What have you done for your health today?

Fun little gym session with the wife today. I've got a competition next weekend and wanted to do one of the workouts which is a deadlift ladder with a partner. 8 bars, loaded from 95lbs all the way up to 315lbs. Each person pulls it 5 times, with the last bar(315) pulled for as many reps as possible in a minute. Hit all the numbers and 315 felt pretty easy. Then we did a 10 min workout of 10 cal assault bike and 2 bar MU every minute on the minute and finished with some Overhead squats and double unders. Feeling pretty good, weight is staying around 190ish without affecting anything.
Still plugging along over here.
Diet is in check and my exercise levels are higher than ever. So far this month, I am at 75.3 miles of mountain bike riding.
Weight is at 223 for a solid 29# loss since May 24th
We have a few rides planned this weekend and considering signing up for my first Ultra marathon in November.
Exercise has been hit or miss.
Have switched up diet a bit just to allow some flexibility and "life" as have had a ton of travel the last month.

Weight 241 this morning for a total of 77lbs down since 12/27/18...These last 10 have been a fight. But its about the journey not the destination thats what I keep telling ymself.
My third crossfit competition is tomorrow. Pretty excited, should be a lot of fun. Weight has stayed consistent around 189-190. I jumped on the Inbody we have at the gym and saw that I gained another 1.5lb of muscle in the last month which is great considering my weight really hasn't changed. More muscle and less fat is always the goal. I'm creeping down to around 15% body fat and would like to be around 10-12%. Abs are starting to be consistent in the morning, but I still have some fat on the lower ones as well as love handles.

Here's a mindblowing photo. Taken exactly one year apart(back in July). Left pic I was 235-245. Right pic about 195ish. Im a bit lighter now too. Crazy what 7 months of eating correctly can do...

My third crossfit competition is tomorrow. Pretty excited, should be a lot of fun. Weight has stayed consistent around 189-190. I jumped on the Inbody we have at the gym and saw that I gained another 1.5lb of muscle in the last month which is great considering my weight really hasn't changed. More muscle and less fat is always the goal. I'm creeping down to around 15% body fat and would like to be around 10-12%. Abs are starting to be consistent in the morning, but I still have some fat on the lower ones as well as love handles.

Here's a mindblowing photo. Taken exactly one year apart(back in July). Left pic I was 235-245. Right pic about 195ish. Im a bit lighter now too. Crazy what 7 months of eating correctly can do...


Congrats on the lifestyle change man. That is unreal!
Ive challenged my employees to live/eat healthier, and we sat a 6-week challenge for body fat percentage drop.
I decided to try the 4-hour body prescribed slow-carb diet.
We are three weeks in currently.
Tracking metrics with inbody machine.
Started at 185.5 and 17.5% bf
Currently at 178.3 and 15.3% bf
Still going out and jogging on days I dont have other training. Went out this morning and was able to keep my pace for ~1.5 miles, as opposed to feeling like I was dying after a mile when I started. This morning was short at only 1.75 miles since I still cant breathe thanks to my sinuses.
Came in 2nd overall at our competition. We had some judging errors on the deadlift ladder which penalized us. If that hadn't of happened, we would have easily been first.:kaioken:

But it was a great day overall. My third competition, my partner's first. Rested all day Sunday and got back in the gym again yesterday. Looking forward to the next one.
Still chugging away (not beers by the way). I do miss my beers though. Still learning new recipes for the low carb diet as well. Some have been a hit, others not so much. I can say that I am far from starving, which is a good thing when being on a diet, but do have some cravings!. I really hope to permanently incorporate this as a life style change, though eventually having a cheat day now and again once the final goals are achieved. After four weeks, 15 lbs down at 211. The wife is also doing the same thing and she has dropped 12 lbs in 4 weeks as well!
Came in 2nd overall at our competition. We had some judging errors on the deadlift ladder which penalized us. If that hadn't of happened, we would have easily been first.:kaioken:

But it was a great day overall. My third competition, my partner's first. Rested all day Sunday and got back in the gym again yesterday. Looking forward to the next one.

