What have you done for your health today?

Hit up day two of my 8 week commitment to a workout program yesterday. Mon-Fri.

I'm doing this The Easy-Strength Workout

It was recommended by a really good friend of mine that is a strength trainer. I actually like the simplicity of this and know it will get me stronger. I'm not looking to win any awards.

I may have to try this.
It looks like something I could do even with my physical limitations from Long Covid Syndrome.
So, I hit my 5 days last week and have a good start to the second one. For those that are interested, I'll post my workout that I'm doing. Remember, I'm doing very light. It will increase every week for 8 weeks. I feel fine doing this without any soreness. I do have a knee that gives me a little problem though.

This is also with what I have available at home to use

Week 1

1/2 mile jog
5 min jump rope

5 sets
10 dead lifts with 10lb dumb bells
10 Push ups
10 seated rows with exercise band
10 kettle bell swings with 20lb
15 crunches

Week 2

1/2 mile jog
5 min jump rope

5 sets
15 dead lifts with 15lb dumb bells
15 push ups
15 seated rows with exercise band
15 kettle bell swings with 25lb
20 crunches
Hit up day two of my 8 week commitment to a workout program yesterday. Mon-Fri.

I'm doing this The Easy-Strength Workout

It was recommended by a really good friend of mine that is a strength trainer. I actually like the simplicity of this and know it will get me stronger. I'm not looking to win any awards.
Just did this and now I'm sore. Thanks alot. Probably have to take a week off of work to recover. :laughing:
Been doing this one every week night since January 12. Skipped last night for the first time. Bumped up from 30lb dumbbells/kettlebell to 35lbs a couple days ago. Like @justjeepin86 said, i like the simplicity. Feeling stronger I suppose, but I have also put on 2-3 pounds in the past 2 weeks :laughing: :rolleyes:
Been doing this one every week night since January 12. Skipped last night for the first time. Bumped up from 30lb dumbbells/kettlebell to 35lbs a couple days ago. Like @justjeepin86 said, i like the simplicity. Feeling stronger I suppose, but I have also put on 2-3 pounds in the past 2 weeks :laughing: :rolleyes:

I'm on my 3rd week. I had to skip a few days over the weekend and beginning of the week, unfortunately, but I'm back on it. I didn't up anything this week since I had a break.
I turned 45 this week. Other than the arthritis in my knee, physically I feel I’m in the best all around shape of my life. So to celebrate leveling up to 45, I made sure I hit an F3 workout every day this week.
Monday was a 3 mile ruck with 20 lbs.
Tuesday I led the bootcamp workout.
Wednesday I led another bootcamp workout.
Thursday was another 3 mile ruck with 20 lbs.
Today was 4.75 mile run. It was cold, I had icicles in my beard.
Tomorrow I intend to get in a bootcamp workout as well.

It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.
Be thankful that your body allows it. Not everyone's genetics are like that. The the more I push, the worse it gets. Pushing through the pain just leads to chronic injury.

Yeah…my shoulder that sounds like gravel now, that I was pushing through in September/October…turned out to be a labrum tear and some arthritis
Yeah…my shoulder that sounds like gravel now, that I was pushing through in September/October…turned out to be a labrum tear and some arthritis
Hey! Welcome to the club! Living with posterior and anterior labrum tears here too. Constant clicks and pops. But it doesn't hurt bad enough to deal with surgery and the potential issues.
I bought a legit health tracker watch....GPS and HRM so I can work within the safe zones and actually track progress.

I have managed to find a couch-half marathon training program that I like and the wife and I have a couple of small races scheduled to coincide with the plan milestones.

Trying to avoid the old-age injuries of training like I did when I was a kid....my father always warned that your body ages but your mind doesn't.....if you enjoy running, training slowly and safely feels a lot like driving a Corvette responsibility.
thanks to this thread I’m now a member of the Y, been 3 days this week. Years ago I got up to 238 and got pretty serious about health got down to 185. Now sitting at 210 I’m looking to get back to 185 so I can chase Jodie -oh and his merry band of misfit lost boys through the woods on my 2x1


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thanks to this thread I’m now a member of the Y, been 3 days this week. Years ago I got up to 238 and got pretty serious about health got down to 185. Now sitting at 210 I’m looking to get back to 185 so I can chase Jodie -oh and his merry band of misfit lost boys through the woods on my 2x1
Somehow I feel like this thread spurs me to be somewhat accountable as well. I have been on almost the same weight highs and lows as you...... hopefully I am finally old enough to appreciate that consistency is more important than an infrequent failure / slip up.
In addition to mountain biking (lately it's mostly as a coach at the weekly mtb team practices) and walking the dog 2-3 miles per day (just to keep her at maintenance level Aussie :lol: ), I've been doing a 45-minute Zone 2 workout on the spin bike 3 or 4 days a week since the start of the year. It's really more like an hour and change, with warm up and cool down/stretch/foam roller. I find a YT video or podcast or music to help pass the time but it's not so bad. I can tell a difference in my endurance on the trail, for sure. I've also cut out my 'beer with dinner' that was 4-5 nights a week. I've had maybe 6 beers this month and 4 of those were this past week while skiing and celebrating a certain dude's birthday.
I took the weekend off from working out to sit with my feelings. Yesterday morning I got the call that a beloved coworker passed away after being in the hospital for 2 months. We've worked together for over 15 years & at the age of 59, she was prepping for retirement. I'm alot of sad and a little angry (selfish, I know). She had put her health on the backburner & refused to get checked out when she started feeling off because she simply had too much work to do.

So, as I sit with my grief, here's a gentle reminder ❤️
Bought a new couch and loveseat. Much like vehicles, I've never had NEW furniture....and I still don't, but I will once it gets here!

I'd been putting it off for years, delayed gratification and all (plus...I'd rather spend money on truck parts).

Decided to just do some looking. The price was right and I get to use their money for free for 12 months, so why not?

I know my back will thank me and when, not if, I fall asleep on the couch...I'll be way more comfortable. It also makes me feel like an adult and is one less thing that's constantly on my mind.

Hopefully the dogs like it. I can't even act like I would even attempt to keep them off of it. It's called FURniture, after all. I do rotate cheap, felt blankets for them to lay on though.
Went to Comp Rehab in Winston Salem yesterday for my first Long Haul Covid therapy session.
This one was just the evaluation visit, and it still hurts!
AAAAnyway ..... I was given 4 function tests .... failed 3out of 4 and barely passed the 4th.
I'm basically a n0n-functioning adult.
I was told that my "community skills" are so bad I can't even cross the street in time enough to beat the light!
He originally wanted to see me twice a week for 6 weeks ..... not gonna happen with my insurance, but I will do the work at home and do once a week.

I think I need to change my screen name to Frogger!

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