What have you done for your health today?

So here’s my question, and i pre-apologize for the long read. For all you folks doing better, when it comes to eating, regarding my earlier comments about snowballing sabotage. On the whole, will power and self-control isn’t the issue when I’m in the right mindset. I can typically lose weight quickly, and I can stick to it for a while. Driving by the fast food places is easy, just cooking is easy, portion control isn’t that big of a deal, wife stays home now making things easier overall when it comes to food and eliminates the convenience/too busy excuse. We/I did well all week, saw a few pounds come off and physically started feeling better and clearer mentally. However, last night is a perfect example to trigger my snowball, and I have no idea how to mentally get past this hurdle. The wife and I go out to a local swanky steakhouse...both kids at the grandparents for the first time since we had the second. I automatically go into balling out mode, justified by: because I f*cking deserve it, work hard, play hard...right? Well before our food even gets to the table we (primarily me) rack up a $150 bar tab...all empty calories. I scarf down a half dozen rolls (with dressing good enough to make dog turds edible), beer cheese soup, a 14oz filet, a twice baked potato with all the fixins and dessert. Tell the wife to box hers up so it’s not wasted. Eat the wife’s for breakfast...well now today’s shot, so go to the diner we always go to after church, meh, might as well get a double chili cheeseburger. And here I sit, self-loathing, regretting doing any of it, but it’s done now. Now historically, I don’t self correct and go until my even fatter fat clothes get tight. I feel I can get back on track tomorrow. But what I don’t know how to stop is that self-justifying trigger, ‘well it’s a holiday’, ‘well it’s a birthday’, ‘well it’s date night’, ‘well we’re celebrating’...etc etc. It’s never an if, but when it’ll happen...sometimes it’s a week, sometimes it’s a year before I sabotage myself...some times I self-correct after a couple days, some times several months. How do you control that???
You have to click that switch on your own head that says "I'm gonna maintain control over food". Period
There's always an occasion to (over)eat. There's also an occasion to eat well.

Just yesterday we went to Greenville for an RV show. We wanted some grub while traveling down there. We stopped at Publix and had the deli Dept make us a Hummus wrap with all kinds of veggies and some turkey. Super good, filled us up for hours and wasn't far removed from "on plan"
I say that to also say we historically use going out of town ad an excuse to eat out at Jason's Deli, Golden Corral, random Mexican joints. But we simply can't and be able to maintain our goals.
In your case, get the 8-10 ounce sirloin and some steamed veggies or asparagus. Hold off the bread and dressing. Nobody is forcing you to overeat but yourself.
It's not easy, but like most things worthwhile, it'll take work.
Got it in today,
feeling stronger everyday!!!


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And my 10mins of stopping was for pics and 5 push-ups to make me take less pics which didn’t happen! Lmao figured y’all would enjoy the scenery even my ugly mug! 35lb pack without 3liter water my pistol and phone so round about 38lbish! Not to bad imo I could have went 5 more now to go ruck down the river bank to catch some winter bass and hopefully a musky!! Get it right, get it tight!!!

My advice is to figure out why you ate out the other night to begin with. Not saying you have an issue with eating all the time, but if eating out creates an issue, avoid it. It's very easy to indulge with tasty food. We don't make anything super fancy at home, so it's not an issue for me to eat too much. Sitting here eating some carrot sticks at home right now.

Delivered a couple bikes in Plaza Midwood last night. Stopped at a new pizza joint last night on the way home and ate too much, justifying it as I rode 60 miles that morning. IMHO, removing the temptation is a big player here.

Rode 6 miles easy on the MTB today, just enjoying the beautiful weather.
Food as reward is a tough one. For some, it helps to have a "cheat" day and to decide ahead of time how you're going to allot your 'reward'. If it's a specific food or caloric amount, you're less likely to overdo it. Then you move on to your 'plan' days and don't beat yourself up about it. And you maintain control over the relationship.