Are you going to Beer City?
Are you going to Beer City?

I know we will be at Beers and Burpees this weekend. We won't be able to make Beer City as we will be out of town. Haven't done that one yet. There is another event Kegs and Kakes happening on Nov 2 that we are thinking about but still unsure.
Apparently I have run 56 miles in the last two weeks (Just discovered my running app tracks that).
9 mile run this morning in 87 mins....with a half marathon scheduled in two weeks.

Was at the beach for a week a while back, and managed to wake up and run 5-7 miles everyday, and finish 75 burpees before getting in the first bloody mary of the day.

Scale seems stuck, but it seems like I pull down a new PR for some distance interval every week, so I am in a good place.
Went in for blood work and a full physical so I can get my life insurance nailed down.
42 yo
6' 3.5" tall
222.4 lbs
BP 130/85
HR 60 bpm
Waiting on blood panel results. All in all, pretty dang healthy IMO.

Looked at monthly biking numbers. Tomorrow I have a 26 mile mountain bike loop planned, so with that and a good one Monday afternoon, I'll hit 200 miles this month.
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Checking in for the first time in a while...I am not looking for likes or attention but I get a fair amount of PMs and text messages from folks asking questions about my diet and either saying keep it up or that I motivate them to start so I am trying to stay in here as a pay it forward if nothing else.

Stating Weight -318.2 (12/27)
Today - 238.0
Total loss: 80.2 lbs

80 lbs. Damn that's embarrassing that I had that much fat to lose...and still more to go.
Been a few minor victories lately.
I had plateaued hard and evaluated everything. Cut out cheat days. Re-arranged meal timing. Increased workout frequency, intensity and composition. And weekly gains were measured in fractional pounds. Down a half pound this week. Up 2 tenths the next. September was largely a waste. And admittedly I had some "life" in there as well that got in the way.
Something clicked 2 weeks ago, and caused me to break out a calculator. I will share it for anyone struggling along because its worthwhile.
Why was my diet which worked so well suddenly not working? Was it hormone changes? Digestion adaptation? "Fat converting to muscle which weighs more so Im getting smaller but the scale stays the same"(this is largely a lie if you are obese dont fall into the trap)?
When I type that out its probably obvious to everyone except this idiot. But let me spell it out in case it isnt.

Using this: RMR Calculator | Resting Metabolic Rate Calculator - Omni
I can estimate that in the beginning My body was needing around 2,963 calories per day just to live.

So I had been eating 10oz of steak 2x a day and 4 eggs in the AM and 3 eggs in the PM (Why 4 and 3? I dont know its just what I picked).
Total calories consumed per day = 2,196

That's a deficit of 767 Kcals per day or 5,369 Kcals per week. Generally accepted data is it takes a 3,500 lb deficit to burn a lb of fat. So early on without any exercise or movement, just breathing, I should have been losing about 1.5 lbs per week. Heck even if I had a screw up (which were very very few in the beginning) I still had a nearly 2,000 calorie buffer to lose 1 lb per week.

But now at 245 the calculator says I only need 2,462 kcals per day. Meaning I was only creating a 266kCal/day deficit or 1,862kcal/week. 1862/3500...means with zero cheats and 100% compliance I could only expect around half a lb per week. Add in 1 screw up or "life" and no loss. Sounds a lot like fractional scale movement, huh? So my body was doing exactly what science would predict. Shocking. This shit actually works.
So I cut my portions back to 8oz of steak and 3 eggs at each meal. I removed 4oz of steak and 1 egg per day from my diet and its been back to a steady linear drop.
225 suddenly doesn't seem so unattainable.

There is still work to be done to get there. No doubt. But we are moving in the right direction. I also go back at the end of this month for a 6 month follow up Dr appointment to get updated blood work. Hopefully we find my body is liking the diet and no issues. If not we will adjust and plow forward.

