^ < v

^ took more than one hit
< dont care bc i lold
v probably wouldnt hit it
^ is a puppet

< is a master of puppets

V is my newest puppet
<is apparently a puppet. Why do I gotta be a puppet?
v You be the puppet
^ light bulb for sale

< want to buy a light bulb

v light bulb doesn't work
^ confused me
< is eatin awesome bbq, mixed with sand in my mouth from sandblasting
v has something to say

Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
^watch out for this guy
<is scared death has beef with him
V Is wondering "who says beef?"
^ looks just like his avatar
< likes beef curtains
v likes salami:rolleyes:
^ Baffled me with BS when we met after his post on Craigslist M4M
< still laughing from these posts
v mom wears army boots and dresses him funny
^ brother from another mother
< still in therapy from dressin funny and getting board games(monopoly) as a single child
v keeps getting viruses on pc from porn sites
^ Wears matching camo panties to cover his meat curtin
< Paints his jeep cammo
v Borrows mudders camo panties
^ doesn't realize that only women have meat curtains
< knows a thing or two about meat curtains
V has never seen a meat curtain
^ all hat no cattle
< prefers his pink taco "neat and tidy"
V Wonders why he signed in to PBB not NC4x4