sorry dude) But we had a great time. Thanks Buddy for everything! I hope and pray for you safe return! I will be looking foward to seeing the pics and vid you have yet to reveal!


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We were one of the first to arrive at the dry lake bed at the OHV park . The trails are all located in the mountains in the background . It was about a 15 to 20 minute drive to most of the trail heads unless you drove like a maniac through the desert . You had to watch out for craters across the lake bed .


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Bobs steering ram let loose from the tie rod on clawhammer . He pulled out his welder and I winched the High steer into place and we were back in action for about 5 feet . The pitman arm let loose . We went back to camp and I could not resist taking my Duramax with 4 in. lift and 35 in mud terrain may pops up the trail part ways . I wish I had pics but we were on a mission and had no time . I think it was 0100 AM when we got into camp . It was a good start to a great trip .


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This is 1 of 2 Puke on shafts that I busted while on this trip . It was their first trip out . I know I need to go to 35 spline but these things snapped like they were made out of plastic . I figured they would be good for a while at least . Yukon sucks IMO . I will never buy from them again .


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