Spare us all.
This is still America, you chose the profession. You get no sympathy for not liking parts of your chosen profession.
Unless you have had to sit through 10 hour long sales training that you designed you wouldn't understand the pain.
Unless you have climbed into a piece of MV switchgear you wouldn't understand the danger.
yadda yadda yadda
The only point i was try to make was that we are quick to judge the actions of a person doing a job you really no nothing about. If you spend most your time interacting with people that are lying to you, running from you, fighting with you. You would have a tendency to try to stop any possible problems before they start. people don't always know the whole story, they only see what they share.
That is a bit of a shitty attitude to have to someone that would blindly protect you. Would you be that disrespectful to a war vet?? If you are not willing to do the job then show some respect to those who are willing to do the job! I certainly did not disrespect you in any way!!