The story behind the name...


Slow n easy when you're not gettin greasy....
Jan 12, 2009
Fort Mill / Indian Land SC
Some of the screen names on here are pretty interesting. Some are pretty straight forward like mine. I me sure those with the interesting screen names have a good story of how they chose that particular name, so let's hear 'em. I like a good story.....
Name is because I am a BAD ASS and beat people up.

but the real answer is my OLD Jeep was Black and Blue got called BRUISER and I used it on almost every forum I am on..
XJ- designation for 84-01 Jeep Cherokee. I've owned and built 4 of them over the years.

Savage- named this because I love spending times in the woods away from people and very happy doing so, have little regard for rules or civilized ways, usually carry a variety of obscure weapons with me at all times and can use them very well.
My name's Matt. I used to have a Wrangler and my former girlfriend's son referred to my Wrangler as Mangler (Matt's Wrangler shortened to Mangler). Since AOL wouldn't let me have the screenname Mangler, I had to add the YJ distinction to get an email address.

Sort of anti-climactic when you think about it.

I saved my more imaginative screennames for actually interacting with people. I used to have Good Times.
I used to make carbon fiber race parts and custom electronics and lots of other stuff, hence the name "fabrik8" (fabricate). I used to have that on a license plate, and a surprising number of people asked me if I liked to sew.

I don't really do much metal fab though; the metal fab geniuses at the shops on here are on a totally different level, those guys are absolutely amazing.
Oscar cause my real name was bland in translation during Spanish class. 80 cause I was really good at making 30 mph signs into 80 mph signs.
I believe jeepinmatt said mine stood for Rude Harsh Stupid Crappy Turd Jeep.
In college I had to hand write this huge word count essay on some western outlaw. I wrote it all out double spaced in my best scribble, and at one point I wrote "evil, mean and nasty" to describe the outlaw. Well the teacher(obviously not realizing that was to up my word count) in bright red sharpy X's out those three words and in the margin in big showy cursive wrote "infamous". I thought it was really cool but when I started joining forums and whatnot the name was usually taken so I just added the "1" to become the "infamous1" lol. Stoopid I know!! There you have the true story of my boring screen name.
In college I had to hand write this huge word count essay on some western outlaw.
Shouldve just paid Mr fuller to write it. Then all you had to do is convert it to proper English.
Mine is pretty self explanitory. When I joined, I was a SGT. Dont really care to update it to SSG. We are called Sergeant anyways E5-E7.
I was given the nickname Strange years ago (about 96ish) due to having long hair dyed black, a green goatee, and a variety of facial piercings. When I joined forums, I figured I would keep it alive and be the strange1. Only a few people still actually call me by the name Strange, and it feels weird now when they do. Most people have a hard time believing that I was ever that person...
I was given the nickname Strange years ago (about 96ish) due to having long hair dyed black, a green goatee, and a variety of facial piercings. When I joined forums, I figured I would keep it alive and be the strange1. Only a few people still actually call me by the name Strange, and it feels weird now when they do. Most people have a hard time believing that I was ever that person...

I've been there Lol
I was going to use "Emperor" but I didn't want to be confused with some bum in DC so I jus took this instead.
What do you have against "t"?
A camp fire. Some chrome shocks and 44s (when that was inanely big) and a 90s paint job consisting of purple and neon green and edge flames and naming a vehicle in hot ash on the tailgate of said paint job and....a friendship that withstood that drunken atrocity

Oh wait...nevermind.
My magic Godmother named me Ron
At my last job we used two way radios and the mic's were terrible. So when they called my last name over the radio, Chriscoe, it would get jumbled and sound like cricket. So that was my nickname, cricket. I just kept it and took out a letter. It's also my cb handle
Got mine as a nickname while working a summer at Banks Lumber in Stanfield and now its my CB handle. Signed up for a forum (may have been this one?) and Lurch was already taken so I added a number that's been stuck in my head since elementary school.
Beer, the need for a screen name in the infancy of the inter webs, and a Black '85 4Runner.

Had just bought the 4Runner in early '97, was reasonably new to the whole computer internet thing, CNC4x4 web forum became a thing ( one of the original members of forum and club, different from NC4x4 ) and I needed a screen name.

Just happened to have been drinking a "Blackened Voodoo" micro brew ( at the time ) and it all came together.

The '85 Runner is now gone, the name is still around for forum purposes.
My name on here has changed a couple times. First it was mbrooks but every time around the flats and most people just called me the guy with the green Cherokee so I changed my name on here to greencherokee. After I sold the Cherokee and got the J truck and me being a tad OCD my name and rig not matching up irritaded me.

One day at The Flats Chris ( BUCK EYE PERFORMANCE INC ) on here came up and called me grumpy ( reference to my grumpy attitude and short stature ) I said "I ain't grumpy" he said OK how bout Happy. It kinda stuck with the people i hang out with so I changed my name on here.