The story behind the name...

D is the first letter of my first name
R is the first letter of my middle name
Kelly is my last name

Started using it many many years ago when I first joined forums on Al Gore's internet.
It was on a tee shirt I was wearing the day I registered & yep it's spelled that way on the tee shirt.
My last name is Ingle and my first name is Trevor so then I flipped it the right way and removed the space just because it felt right, to get what is now trevoringle
My ebay screen name is Gittinwidit, along with all my other forums I visit besides this one. 6BangBronk just sounded cool and related just to get me into this web site at the time. If I could do it over I'd stuck with Gittinwidit on here. I had no idea this site would actually be pretty cool.:flipoff2:

But... When I lived in Willow Spring I had a truck parting business on the side in my back yard that was booming. My neighbor next door was a black man. And a very cool one at that! I'll try to pronounce how he said it but one day in the back yard he said:
Jealmy, yous jus gittinwidit over der.
It was when ebay just started up. I needed a screen name it definitely struck me as a good one...
I had nbaff, which is short for N. Baffaro. However, after the crash I had to reregister or something of that nature. So I had to come up with something else. I had a 79 Bronco at the time so BigBody79 was born.
Recycled name from my saltwater/reef aquarium days. You think axles, lockers, and Atlas cases are expensive, look into coral! $$$ just waiting to dissolve and take everything else with it. At least now I can get scrap value back out of it!
Plus it really sucks to find a $100 fish floating!
D is the first letter of my first name
R is the first letter of my middle name
Kelly is my last name

Started using it many many years ago when I first joined forums on Al Gore's internet.

I've always read your screen name as Dr. Kelly
Cgm stands for Clayton Grady Morris and 147 is the three random numbers I picked for my hotmail. I use my screen name for all the forums I'm on and all my other Web logins..
Cgm147 originated in 2002
Recycled name from my saltwater/reef aquarium days. You think axles, lockers, and Atlas cases are expensive, look into coral! $$$ just waiting to dissolve and take everything else with it. At least now I can get scrap value back out of it!
Plus it really sucks to find a $100 fish floating!
I know... I sold my 100g saltwater about 5-6 years ago. I set it up completely on my own and completely wiped out everything in the tank a couple of times before I got it right. When I did though I had one of the best looking tanks I had ever seen, and that's not me just being biased. I sold it when I moved int an apartment and the landlord (as I was carrying it up) told me I couldn't set it up bc he thought it would be too heavy to be on a second floor. I'll do another one, one day
Hi my name is Ol'Jeeps... and I have a drink...

...oh wait....that's the "other" forum! Sorry

Hi my name is Ol'Jeeps... and I have a Jeeping problem!

Shortened from "Damned Old Jeeps!"
I've got an '87 k5 jimmy I've had for 9 years made the handle when I was 20ish years old
Not in 7/05 when you signed up it wasnt.
It was saf-t-scissors then...

haha, the olden days

and for years I thought shawn was a little black kid w/ a scowl