What have you done for your health today?

Last night we did "Nate"

20m AMRAP:
2 muscleups
4 handstand pushups
8 kettlebell swings(70lbs)

Last time I did this, I only did 1 muscleup and got 9 rounds and some change. This time I did 8 full rounds of 2,4,8 and it felt really good. Getting a lot more comfortable on the rings and my shoulder is finally feeling 100% again thanks to a great physio therapist and some accessory work by me.
So went to the doctors for some bronchitis over the weekend and got weighed for the first time in a while. I was 30lbs lower than my peak in 2019...but 36lbs heavier than my lowest weight in 2019. 66lbs of yo-yo’ing...insane.

17 days since this post...focusing again on not hitting drive thrus and eating the groceries we buy. Increased veggies, decreased sugar and re-implemented family exercise time. Down 16lbs. None of it is difficult, just have to stop justifying deviations out of convenience. As I’ve said elsewhere, really trying to do a lot more stuff I enjoy, which is inherently a lot less sedentary. Want to be below 3 bills, which would be the first time since high school, it’s within striking distance if I can just stay the course.
Kicked some ass at the ICycle mountain bike race at Fontana today. I missed the podium by like 4 minutes. Still a successful event for a dude who isn't afraid to ask for extra cheese
Wife and I went and hiked out at South Mountain State Park on Sunday. We did 6.5 miles and had about 2400ish ft of elevation change. I've got a 3 day backpacking trip coming up at the end of February and this was a good chance to test some new gear out. Wife loved it and I'm pretty sure we have found a new hobby.

Loaded up some more gear and the wife and I went hiking at Crowders yesterday. 4.7 miles, 843 feet ascent, -1,472 descent. Lot of people out yesterday I carried slightly more weight this time in the pack and could tell a difference, especially the first mile of the trail. Got some more gear in yesterday and just need to get a new sleeping bag(my current one is way to big and heavy to take backpacking) and ill be good to go.

Still working on the weight loss. Been walking 4-ish miles after work some days along with my other in house exercise.

Been dealing with some emotional and mental stuff lately. Even called in sick to work one day. I've never done that before in my life. So, I decided I'm going to see a therapist. Got an appointment scheduled next week already. Never had a moment's worth of shame or reservation about it. I'm looking forward to it, actually. Pharmaceuticals are my absolute last resort.

Don't forget about your mental health, yall.

And I still need to go. Went and got some #'s from my doctor. Things got a little better with me just accepting that I needed some help. That and talking with @Jody Treadway a little. I think I need to work on going.

On the plus side, I had my 2nd day of my new job today. Holy shit I'm happy that I made this change. I know it's only day 2, but I can already see the stress level is going to be way low compared to the old gig.
Started the new year at 244. 235 now. The food poisoning I got on the eve of the 1st gave me a nice jump start on the weight loss. Goal is to get back to about 195. Any more and I start to look like skin and bones.

Biggest thing I did was cut back on carbs (but not totally cut out like South Beach), cut out sweet tea (was probably getting down 10 glasses a day....a few thousand calories in sugar probably), and very limited deserts. Trying to ramp up activity level now.

244 on January 1st, before the food poisoning.

Miss my sweet tea, but have kept off of it. Lots of hard labor the past couple of weeks.

Then, a virus or the flu this past weekend. No appetite and didn't eat much on Friday. No food at all Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Ate some today (little bit of burger meat and an egg, some grits.

I am down to 222 today.

Food poisoning and the flu aren't the healthiest ways to drop weight fast. Or easy.
@jeepin' jen hydrate,hydrate, hydrate. Keeps you filling "full". First two weeks aren't terrible. Its the last few weeks that suck.

In regards to the nicotine gum, I've been using the Zyn pouches. Comes in 3 and 6mg versions. Just nicotine and flavoring, no tobacco. Pretty good and they last for an hour or so.
@jeepin' jen hydrate,hydrate, hydrate. Keeps you filling "full". First two weeks aren't terrible. Its the last few weeks that suck.

In regards to the nicotine gum, I've been using the Zyn pouches. Comes in 3 and 6mg versions. Just nicotine and flavoring, no tobacco. Pretty good and they last for an hour or so.

Thanks! I've been drinking so much freakin water to try to help but all I do is pee :rolleyes:

I was hoping this was just an adjustment period - good to know it just gets worse from here :lol: I may try the nicotine trick - I need all the help I can get, especially with trying to stay focused.
My experience going from bulking to cutting is that the first two weeks I feel very hungry, then my body adjusts to the lower calorie intake and I am good after that. I will still feel hungry at times, but it is manageable.

I'm still going to the gym every day during lunch. Doing an upper/lower split with cardio right now, so it looks like this:

Monday: upper body
Tuesday: cardio
Wednesday: legs
Thursday: upper body
Friday: cardio

I'm currently eating to grow and have gone from 188 lbs to 196 lbs over the past month.
So 2mg or 4mg? Because the hanger is real :cool:
Start with 2's. I eat 4's. One piece of gum will last you 3-5 hours if you chew it right. Never tried the pouch. Doesn't seem like I could control it as much. You'll know if you chew the gum to fast...usually involuntary hiccups. I popped a 4 at 10:00 am, took it out for lunch, had it to about 2:00. Just keep it in the lip most of the time. I'll lift with it in my lip. Metcon's not so much.
And fitness... On a strength cycle of sorts right now. I can't see my abs like i could in the summer. But I'm throwing around last years PR's for reps. So that's fun.
And one more nicotine thing. You have to cycle it as with most nootropics it seems as it loses its effectiveness at the initial ‘dosage’. At least with me. I’ll go a small pack (20 pieces) over a month or so then I’ll stay off for a couple weeks. I’m not real interested in jumping up to 6’s just to get my fix.
We took a hike with the dogs at Umstead after lunch. Even at 42°, we warmed up and shed ALL the layers before we were back to the car.

3.14 miles seems like a good excuse for pie, though.