What have you done for your health today?

Did the bird run this morning. I think there were 10 of us F3’ers total. Fastest pace for me ever so far!

12 days in Vegas kind of threw me off my routine. The little hotel gym sucked. It feels good to be back in my normal gym with good equipment.

10 min airdyne
Front Squat/back squat superset 3x10
5x15 wall balls
2k ski
1k row

2500m row
500/400/300/200/100 row sprints 100m rest
4x10 push press
15 kB swing/farmers carry superset x 5
10 min stationary bike
Today's workout was 5 sets of dumbbell rows, 4 sets of chin-ups, 4 sets of over hand rows in the machine, and 6 sets of bicep curls in the machine.
I ate a double cheeseburger and an order of large fries today. Along with a Diet Coke and i just weighed myself.
Still 1 fiddy...
Damn, I must be a fatass...I weighed myself after a burger (veggie :lol:), fries and a mini concrete...stepped on the scale afterwards and I was one fiddy seb'm. But looking at the workout routines some of y'all have make me definitely feel old and out of shape. I might just have to get off my lazy asses and do something now. :rolleyes::lol: Mostly because over the past decade after a PCS to 1st Civ Div, Camp Couch, I've actually lost about 20 lbs. Must have been the gym making me hawngree...

Truth be told that was the first "bad" meal I've had in a while. I must say it did make me feel a little chitty afterwards.
Today's workout was 20 minutes on the incline treadmill followed by 3 sets of leg extensions, 3 sets of leg curls, and 4 sets of leg presses.
If anybody wants to try HelloFresh meal service for free, send me a PM. I have three codes for a free week, $69.95 value, only valid for new customers.

It's great for a couple of decent meals during a really busy week, especially if the alternative is takeout crap. They list about 8 recipes each week and you pick the ones you want, based on the plan/size. You still have to prep and cook it, but they send you everything except the salt and pepper, usually. We recently had some al pastor style tacos that were a huge hit with the kids.

Their thing is 'fresh,' obviously, but also that the meals are appropriately portioned for no leftovers. I've found them to be generous and usually have enough for at least a lunch portion the next day, if not two. I don't see that as a bad thing. I'd guess that the 'Family of 4' box we get is just double the ingredients for a 2-person meal, so there's that to consider for healthy meal prep, as well.
Damn, I must be a fatass...I weighed myself after a burger (veggie :lol:), fries and a mini concrete...stepped on the scale afterwards and I was one fiddy seb'm. But looking at the workout routines some of y'all have make me definitely feel old and out of shape. I might just have to get off my lazy asses and do something now. :rolleyes::lol: Mostly because over the past decade after a PCS to 1st Civ Div, Camp Couch, I've actually lost about 20 lbs. Must have been the gym making me hawngree...

Truth be told that was the first "bad" meal I've had in a while. I must say it did make me feel a little chitty afterwards.

I understand. Folks that know me will tell you that i consume 3000 to 5000 calories a day in food alone.
Not including eleventy 7 beers a day. Fo realz.
Hell, i can match @Ron beer for beer and he's more than twice my size.
True story....
This week went great, got 4 solid workouts down, PR'ed my Fran time(21/15/9 of 95lb thrusters and pullups), ate really good, and looking forward to 19.2 tonight. Starting to see some abs from all the weighted GHDs and situps I've been doing as accessory work after the main workout. Friday Night Lights is back at our gym and its 3 hours of everyone doing 19.2, trash talk, and a couple of beers. All next week I'll be hog hunting so no gym for me but I'll be walking 5-7 miles a day and paddling a canoe from the looks of all this rain.

19.2 is on 8 min clock:
25 Toes to Bars
50 Double Unders
15 Squat cleans at 135
25 Toes to Bars
50 Double unders
13 Squat cleans at 185

If you complete this in under 8 mins, add 4 mins to the clock and the weight on the bar goes up as the squat clean reps come down. Everything else stays the same. Barbell workouts are my jam, I'm good at double unders and I can string toes to bars pretty well. Looking forward to this one.
I understand. Folks that know me will tell you that i consume 3000 to 5000 calories a day in food alone.
Not including eleventy 7 beers a day. Fo realz.
Hell, i can match @Ron beer for beer and he's more than twice my size.
True story....
Tis true.
Its people like you that piss me off.

Read any diet advice n the world and you will come across this gem "CICO or calories in versus calories out are the only thing that matters"
And from a bio mechanics and physics stand point thats absolutely true.

