The Sandwich Game

Stopped by my parents house on the way back from the gym and got liberal with their deli drawer. The guac wasn't in the game plan, but no one was around to judge me. Turkey and asiago
Somehow my wife's school gets just out of date food they can't sell from a local grocery store , so she brings me home some goodies 'cause I will eat anything :D. I might need some help eating the sandwich that's gonna get made with the Kings Hawaiian round loaf and the two pounds of shaved deli Turkey (not pictured) that came home with it too!

Got together with some folks from church last night and we were responsible for the main dish so I took one from my mother-in-laws playbook. Crockpot Italian sausages with peppers and onions. Enjoying the leftovers today on a buttered and toasted hoagie roll with some provolone.

11 am is a reasonable time to eat spicy sausage sandwiches right?

11 am is a reasonable time to eat spicy sausage sandwiches right?

Just like chocolate cake, there's never a bad time to eat spicy sausages. You can keep those potato chips though.

Breakfast, for example:
If you've got some weird hangups about what breakfast food should be, just slice up the sausage and mix it with the onions and peppers on a plate so it looks more breakfast-y. Maybe throw a egg on top to further reinforce your shameful adherence to cultural norms. :D
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Just like chocolate cake, there's never a bad time to eat spicy sausages. You can keep those potato chips though.

Breakfast, for example:
If you've got some weird hangups about what breakfast food should be, just slice up the sausage and mix it with the onions and peppers on a plate so it looks more breakfast-y. Maybe throw a egg on top to further reinforce your shameful adherence to cultural norms. :D

I've also got a slab of chocolate chip pound cake downstairs waiting on me. It usually pulls breakfast/late night snack duty. We're out of milk, so that's on hold for now.
I tried to post this up from the jobsite the other day but had zero service. Another Food Lion freebie. Turkey and Swiss on the Kings Hawaiian. I added cherry tomato, bacon,and an avocado/boiled egg yolk/mayo spread.

Looks like the Amish know how to build a sandwich.
Yep! Probably about 3/4 lb of sweet Lebanon Balogna on it. And I hate Balogna but that shit is good. Went in there a year or so ago and just asked them to make me something that's good and that's what I ended up with.