What have you done for your health today?

@UTfball68 - in another thread I think you called yourself a numbers guy. Well here is something that helped me in the past, and I'm back to doing it because I've gained a few too many pounds, maybe it'll help you - calorie counting. I use the MyFitnessPal app and enter everything I shove in my pie hole. Yes, it can be a pain in the ass when starting out because if the food/meal is not in their "library" then you need to enter a recipe to get the caloric content. But once it's loaded in the app, you can save it and it'll be there for the next time. Get the fitness tracker of your choice - Fit Bit, Garmin, whatever you like best - and link it to MyFitnessPal. Now you have one app that is tracking calories in (providing you enter what you eat/drink) and calories out. Enter a target caloric intake and you can see how your day compares to your target. Hell, I've been known to go for an early evening run because I was over my target and needed to burn some to get back in line. On the flip side, after a heavy day of landscaping around the house I was pleasantly surprised by how much of a deficit I created due to physical activity. Just a thought.
Unlike most, for 2019, I am trying to put the weight on. Currently 5'10" and weigh 160. Tired of people always saying chit about me being the little guy. Thing is, I hate the gym with a passion and my wife is working on losing weight, so I am having a hard time trying to eat more. I also want to not drink as much and so far I am doing a good job at it. Not keeping beer in the house much at all and typically will just have a few shots of Jager on the weekends when I do drink.
I also want to work on my mental health. Trying to calm down more as I tend to get worked up over stupid stuff. Trying to live a more stress free life and stop worrying about other people and things I can't control.
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Unlike most, for 2019, I am trying to put the weight on. Currently 5'10" and weigh 160. Tired of people always saying chit about me being the little guy. Thing is, I hate the gym with a passion and my wife is working on losing weight, so I am having a hard time trying to eat more. I also want to not drink as much and so far I am doing a good job at it. Not keeping beer in the house much at all and typically will just have a few shots of Jager on the weekends when I do drink.
I also want to work on my mental health. Trying to calm down more as I tend to get worked up over stupid stuff. Trying to live a more stress free life and stop worrying about other people and things I can't control.

I'm 5'10" 175lbs trying to get back down to 160-165lbs. I want to get the fat off of the muscle thats underneath and I need to eat healthier anyway. Last year I was 185lbs, most I've ever been so I'm getting there just really slowly.

I also hate the Gym, just get bored after a few min in so finding something to do and make it a habit has turned into a difficult search.

Good luck.
That's probably not the best way to lose the pounds, and you might want to pick your nose later.
I'm 5'8 145, work hard everyday, very physically and mentally demanding job, I need to quit smoking.
The patch, gum are too much nicotine, less than a pack a day, any ideas that have worked for anyone else?
That's probably not the best way to lose the pounds, and you might want to pick your nose later.
I'm 5'8 145, work hard everyday, very physically and mentally demanding job, I need to quit smoking.
The patch, gum are too much nicotine, less than a pack a day, any ideas that have worked for anyone else?

Cut the patch in half? We do that with several meds for the family and it works well
That's probably not the best way to lose the pounds, and you might want to pick your nose later.
I'm 5'8 145, work hard everyday, very physically and mentally demanding job, I need to quit smoking.
The patch, gum are too much nicotine, less than a pack a day, any ideas that have worked for anyone else?
Cold turkey...took several attempt. Id smoke a few a day, chew however was a pouch a day. I had to find a sustitute not only for the mouth but the times and activities. Like even avoiding break areas or people until it took.

Copious amounts of coffee and I still want a chew. Been a couple years and one or two cigs. I looked hard at the tobacco in line today.

Bought two cups coffee and a pack of powdered doughnuts.....so much for my lunch post.

My fear is if I don't have the sweets and coffee I will be back chewing. I haven't found a replacement.

Damn y’all make me feel like a ogre... @Ron, those eggs in that fashion have been my go too for last few weeks I’m probably 4 dozen in so far! That’s how I discovered Himalayan salt is good and better for ya then normal salt. I use to eat em raw after high school so I could eat more and not have a sick feeling from half dozen in the morning,but my stomach does not allow that these days lol!
But see...if Im honest. I dont wanna. See the diet is moving the scale needle. ANd if the blood work comes back all crazy they are going to want to start me on cholesterol meds, and blood pressure meds and all sorts of other ish that the root cause is the fat. I wanna lose the fat and solve the problems holistically.

