Tow "tag" in NC tech?

Also, I inquired and no, you cannot “hang weight” on a standard plate.

I think a regular tag can be 4000, 5000, 6000, or 7000 lbs. Over 7000 lbs and you get a weighted tag.

Just so the terminology is clear - customized == personalized? Like /dev/ram? You’re getting my hopes up. :)

Yep. You may have to ask for it and let them know that it actually exists.

Sorta like when I registered both of my trailers and they told me it'll be "xxx" amount. I was like nahhhh, I want a permanent trailer tag. They almost didn't know what I was talking about. But hell, if you're going to keep a trailer, it's a lot cheaper in the long run and I never have to worry about my trailer tags being out of date after it sits for a few months and I go to use it :D
So, to wrap up my story - the dealer apparently modified the title application after they game me my copy which indicated a tag transfer. The new one, with my initials scratched out, etc., was for a new weighted tag - hence my new KS.... tag. I subsequently got a notice of a gap in the liability coverage since I had kept the tag in anticipation of using it on my new truck. Turning in the old /dev/ram tag got me out of a fine and the nice Ladies' in the Cary Tag office informed me that I could customize the new KS... tag ---- with /dev/ram since it was now available. What I'll end up with is the blue lettered, labelled "weighted" at the top, and with /dev/ram as the tag# Yea!

Jealous. I want a vanity weighted tag for my rig.

How'd you get that again?
Basically, in my opinion cuz its what worked for me, you need to find a license plate office with friendly staff - not that they're doing you a favor, just that the call center folks are hit and miss and the website won't let you do it. The process is standard - you're personalizing your weighted plate like any other. They fill out a form, you pay $30 and you get the tag and new registration in the mail.
I'm pretty sure I've seen that on a local farmer's trucks.
Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of towing trailers with Jeeps. While this is great for enthusiasts and those who need the extra space, it can be problematic for those who are not familiar with towing a trailer. Many people don’t realize that the “tag weight” of their Jeep and trailer combined is more than the weight of either piece alone. This can cause problems when towing on smaller roads or highways, as the Jeep will start to pull away from the traffic behind it.

The easiest way to ensure that your Jeep and trailer will stay connected is by using a winch. A winch is a type of rotating device used to pull things such as ropes, chains, or cables.
Thanks for the heads up.
Any advice for how to treat a wombat suspected of having monkey pox?
Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of towing trailers with Jeeps. While this is great for enthusiasts and those who need the extra space, it can be problematic for those who are not familiar with towing a trailer. Many people don’t realize that the “tag weight” of their Jeep and trailer combined is more than the weight of either piece alone. This can cause problems when towing on smaller roads or highways, as the Jeep will start to pull away from the traffic behind it.

The easiest way to ensure that your Jeep and trailer will stay connected is by using a winch. A winch is a type of rotating device used to pull things such as ropes, chains, or cables.
It's spelled wench. And they are often found in jeeps, typically with neon lights, stickers, and ducks abreast.
Truck, it’s how it’s classified on the title and registration card.

Went thru this with my old 2500 avalanche.
Thank you sir! Will relay that info to him.

The question came up when he got the reg/tags, and it showed "7000#", which barely covers the vehicle... and progressed into the "weighted tag" blackhole.

Given the potential he may (at some point) want to pull a TT, equipment trailer, etc., advised he'll need to be cognizant of the weight/NCHP 😁... until that time, loading just the backend/pulling a tiny utility trailer shouldn't raise anyone's Spidey-sense
Thank you sir! Will relay that info to him.

The question came up when he got the reg/tags, and it showed "7000#", which barely covers the vehicle... and progressed into the "weighted tag" blackhole.

Given the potential he may (at some point) want to pull a TT, equipment trailer, etc., advised he'll need to be cognizant of the weight/NCHP 😁... until that time, loading just the backend/pulling a tiny utility trailer shouldn't raise anyone's Spidey-sense
Campers are still weight exempt correct?
The weight on the camper tires doesn't contribute to the required tag weight. Pin weight does.
Took me a while to figure that one out years ago. The way the regs are written is stunningly - but not surprisingly, incomprehensible to normal human beings.

The dealer stuck me with an 8k tag. The curb weight of the truck is more than that, but just a bit. My camper only adds about 250lbs of tongue weight so I figure any DMV glancing at it isn’t gonna look twice. Hopefully.