Years ago when I was into the show truck thing we were at a car show in Pigeon Forge and some dude came up to me and handed me a ink pen with a note on it sayin he was deaf,wanting a $2 donation to cover the pen.
I ponied up the two bucks and he walked off.A friend of mine came up and wanted to know what that was about.I told him and he said "your ass just got took" and to prove it he yelled out "hey look out for that car".Deaf dude turned around real quick and saw where it came from and gave us the bird.
Years later we were at walmart,Jake was 2-3 years old and we had just got back in the car to leave when some chick came up to us sayin that she was on here way back home,whereever she was from-I forget now,and the CV axle in her honda had broke and her and her baby were stranded.She said that one of the local mechanics said they would replace it for free if she could come up with the money for the new axle.She was like $37 short or something and anything I could spare would be appreciated.Us bein fairly new parents felt bad for her standing there holding a very young child beggin for money so I handed her $40.
She insisted on gettin on address to pay us back when she got home,to our suprise about two weeks later we got a money order for $40 in the mail.I think in some cases it's legit but for the most part it's a scam.