I know its not that simple, thats either /or black/white...Im just giving you a glimpse inside my brain.
You don’t have to take any meds that you don’t want to. I don’t take any meds and never have and don’t plan on that changing anytime soon. I went for my first physical a few months ago and had the full work up since it had been about 15 years since my last trip to the doctor. The doctor asked what prescriptions I take and said nothing and he said are you sure, you are 44. Everything checked out good but my cholesterol was high he said and I needed to be on meds for that or it would kill me then I asked what it came back as and he said 217. So all he wanted me to do was get on a med to lower my cholesterol when my HDL is at 64 which is good cholesterol and above 60 is considered high and very good. I told him I would lower it by a lifestyle change and refused to take anything for it. IMO meds are bad and cause more issues than they fix in most cases.
My goal is to come off of my blood pressure medicine. I've dropped 7 pounds so far. I held dead on 234 for the longest time and was content, but recently got up to 243 and decided that I wasn't cool with that.

Doing away with carbs and sugar has been easier than I thought it would be. I had a protein shake for breakfast, a three egg omelet with onions, jalapeños, cheese, and chicken for lunch, and a pretty kickass angus flank steak that I made in to cheese steaks for supper. No bread, of course.

Still no diet drinks or artificial sweeteners. My guts are starting to feel and function better too. It's a shame when you can't even enjoy dropping a deuce sometimes!
As I inch toward 40 I’m seeing more and more that I can’t get away with the things I used to. Always been skinny and could eat anything with no consequences and boundless energy/strength. But 15 years sitting at a desk every day and becoming even less active after our first was born in 2016 is catching up with me. Getting soft around the middle and feeling just generally run down and not healthy. I’m not a very disciplined person so trying to start small and work my way to better health. First step has been to cut out the soft drinks, drink only (and more) water and start paying attention more attention to what (and how much) I’m eating. Next step is to figure out a way to get active/workout that will fit in my schedule. Need something I can do at the house without a ton of equipment. Looking forward to getting back in shape.
Well, tonight I had a bunch of wings, will get little sleep but waited until the 4th qtr to have 3 beers and some victory cigs. Right off the wagon but much better than normal for a game. It was worth it. Go Tigers!
Men, if you need a good group of guys that makes workouts fun and can hold you accountable, go to f3nation.com and find a workout close to you. All workouts are free, led by those in the group, open to all men, no man gets left behind, and meet outside rain or shine. I can’t say enough good things about it and about the men that are a part of it. And don’t be intimidated, the fitness levels of everyone varies greatly, from very fit to haven’t moved since high school. Everyone is reminded to “Modify as necessary” if you can’t do an activity in the workout. There are different types of workouts too, bootcamp style, kettle bells, running, and broga.

F3 sounds interesting. Looks like there is one on my way to work. I'll have to check it out.
Just stopping in to say:
For the love of Jesus H Christ; please don’t read this thread, get motivated and decide to start running for exercise all the sudden. Gotta ease into that shit or you’ll be like the other hundred thousands of people this new year who quit because their body hurts. Running ain’t easy if you’ve been a fatass for the last 10-20 years of your life. Trust me, I know first hand.
I don't agree. Jump the hell in. You will get over the soreness, you just can't be a sissy.
Get the hell up and move folks... The longer you sit, the less you live!! Get some! Remember the only easy day, was yesterday.
That F3 stuff looks interesting, but also the potential to be overwhelmed or a wooped pup.
I don't agree. Jump the hell in. You will get over the soreness, you just can't be a sissy.
Torn ligaments and deteriorated cartilage are likely outcomes and not something you just get over. I agree you need to push yourself, but you have to do the right things at the right pace. Pain is not bad, but damage is not good.

With that said...
Hey @Will Carter stop being a pussy. Go run that marathon :flipoff2: