Who drinks their coffee black?

I usually drink it black, have since I was 15. If there's half-and-half, I'll add a splash but usually it's to improve questionable stuff, like gas station coffee.

When I drink bulletproof coffee, I use unsalted Kerrygold and MCT oil. It blends better than regular coconut oil. Sometimes I put a raw egg in with the hot coffee and blend it, then add the butter and oil. It's even more delicious that way.

We usually drink medium roast, Harris Teeter HT Traders coffee or Caza Trail k cups from Amazon.

You had me until the raw egg. I can’t knock it since I ain’t tried it, but that just sounds wierd.
I like my coffee like I like my womens;

Without somebody elses dick in it.

Quit smoking when I turned 30 and wanted to offset the weight gain. So I quit smoking and started black coffee on the same day. I bet I was a real treat to be around for awhile. Now I wont have it any other way. I am not too picky either and just run a Kcup of Folgers into my travel cup on my way to work and drink out of a ceramic mug on not work days.
You had me until the raw egg. I can’t knock it since I ain’t tried it, but that just sounds wierd.

It's frothy and tan colored, you don't know it's there. It's way tastier than anything from Starbucks!
Is coffee one of those things you have to learn to like or have y'all liked it from the first taste?
It's frothy and tan colored, you don't know it's there. It's way tastier than anything from Starbucks!

Perhaps I’ll give it a try. I been meaning to update the other coffe thread I started a while back. I have since discovered some more really good coffees.
Is coffee one of those things you have to learn to like or have y'all liked it from the first taste?

Honestly I started drinking it because it was free and always there where I used to work. Started out heavy cream and sugar and only drank it when it was cold in the shop. Gradually increased to daily and I started to enjoy the taste. Now I enjoy a good cup.
Is coffee one of those things you have to learn to like or have y'all liked it from the first taste?

I didn’t love it at first. I used to only drink it occasionally, usually when it’s cold out. These days I need it EVERY morning. And also in the evening after dinner (having a cup now)
These days I can drink coffee in the middle of the day in 95* weather. I even drink it on the beach. For me that changed when I quit dipping and coffee replaced the dip I wanted after a meal. Instead of a pinch of Copenhagen, I cup of coffee would fulfill that urge to with eat more or have a pinch.
Is coffee one of those things you have to learn to like or have y'all liked it from the first taste?

I didn’t start drinking it until I was about 25 to compensate for a lack of sleep...always drank it black...I’ve always liked it that way. But I also couldn’t tell you the difference between 3 day old burned diner coffee or perfectly brewed Kopi Luwak coffee. Some days I drank a pot, other days half a cup...these days I drink a cup of whatever K cup the wife bought that week before work...then 3-4 more at work. Keurig went down at work last week, and I didn’t drink any.
French press and a good coffee grinder (the grinder is the most important part, other than the coffee), and I don't touch anything that comes from the store, or from Starbucks. It's stale from sitting on the shelf and the distribution chain waaaay too long. Not worth buying or drinking. Also usually way over roasted, especially Starbucks beans.
Never tried butter in coffee, sounds like you're trying to cover up something. If you don't use cream, why use butter?

Good coffee is really smooth and very easy to drink black. If you don't like black coffee, get better coffee. I still use cream and sugar sometimes, but usually drink black.
Black unless its really bad/ cheap coffee then a little milk. Try cold brewed coffee a little smoother, I just usually end up too lazy to wait 2 days for it to brew in the fridge.

Kind of like whiskey used to mix it, now just put it over ice. Also not drinking green label Evan anymore either, been on a larceny kick lately. haha
Is coffee one of those things you have to learn to like or have y'all liked it from the first taste?

It might be that you're getting shitty coffee. I drink all sorts... Gas stations, mid-afternoon burnt shit from the pot at work, Keurig, Sbux, Caribou, it all tastes different, but still more or less like coffee.

The shit that came out of the pot at my grandparents house.... Not coffee.

I don't think I enjoyed it when I started drinking. I drank it because it was there and caffeinated.
I guess I started drinking black coffee back in the day, because it went well with a few cigs to get going in the morning. When I quit smoking, I had to quit drinking coffee, it made me want a cig too bad.

Fast forward a few years without coffee, and the gf made me some one morning. That coffee put me on the toilet. Quickly. Well, no more coffee for me, at least I had been without coffee for several years and wasn't really missing it.

Fast forward a few more years. One day I had to......um......go. But I couldn't. A lightbulb went off - coffee! Off I went to make some, drank it, and......nothing. So, while it didn't help me that day, I can drink coffee again! And do!

Now here's the kicker - I don't do caffeine. Decaf all the way. Black as @CasterTroy's garage.
I quit using sugar probably 6-8 months ago and now I use raw unfiltered honey instead. I’d like to learn to drink it black, but it is so good with honey, milk, and cream, I probably won’t.
Black in the evening. Cream in the morning. Took sugar out a few years ago.

When sick....real honey from a local bee keeper. You can throw all that store bought stuff in the garbage...mostly water.
As a kid I was very hyper active and the drugs of the era made it worse. Some doctor told my parents to give me coffee to see if it would help calm me down. Well it would almost put me to sleep so I was forced to drink coffee before school for a couple years until I had enough and refused. Needless to say I don’t like it and have only drank it when I had to, to not offend dignitaries working in the sand box and even hate the smell of it. Never had any coffee or coffee maker in my house.
French press and a good coffee grinder (the grinder is the most important part, other than the coffee), and I don't touch anything that comes from the store, or from Starbucks. It's stale from sitting on the shelf and the distribution chain waaaay too long. Not worth buying or drinking. Also usually way over roasted, especially Starbucks beans.
Never tried butter in coffee, sounds like you're trying to cover up something. If you don't use cream, why use butter?

Good coffee is really smooth and very easy to drink black. If you don't like black coffee, get better coffee. I still use cream and sugar sometimes, but usually drink black.
When I drink coffee, this is where I'm at - like it fresh and good. Nothing added but maybe a little sugar. No creamer for sure, thats there only when you have no choice but to drink bad coffee.

But, I'm not ashamed to admit it - most days now I drink hot tea instead of coffee. I get my caffeine from drinking high-caf teas, my current favorite is Fast Lane from Celestial Brewing. It tastes pretty damn good and has the added bonus of the wake-me-up. But I only have 1-2 bags a day, so the addiction most of y'all face really isn't a problem :flipoff2:.
A major bonus is the convenience of only needing hot water. Way easier when camping or on the road. And in a pinch needing more, I can just add more water to my mug... can't really do that w/ coffee.
Black with sugar, been slowly trying to work off the sugar but I haven't been drinking as much coffee as I used too. I think mainly since I haven't had any "good" coffee.
That stuff is more correctly called "nut juice". Enjoy!
