What have you done for your health today?

This past weekend we were at a volleyball tourney and I had a terrible headache. I had advil but nothing to take it with.
Our cooler had just been packed up it would take 20 minutes to extract it. There wasnt a water fountain, the mens room was so disgusting I thought baffroom water might be a thing.
The concession stand was out of water...and coffee...and unsweet tea. But had a coke zero.
Ok. Ill take one. My first taste of soda or artificial sweetener in 6+ weeks.

OMG...I nearly spit my advil out. It was acrid, and horrible. I got the pills down and took another sip...and yep still nasty. I threw it away.
A guess taste buds do change?
I came to the realization, about a week or so ago, that when I drink soft drinks I only keep drinking it to get the taste out of my mouth. Not nearly as hard to pass on them now.
I wish I was like that. I love the way they feel going down. But you gotta have a little sugar in it. Sparkling water doesn't cut it.
Pull-ups, chin-ups, curls, pushups. Then my younger daughter came downstairs because her internet time was up. She wanted more internet time. So I said “want to play follow-the-leader?” She said yes, so I made her do pushups and burpees. It was hilarious. Then she was the leader. Not sure what you call the exercises she did, but it reminded of Elaine on Seinfeld dancing. It got her mind off the internet and she hasn’t asked for more internet.
Yesterday’s F3 bootcamp included burpees with concrete blocks and other stuff. I’m still sore from that.

Today Ran 5.5 miles in the rain this morning with F3.
Much slower pace because my shoes got so heavy from all the rain water they soaked up.
Stating Weight -318.2 (12/27)
Last Week - 290.2
This week - 288.2
Total loss: 30 lbs

Ive officially hit my end of February target and am now getting a jump start on March.
This week I will be out of town in corporate work meetings for 2 days which all of our food will be catered, picked for us. I'll stay as clean as I can and manage portions where I cant. (We are locked in and "work" through lunch everyday which is brought in. Traditionally there is a sandwich day and a pizza day. On pizza day Ill just eat a single slice or so. And I plan to avoid the normal nightly booze fest. I could reach out to HR and ask for special meal concessions I suppose but Im not going to be that guy.
Made a pull up bar to attempt to get my big ass up in the air again an let me tell ya, pull-ups are rough with a 79” reach when ya haven’t done any in a hot min... gotta work on the ole back muscles and also realized I need a taller location for my bar so I’m not on my knees starting a pull-up! #longmanstruggles
Headed into the third and final fat loss templates. This is gonna suck. My protein/veggies stay the same but I'm limited to around 15grams of fat per day and roughly 30grams of carbs if I have a very hard workout. Today's weigh-in was at 207.6. Got a week long hunting trip in 2 weeks and I'm going to eat as healthy as I can but also know I will need the calories as we walk 5-8 miles a day with rifle/pack. Should be a fun week and I should come back lighter from it.
Lost 15 lbs in roughly one month.

Change was simply the job. I really feel for you guys caught behind a desk to long or eating anything not home cooked much. Paper work and planning was all it took to pack on some bad pounds for me in a little over 2 years.

My wife cooks, ask Dave from Oliver's.

I need to regain my big pipe wrench pulling, metal handling, fab slinging muscle tone. Loosing it at after 40 gonna make it a harder comeback.

Now if I could get my hours of sleep on track.
I started doing no carbs and no sugar on 2 Jan 19 and was 247 lbs. As of yesterday, which was the last time I stepped on the scales, I am now 229.5 lbs.

That's 17.5 lbs...not bad for just changing what I eat! Also quit drinking diet sodas at the same time. That has definitely helped my digestive tract.

My ultimate goal is for most of my body not to move when I brush my teeth :D
I'm also a cheap ass...I get a 5 pack of Oral B brushes for like 6 bucks :D
I've been away from this site for several weeks, but haven't missed a workout.

Today's workout was 8 sets of incline bench on the smith machine, 5 sets of wide grip pull-ups, 4 sets of dips, 4 sets of upright rows with the EZ curl bar, and 3 sets of overhand rows in the machine.

Fuck the smith machine. I quit using it over a year ago because it aggravated my right shoulder. I tried to start using it again about 3-4 wks ago and started light, but it still aggravates it. Today was the last time. We don't have an incline barbell bench at my work, so I guess I will just stick to incline dumbbells.

I've been eating to build muscle since the beginning of the year (particularly the last month) and I'm up about 4 lbs. My belt is still in the same notch, but maybe a hair tighter. I think most of that is in my legs as I've been hitting them twice a week for a while now after not hitting them very regularly for about a year. My legs are noticeably larger and stronger. Muscle memory is nice. I've been switching up some chest and back stuff a little too, and I think it is helping.
I. Have. Not. Done. Anything.

Y'all are rocking it though! Keep it up. I'll jump in soon enough.
Crossfit Open started last night. First workout is 15min AMRAP of 19 wallballs and 19 cal row. Doing it at 630 tonight. Won't be able to walk tomorrow for sure. Weight loss is going good. This morning I was 206.9 which is the lightest I've been in a long time. Workout clothes are getting really loose as are my pants.