The alternative is to determine an alternate reward that isn't food.
The alternative is to determine an alternate reward that isn't food.
If I may suggest, bedtime fun time with your woman or man whatever you preffer is a great alternative to food and you gettin workout at the same damn time, double whammy!!! I’m smart I know...
So here’s my question, and i pre-apologize for the long read. For all you folks doing better, when it comes to eating, regarding my earlier comments about snowballing sabotage. On the whole, will power and self-control isn’t the issue when I’m in the right mindset. I can typically lose weight quickly, and I can stick to it for a while. Driving by the fast food places is easy, just cooking is easy, portion control isn’t that big of a deal, wife stays home now making things easier overall when it comes to food and eliminates the convenience/too busy excuse. We/I did well all week, saw a few pounds come off and physically started feeling better and clearer mentally. However, last night is a perfect example to trigger my snowball, and I have no idea how to mentally get past this hurdle. The wife and I go out to a local swanky steakhouse...both kids at the grandparents for the first time since we had the second. I automatically go into balling out mode, justified by: because I f*cking deserve it, work hard, play hard...right? Well before our food even gets to the table we (primarily me) rack up a $150 bar tab...all empty calories. I scarf down a half dozen rolls (with dressing good enough to make dog turds edible), beer cheese soup, a 14oz filet, a twice baked potato with all the fixins and dessert. Tell the wife to box hers up so it’s not wasted. Eat the wife’s for breakfast...well now today’s shot, so go to the diner we always go to after church, meh, might as well get a double chili cheeseburger. And here I sit, self-loathing, regretting doing any of it, but it’s done now. Now historically, I don’t self correct and go until my even fatter fat clothes get tight. I feel I can get back on track tomorrow. But what I don’t know how to stop is that self-justifying trigger, ‘well it’s a holiday’, ‘well it’s a birthday’, ‘well it’s date night’, ‘well we’re celebrating’...etc etc. It’s never an if, but when it’ll happen...sometimes it’s a week, sometimes it’s a year before I sabotage myself...some times I self-correct after a couple days, some times several months. How do you control that???

Is that how you and your wife used to go out before kids? If so, I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. It is a habit. You will just need to work on breaking the habit.
So here’s my question, and i pre-apologize for the long read. For all you folks doing better, when it comes to eating, regarding my earlier comments about snowballing sabotage. On the whole, will power and self-control isn’t the issue when I’m in the right mindset. I can typically lose weight quickly, and I can stick to it for a while. Driving by the fast food places is easy, just cooking is easy, portion control isn’t that big of a deal, wife stays home now making things easier overall when it comes to food and eliminates the convenience/too busy excuse. We/I did well all week, saw a few pounds come off and physically started feeling better and clearer mentally. However, last night is a perfect example to trigger my snowball, and I have no idea how to mentally get past this hurdle. The wife and I go out to a local swanky steakhouse...both kids at the grandparents for the first time since we had the second. I automatically go into balling out mode, justified by: because I f*cking deserve it, work hard, play hard...right? Well before our food even gets to the table we (primarily me) rack up a $150 bar tab...all empty calories. I scarf down a half dozen rolls (with dressing good enough to make dog turds edible), beer cheese soup, a 14oz filet, a twice baked potato with all the fixins and dessert. Tell the wife to box hers up so it’s not wasted. Eat the wife’s for breakfast...well now today’s shot, so go to the diner we always go to after church, meh, might as well get a double chili cheeseburger. And here I sit, self-loathing, regretting doing any of it, but it’s done now. Now historically, I don’t self correct and go until my even fatter fat clothes get tight. I feel I can get back on track tomorrow. But what I don’t know how to stop is that self-justifying trigger, ‘well it’s a holiday’, ‘well it’s a birthday’, ‘well it’s date night’, ‘well we’re celebrating’...etc etc. It’s never an if, but when it’ll happen...sometimes it’s a week, sometimes it’s a year before I sabotage myself...some times I self-correct after a couple days, some times several months. How do you control that???
You use to be a football star man, dig back into that discipline you used then!? We went out to eat other day at Texas Roadhouse bc myself and the lady haven’t had a date night in 19 months legit, I wanted a full rack of ribs, I then thought of my goal even tho ribs aren’t bad for ya the shit on em sorta is now that I’m reading ingredients. So I settled for a grilled chicken salad and was surprisingly just as pleased as if I had a huge barbq covered rack! It’s not easy I’m telling ya now but control and discipline combined nothing can stop ya!! I got faith you got this, just depends on how bad you want it! As I sit here eating tuna salad dryer then desired with as much veggies in it as tuna wth salt,pepper, cayenne and turmeric!
If I may suggest, bedtime fun time with your woman or man whatever you prefer is a great alternative to food and you gettin workout at the same damn time, double whammy!!! I’m smart I know...

