The Hammerdown trip to california


Mr angry eyes took his licks as well!


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What is your tag rated for?
The winchyoda

Here is a real live winchyoda! Josh has a doubble t-case setup and also a 4.7 to 1 so his crawl ratio is something like 10,000 to 1:burnout::burnout::burnout:
When he put it in the low low lllooowww gear and let the clutch out ,he pretty much idled up almost everything and i commented that it sounded like a gear drive winch....hence the nick name....Winchyoda


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Day 3

It rained us out on friday afternoon. After finishing CT a large storm was rolling in and we decided to head back to camp. We had thought it might blow over but it set in for the evening and into the night. We did have some fun in the dodge doing several 6 grand donuts or (brodys) as the so cal guy call them,out on the not so dry,dry lake bed. Even the boggers coulden't find much traction on that slime. we did however manage to send several hundred pounds of mud into low earth orbit.... Unfourtunatly most of wich ended up somewhere on, or in the dodge!
After dark adam said something about a steak,seconds later we all piled into the Duramax for a trip to town and the local steak house for a much needed break from the rain,a warm meal and warm running WATER!
Day 3 saturday

We all got up early and had breakfast. josh had a engine gremlin to chase down before we could hit the trails. We all piched in and we were off to hit "sledgehammer"


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Here is a shot from about 1/2 way up. This gives you an idea of just how high above the lakebed these trails run.


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Adam ran a clean carefull line but somehow his yukon Driver side front shaft diden't agree and let go close to the top.


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After the axle let go,Adam was forced to take the cable. But to make matters worse the Drivers side front stopped rolling while the winch was pulling. The tire was pulled strait into a large rock,pushing rearward on the leaf spring snapping the main leaf 3 inches from the rear spring eye.


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Broken Dodge

The Dodge did farly well for a 46 year old truck that weighs in at 7,500lbs. But I did snap an outer stub on the front about 1/3rd of the way up. We were able to dismantle it and make the repairs in short order. Near the top the ram assist got tired and broke the weld mount.


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Josh and jeremy returned to camp to retrive parts for the repairs. However on the way back to rescue adam and I, Jeremy's rear YUKON shaft snapped on a mild hillclimb. That would make 2 for jeremy and he was forced to return to camp for help.Adam and I stayed to work the dodge up the last 100 yards...3 hours later we were able to winch over the top....without power steering.


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We decided to leave the dodge and the tj untill daylight. repairs were made quickly and we returned to camp. Sledgehammer has a mailbox and a "Pile of shame" There is a plie of broken parts broken by the sledge. the directional sign has distances to cities etc. josh and adam decided to do a little "Dodge climbing" for a photo op.


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