Figured I would post the barrel roll pictures and story here just to cap off a pretty good build.
We were at the very top of Daniel, after the ledges, after the switch back, and on top of that last hill. Me and buddy decided to park up there and just hang out and enjoy the beautiful day for a minute. A few rigs were coming down towards us, and my buddy and I decided to get back and the jeep and head to the double parking lot to get some grub from YHDG. As we get back in the jeep, a rig in the oncoming group said his brakes were fading and he didn't want to go down the steep hill, so I told him we were heading out and he could park where I was. So I pull down between the two lines and start a three point turn to get heading the right direction. Well I didn't realize how steep of an angle I was on, and as I went to pull forward one time I got on a rock the wrong way and started leaning down the hill. I immediately tried to drive out of the lean, but it was too late and we barrel rolled down that hill, flipping 5 times before landing right side up (thank god). The jeep was still running and after changing the front tire (smashed the steel wheel), drove her back to the outpost. I had to go the wrong way down Daniel, and a lot of people had to move for me to get down, I want to thank them for letting me through; it was first roll, and I really just wanted to get back to the truck in one piece.