150 minutes of aerobic activity per week is 21 minutes per day. Repeat as necessary.
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Is that how you and your wife used to go out before kids? If so, I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. It is a habit. You will just need to work on breaking the habit.

Pretty much, there was about a 6 year span before kids where I was either traveling 80% of the time or working 15+ hours/day and basically only seeing the wife on the weekend. So weekend time was our time and we’d do it big most weekends. But this chat seems to be therapeutic for me to be able to get back on track rather than derailing indefinitely.

You use to be a football star man, dig back into that discipline you used then!? ...snip...It’s not easy I’m telling ya now but control and discipline combined nothing can stop ya!! I got faith you got this, just depends on how bad you want it!

Appreciate the support man...oddly enough it helps. As for what I did in college...well, that’s a bit of a double edged sword. I was 320lbs and 12-14% body fat eating 8-10,000 calories day...still have some summer meal plans telling me to eat 2 Dominos mediums for dinner (and similar...not all meals were that bad, but they weren’t stellar either) difference was I practiced or was in the gym 6hrs/day.

150 minutes of aerobic activity per week is 21 minutes per day. Repeat as necessary.

21 mins you say...what do I do with the other 18 minutes???
Where did you go hiking? Looks awesome!

Nevermind. I figured it out. I will be going there soon!
Hit me up if it’s before March!! It’s especially awesome when the falls freeze tho, it’s a sight any time of the year imo but now is my favorite time to go bc water levels are up!
150 minutes of aerobic activity per week is 21 minutes per day. Repeat as necessary.
Hahaha I’m guessing most these guys doing good to get 21 minutes a week!!! Haha :flipoff2:<to all you min men out there...
Pretty much, there was about a 6 year span before kids where I was either traveling 80% of the time or working 15+ hours/day and basically only seeing the wife on the weekend. So weekend time was our time and we’d do it big most weekends. But this chat seems to be therapeutic for me to be able to get back on track rather than derailing indefinitely.

Appreciate the support man...oddly enough it helps. As for what I did in college...well, that’s a bit of a double edged sword. I was 320lbs and 12-14% body fat eating 8-10,000 calories day...still have some summer meal plans telling me to eat 2 Dominos mediums for dinner (and similar...not all meals were that bad, but they weren’t stellar either) difference was I practiced or was in the gym 6hrs/day.

21 mins you say...what do I do with the other 18 minutes???
I hear ya... 10k calories a day ain’t no joke I’m roughly at 3500-4500 calories a day now and try to burn a little more than I take in bc I know I’ll be doing way more burning then I get to take in soon enough!! The suck is real, not eating to full isn’t a good feeling but It gets easier! I try to eat something every 2-4 hours tho and it seems to help when comes time for actual meals!! May help you also bc I’ve always been a big eater myself! One bars are damn awesome blueberry cobbler and birthday cake are my fav I use them for post workout and sometimes beef jerky too!!
Also water intake helps me too I drink at min now 5 liters a day! During meal time I make sure it’s a solid liter to help with the full feeling! It’s a mind game to me, I’m a firm believer your mind can overcome just about anything!
150 minutes of aerobic activity per week is 21 minutes per day. Repeat as necessary.
Shawn can go 7 times a day?
Impressive at his age.
Worked myself like a sugar mill jackass on the property today for about 8hrs. Then took the wife to dinner and a movie. Dinner at Neo Burrito which we got the burrito bowls which mine had about 20 different vegetables and chicken no chips or cheese dip. Starting to feel better and have more energy but I think the sunshine the past couple days is helping with that also.
The weather definitely helps. I'm pretty sure everyone in North Carolina is tired of the damn rain...

I hauled some cardboard to the dump, grabbed some lunch, came back home to mow my yard and do all the weedeating, and then washed my truck. Not a bad day.
Ive found that it’s much easier to train and keep on track if I have something to work towards.

For me, it was several spartan races the other year, last year it was a mud run and a half marathon. This year? Another marathon and some more spartan races.