But I mentioned earlier about a couple small victories and those are worth sharing. If you go back to my first post in the thread I mentioned much of my weight history. (I re-read it recently based on a PM I received) But two numbers jumped out to me.

1- I mentioned that in 2012 when I last went on a weight loss journey I got down to 238 and that was my bottom. Well this AM what did I weigh? Same 238. We arent stopping here this time. I will also add that last time my life was in a bit of turmoil. That was at the peak craziness of the ECORS days, I was working for Cummins and we were mid buyout, plus I had some personal issues going on and all-in-all much of my weight loss at that time was done very unhealth-ily. I wasnt losing weight and making my life better I was kind of spiraling and the weight was a by product. This time I am doing it right. I am happy and healthy and I think its sustainable! (Although my company was bought out earlier this year...trend?)
2- I mentioned in post #1 when I graduated HS I weighed 295 and wore a 36 pant. Well Finally in the last month Ive had to break down and buy some new clothes because I looked like a clown. Cinching the belt down wasnt cutting it anymore.
Im not done and didnt fill the closet up. But I bought 2 pair of "work pants" and 2 pair of blue jeans. The jeans are 36, the pants are 38s...so not all the way back to a 36 but progress.

Anyway enough of my rambling I got a shit ton of work to do.
Keep up the good work those who are fighting.
@Jody Treadway ...thanks brother. You remain a major inspiration whether you know it or not. Not sure you'll ever get my ass on one of those 2 wheelers....but Im not saying never.
I'm going to like your post whether you want me to or not.
Proud of you my friend. Congrats on changing your life in a positive manner.
Really happy tonight. Made my goal of running to the end of the road and back without stopping. This was my second goal. First was to run to the end of the road, up next is run the whole road which is ~ 4 miles.

I have my aptitude test next week and am feeling pretty good honestly. Trying not to get my Hope's too high, but I've made a lot of progress with my endurance. My biggest concern is not being able to keep my pace up 4 stories of stairs. I have class in king Saturday and plan to run the course, so we shall see.

Screenshot_20191003-230822_Samsung Health.jpg
I am officially at my lowest weight since.....I don't know....puberty? In the name of vanity, there is some extra weight that can be lost, but I am at a healthy BMI for the first time in a long time.

The wife and I have a race in the morning, she has a 10k and I have a half marathon.....been running since June, and training since mid. July. Will check back in if we both successfully make it.
Went up to Baltimore last weekend for my wife's birthday. She loves blue crabs, crab cakes etc and I have some good friends up there so why not? We ate ourselves stupid. Jumbo crab cakes, steamed blue crab, korean bbq the list goes on. Had a bunch of beers over the 4 day weekend as well. We did get some exercise in though, walked Annapolis on Saturday and most of DC on Sunday. Came back home and found I had gained about 4-5lbs(probably from all the sodium/salt intake from the seafood). Wasn't too disappointed as I knew that would happen but got back on the clean eating train Tuesday. Already back down to post weight before we left. Hit some new PR's this week. 170lb on the snatch felt super easy and could have gotten more. Hit a 355lb deadlift as well yesterday. My all time high deadlift was 365 but that was when I was 50lbs heavier so I'm happy where I am. We are starting another strength cycle next week at the gym so I'm hoping to see more numbers go up in the near future.

Today's workout looks fun.

6 rounds for time

50ft handstand walk
4 ring muscle ups
2 deadlift(355/255)

I'll be scaling everything. I'm getting better at handstand walks but can't do 50ft unbroken. 4 ring muscleups will probably be shortened to 2-3 and the deadlifts will go to 315
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I finished just under 1:53 for the half marathon......1:50 was the goal.....I started too far back at the beginning and had to work my way up....plus....excuses, excuses, excuses.

The mrs. did her 10k in just over an hour. We are both happy to have shown up and competed/finished.

For a guy who is fresh off of being well into the Clydesdale category (200lbs +). and who hasn't been doing much running for 15 years, I am happy.

Keep up the good work every one!


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