The walking dead

Don't know what else you could ask for in an opening episode. Hopefully they'll keep it up. Characters still make a lot of weird decisions though.
So they replace Hershel with Dale (in the comic, Dale lost the leg). I don't like the inmate's appearance. There was a really strange subplot involving one of them that was VERY out of place and really made me uncomfortable. I really hope they don't put it in the show.

Also, I bet Merle will reappear towards the end of the season (possibly the season finale) and I suspect the results will not be pretty.
last season ended, they were trying to find another place to hold up, right? this season starts, they're breaking into houses and magically have suppressors on TWO pistols? i guess they just found them laying around? maybe they broke into a metal shop and fabbed some up real quick? lol

i liked the episode though, lots of zombie was lacking last season. they do make some stupid decesions though, guess it makes for good tv
last season ended, they were trying to find another place to hold up, right? this season starts, they're breaking into houses and magically have suppressors on TWO pistols? i guess they just found them laying around? maybe they broke into a metal shop and fabbed some up real quick? lol

Supposedly, they're homemade flashlight suppressors. They talked about it last season on Talking Dead. I was aggravated that they wouldn't have had to go "hand to hand" if they wouldn't of have a damn shooting gallery for EVERYONE(I'm looking at you Carol). Stabbing them through the fence worked. I understand shooting some of them, but at some point there are few enough zombies and plenty of open space to run, and to not waste all your ammo!
Gotta admit, the scene w/ zombies in full riot gear was kind of slick.
okay... no one is allowed to talk about past episodes until there have been at least 3 episodes aired since... Damn spoilers... :) I'm banking my shows so I can veg on the couch for a marathon!
Nit Pickers... Movies/shows have always been changed from the books and of course try have new tools, are you gonna wander around for 6+ months and not pick up/fab up new tools?

Hell I was most disturbed by how far her belly button stuck out. :rolleyes:
Where did the zombie mob in the prison go. There was a mob coming at them from all directions, they hid in a cell, and then POOF! no more zombie mob.
how would cutting off hershels leg keep him from becoming a zombie? once he got bit, it would be in his bloodstream, right?

pumped for tonights episode!!!!
how would cutting off hershels leg keep him from becoming a zombie? once he got bit, it would be in his bloodstream, right?

pumped for tonights episode!!!!

He put a tourniquet on it immediately, I assume to stop any bloodflow back up... like people do w/ a venomous snakebite but on a worse scale...
but ya he should be a gonner either way
she's hot, but her fake southern accent makes me want to punch her in the face.

She could talk with her British accent, that would be just fine. Or she could not talk at all, either way.
I bet they use the zombie head aquarium as some sort of battery/power source. Something like a potato battery but with zombie heads.