^ < v


Sayer of Fact
Jan 12, 2007
Maiden, NC
Found this on another board.

Try to follow...
^ started a new thread

< is a genius

V figured it out
Up is less than down?
^ is lost as last years Easter egg

< may have confused everyone

V has a chance to get it
^ is fawkin' w/ us

< is one fly, handsome dude

V hopefully will get it
^has hope for me
<gets it
v keep it goin
^ got it too
< should have guessed Dave would get it!
V is now a tool!
^ Started this :poop:
< Is a Tool
V Better not screw this up :fuck-you:
^ Is a Gator
< Ain't a Gator
v is probably not a Gator
^wants IFS
<prefers SAS
v secretly loves TTB
^ is a ttb-hole
< has never owned a ttb
V is owned by <
^has wood (Giggle)
<Now gets it.
v gets to make fun of<
^ gave it too me.
< is on his way to get penicillian
v need to go to the doc to get checked
^ says ur only queer if you like
< takes in the asshole because alot of customers don't pay there bills!!
v just laughed
^ needs to teach his driver to pull cable!!
< tried like hell to drive but the mud wouldn't allow it
v bet never pulled cable anywhere but a parking lot
^ is stalking snappy on the highways

< knows both of those ^ guys and thinks they'd make a great couple

v 50/50 this guy will make a dumb short joke about <