The story behind the name...

Last name is Fries, no it isnt pronounced [emoji489]

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Nope Toledo
German providence Friesland is where I've been told it came from. Lot of Fries' in Salsbury NC and Cincinnati OH but no relations.

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Gotcha. Fries, Va is freeze. Not too many people call it that though but either you "Fries" in the summer and "Freeze" in the winter there. @tknopp

You're heading up that way. Not far from me either man. May have to meet up sometime and I'll show you around some. Rural Retreet isn't far from me, we play play y'all in damn near all sports.

I DD a Tacoma. Tacoma = Taco
Dunk...well that's a state of mind.

Put em together and you got it.
Been my handle for a while on a few forums. I've had others, but that's been one that's stuck.
Last name is Fries, no it isnt pronounced [emoji489]

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I’d always wondered if you were just a healthy eater and was against French fries. Kind of like that Treadway guy.
For those who don't know... Granny was our original trail rig (1996-2010).

Granny2 came next... sold shortly after losing Callalantee (2012).