What have you done to your rig today?

@THE guyrock are you sure your neck and back are okay?
My insurance and the trooper told me to see a doc in the morning just in case. 7 hours later and I'm still good so far besides a touch stiff from nerves and aggravation haha. But I guess it is wise to get checked just to be in the safe side for the future, in nit a spring chicken anymore.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
They filed injury claims, neck/back injuries and time off work. I went and did all the insurance shit then the attorney then still workerd 11hrs while they eat my insurance money just on Monday.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
They filed injury claims, neck/back injuries and time off work. I went and did all the insurance shit then the attorney then still workerd 11hrs while they eat my insurance money just on Monday.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
How is your insurance paying for it If they pulled in front of you? Is it because Sc is a both fault state?

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
They lied and said I was traveling in the median. Which is now putting me at fault.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
F that I'd fight that shit. They got the fault ticket from cops?

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Same scenario happened to me when an Asian woman ran a stop sign and hit me a few years ago. Said it was my fault because I "might have" been speeding. It's a lame fuckaround. It's all in who can bitch the loudest.

Glad you're ok, John. I wish I could say it'll resolve easy.
Same scenario happened to me when an Asian woman ran a stop sign and hit me a few years ago. Said it was my fault because I "might have" been speeding. It's a lame fuckaround. It's all in who can bitch the loudest.

Glad you're ok, John. I wish I could say it'll resolve easy.
Damn I'd roll around in a wheel chair with a neck brace on saying I could see spots every where if someone tried that on me

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Damn I'd roll around in a wheel chair with a neck brace on saying I could see spots every where if someone tried that on me

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
I had 12 vertebrae knocked out of alignment, worse being around T4&5, cracked rib, swollen knee cap, abrasion across my left shoulder (seatbelt), bloody nose from airbag and digging out shards of glass for days. A year later..... I got "awarded" $7,000. :shaking:

Maybe a wheelchair would've been a nice touch. Unlike her, going to work is not optional for me.
The tickets actually don't say fault here, it's in the report. He couldn't finish it at the scene since they left for the hospital. He had to finish it there, I have a feeling that when EMS and Fire had me move my truck it skewed the way the accident looked to him and he leaned towards their side.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
I had 12 vertebrae knocked out of alignment, worse being around T4&5, cracked rib, swollen knee cap, abrasion across my left shoulder (seatbelt), bloody nose from airbag and digging out shards of glass for days. A year later..... I got "awarded" $7,000. :shaking:

Maybe a wheelchair would've been a nice touch. Unlike her, going to work is not optional for me.
Holy shit, you need a bubble wrap layer haha

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
Dang hope you took some pictures before you were told to move

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
There's some floating around. I was driving a 315k mile 96 Toyota Tacoma. Held up like a champ too. It did exactly what it was supposed to. The impact to the front passenger corner was enough to break the suspension loose completely from the frame and crammed it way into the cab. You could literally open the drivers door and count tread depth. Passenger would not be walking today, if with us at all. If I had one.
Well I finally got my first little welding project done. Can you guess what this booger welded POS is?


You got it, it's a quick release fire extinguisher mount. Just need to clean it up and add some paint and find a spot to mount it on the Jeep. Hopefully it'll hold together for a while lol.


Update: installed
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