The walking dead

.... glad she's gone... she's been getting on my nerves since last season. from the looks of it though Rick's the one thats F.U.C.T..... At least Tdog went out like a man!!!
man, 2 main characters dead in one episode? didnt see that coming. i wonder if the new black dude is gonna take t-dogs place? lol
I watched the first season again this weekend. Man, this show really cycles its characters. Haha, i had to remember who all the people were.
I watched the first season again this weekend. Man, this show really cycles its characters. Haha, i had to remember who all the people were.

I think that's whats great about this show. Unlike sitcoms or most any series, the plot is constantly evolving from one episode to the next and is never neatly wrapped up in the end.
Even the actors often don't know until right beforehand that they're going to get hacked.
looking forward to Merl seeing Rick again.
so is rick loosing his shit, or is lori still alive? they never showed carl actually shooting her or her dead body. personally, i think rick is just loosing it
I'm impressed they found a way to show Andrea and Maggie scantily clad in the same episode.

yeah now if they were just in the same place.... raaawwwr
And does anybody else see it coming that Merle will be out at the prison when Daryl comes through, avoiding the meeting we're all looking for?
And does anybody else see it coming that Merle will be out at the prison when Daryl comes through, avoiding the meeting we're all looking for?

Yea, I was thinking that too. Also wondering about the loyalties to Rick & to the Governor..
The interesting thing to ponder is that, if rick and his people do manage to take out the governor, does he move the people to the prison, or bring his to the town? or does he leave the people behind in the town to fend for themselves?

IF you think about it, the governors evil shenanigans have protected and sheltered his people from the realities of living in a zombie after math. Even the doctor had no idea how to react when faced with a zombie. The guards on the wall are (atleast the girl) are horrible shots. Has Rick devolved so far that he would let all those people die? has he become Shane? will he sacrifice outsiders for the benefit of his own?

if he stays in the town, will he have to resort to the governors tactics of scorch and burn outside of the town? while evil at face value it really kept the horrific realities of the outside world out of the minds of his people. They are happy and at ease inside their bubble wrapped world. I mean, the zombie arena is a show of force, showing that he has conquored the zombies and giving his people no reason to fear them.

By destroying the governor, Rick destroys this world for the townspeople.

nice timing for a mid season finale. i really hate that AMC does that.
Even the doctor had no idea how to react when faced with a zombie.

Lets be clear -Milton is not a doctor...
Rick will take over the governors position, there will be peace & harmony in the town with seven dwarfs & birds landing on snow whites shoulders...
I think Andrea will turn on the governor once she finds out what he did to Maggie and glen.

But No more till Feb. 17!? That's forever !!!!!

I think we got next weeks mid season then no more..... either way it sux