The missing link is some folks burn 3-5x as many calories as others normally without any special exercise.
Tis true.
Its people like you that piss me off.

Read any diet advice n the world and you will come across this gem "CICO or calories in versus calories out are the only thing that matters"
And from a bio mechanics and physics stand point thats absolutely true.

The missing link is some folks burn 3-5x as many calories as others normally without any special exercise.

Thats the damn truth. When I first started working out regularly, I thought that if I limited my calorie intake in that would equal weight loss and muscle growth. Boy, was I wrong. I was eating somewhere around 1500-2000 cals a day and felt like crap. Went and had my metabolism tested and my baseline was 2600k. I was starving myself. I started eating better and my strength went up quickly, started seeing weight loss and felt a lot better. I would advise everyone to get their metabolism tested so you have a solid understanding of how much your body needs in a day. Right now I'm in a cut, so my calorie intake is down. I've noticed that my strength is down about 10% but I'm also 20lbs lighter(Mass moves mass). At the end of this cut, Ill go on maintenance and maintain my weight while also re-introducing carbs/healthy fats(almost like a re-feed but for 2 months) then I'll go on another cut.
Where did you have it tested and what method?
CO2 hood?

I'm 280lbs and 6' all the online tools say my BMR should be around 3,200/day.
From personal experimentation I can tell you I dont lose above 2,200/day and gain above 2,500/day.

In the gym, I am a "fast gainer"...I have a half brother who is the exact opposite. He cant gain weight despite eating 5k/day but struggles to add strength/mass. We both are envious of the other
Thats the damn truth. When I first started working out regularly, I thought that if I limited my calorie intake in that would equal weight loss and muscle growth. Boy, was I wrong. I was eating somewhere around 1500-2000 cals a day and felt like crap. Went and had my metabolism tested and my baseline was 2600k. I was starving myself. I started eating better and my strength went up quickly, started seeing weight loss and felt a lot better. I would advise everyone to get their metabolism tested so you have a solid understanding of how much your body needs in a day. Right now I'm in a cut, so my calorie intake is down. I've noticed that my strength is down about 10% but I'm also 20lbs lighter(Mass moves mass). At the end of this cut, Ill go on maintenance and maintain my weight while also re-introducing carbs/healthy fats(almost like a re-feed but for 2 months) then I'll go on another cut.

I've never heard of metabolism testing. How and where is something like that done.
Our gym partnered with a nutrition specialist that is local to Huntersville. She's fantastic. She also offers food programming etc. PM me if you want her contact information. The metabolism testing consisted of breathing into a machine through a tube/mouthpiece for 10 mins while your nose is clamped shut. You can not drink or eat anything for 4 hours beforehand. I did mine in the morning. Worst part was the nose clamp can be really, really tight. The machine then prints out a base metabolic rate while taking in account your age, height, and weight. Remember this is a baseline metabolic rate and doesn't take into account calories lost from working out etc. I tested at something high like 2600k base rate, my wife was somewhere around 2350. We were both higher than what we originally thought and found that we were under-eating and negatively impacting our health. Some insurance companies pay for baseline metabolism testing, others do not. I have United healthcare and she was not set up with them so I think I paid roughly $90 for it. Highly worth it IMO.
Other news...wife and I have been doing pretty well and both on board with doing a hard restart. 7-10 days (maybe longer) do a cleanse, get into dedicated exercise sessions, work on projects 'we never have time for' and overall do a lot less sitting around.

6 hours in...that whole cleanse part is starting to kick in...note to self, start on a weekend next time.
Did something slightly different today. I took only 60 seconds between sets. Normally I don't time it, and just wait until I feel ready to go before starting my next set. It was more taxing than my normal workout. I did 8-10 sets of incline dumbbells (lost count, LOL), 8-10 sets of pull-ups, 8-10 sets of dips, and 4 sets of pull downs with the small V-bar. I had to start stretching it out to 70, 80, and 90 seconds about half way through the pull-ups and dips because I wasn't recovering enough to go again.
17 of us this morning. Some had rucks, those of us that didn’t, like me, got a 38 pound concrete block. The rule, your ruck or your concrete block touches the ground, 5 burpee penalty. When I got home, my upper body was so tired it was hard to pour coffee into my coffee cup. Details here:
Follow the Soggy Brick Road – F3 MeCa
Went on an easy 30-40 minute bike ride with my wife and son.
Yesterday’s F3 workout was mostly running suicides but with progressive sets of exercises added at each turn around line. Never in my life would I have guessed I’d be running suicide drills at this age.