For anyone interested, I’d be up for putting together a team for an upcoming spartan race, or tough mudder, or half marathon, or a 5/10k or whatever. I know there are other members here that do those races and some more than I do. I’m up for just about any fitness type event to keep me training and working towards a goal. It keeps me motivated and I’m sure it would help with many others.

I’m not partial to any of them and would do whatever anyone else wants to. Hell, I flew up to Maine this last fall just for a half marathon with a couple buddies from high school. So, I’m down for whatever and will be the first to sign up.
Here is a sample list of upcoming events that I know about:

Charlotte Spartan race April 6-7
Fayetteville Spartan race June 1-2
Asheville Spartan race July 28-29
SC Spartan race Nov24

NC Tackle the Tar in Rocky Mount, May 18
Big Muddy Challenge, Youngsville Aug 31
Warrior Dash Huntersville June 1
Savage Race Charlotte May 18
5k foam fest Charlotte, April 6
Rugged Maniac Rockingham May 18

Plus plenty of 5 and 10k runs all over the state.

Many are as easy or as hard as you want them to be and all the ones I do, I do them for the adventure with no care as to my finish time. When I go with a team, we start as a team and we finish as a team, so anyone of most any physical condition can finish the race.

If anyone is interested, post up or PM me and maybe we’ll get something scheduled.
Well over the weekend I stuck with my eating plan but I did not hit the treadmill Saturday or Sunday. I was afraid I would give in to the urge to sleep in and skip today but I pushed thru and got up and managed to hit the treadmill anyway, even went a little longer this time!

By Wednesday I should be able to get past the warm up speed in the treadmill! o_O I say that with humor but in all honesty I have only been able to go faster than that for about a minute! It’s getting easier now and I can go longer. I’ve had knee surgery twice and a recent back injury are keeping me from really pushing it so I’ve been working my way up real slow so I don’t get hurt/discouraged and stop.

The cardio is important to me. I can’t run around in the yard with the kids for a few minutes without sucking wind and feeling like my heart will explode and I want to change that. I also can’t do things with my wife longer than a few minutes without the same effect if you catch my drift :rolleyes:.
These two things have really been eye opening and motivating me to change.
Well over the weekend I stuck with my eating plan but I did not hit the treadmill Saturday or Sunday. I was afraid I would give in to the urge to sleep in and skip today but I pushed thru and got up and managed to hit the treadmill anyway, even went a little longer this time!

By Wednesday I should be able to get past the warm up speed in the treadmill! o_O I say that with humor but in all honesty I have only been able to go faster than that for about a minute! It’s getting easier now and I can go longer. I’ve had knee surgery twice and a recent back injury are keeping me from really pushing it so I’ve been working my way up real slow so I don’t get hurt/discouraged and stop.

The cardio is important to me. I can’t run around in the yard with the kids for a few minutes without sucking wind and feeling like my heart will explode and I want to change that. I also can’t do things with my wife longer than a few minutes without the same effect if you catch my drift :rolleyes:.
These two things have really been eye opening and motivating me to change.

Effort brings success
Well over the weekend I stuck with my eating plan but I did not hit the treadmill Saturday or Sunday. I was afraid I would give in to the urge to sleep in and skip today but I pushed thru and got up and managed to hit the treadmill anyway, even went a little longer this time!

By Wednesday I should be able to get past the warm up speed in the treadmill! o_O I say that with humor but in all honesty I have only been able to go faster than that for about a minute! It’s getting easier now and I can go longer. I’ve had knee surgery twice and a recent back injury are keeping me from really pushing it so I’ve been working my way up real slow so I don’t get hurt/discouraged and stop.

The cardio is important to me. I can’t run around in the yard with the kids for a few minutes without sucking wind and feeling like my heart will explode and I want to change that. I also can’t do things with my wife longer than a few minutes without the same effect if you catch my drift :rolleyes:.
These two things have really been eye opening and motivating me to change.

I know it’s more limiting due to readily available access, but to get good cardio exercise with lower risk of aggravating a prior injury (knee, back, hip, etc), hit up a swimming pool. I mix it up and add that in every couple/few weeks and can tell a difference on my joints that have a history of giving me problems.