Would like some input

CTB will be happy to mention this in the November issue
of our newsletter(The Trailblazer)

There is even a section for advertising your buisness(at a small price)

This is a great Idea and I am sure it will do well. I will definately purchase some. Just let me know what you would like the ad (Save Tellico) to say, and we will make it happen.
Let me know when the site gets up I will add the Link to
www.cnc4x4.org website

We will also bring this to the attention of the club at our next quarterly meeting Oct 13th.
Talked to Brent this afternoon. He is sending me some to take to the Dixie Run. Look me up and cough up the dough and you can be stylin!
Talked to Brent this afternoon. He is sending me some to take to the Dixie Run. Look me up and cough up the dough and you can be stylin!

I'll be with the East TN 4WD guys. We're supposedly going to camp in a group. I don't know you but you might see me.

Chip, I'm gonna shoot for about 100 (50/50, black and white), to send with you to the DR. at $5-$7 ea. if they sell all, well... we can all do the math I guess.
Let me know when the site gets up I will add the Link to
www.cnc4x4.org website

We will also bring this to the attention of the club at our next quarterly meeting Oct 13th.

The website is already up. Right now it just redirects to SFWDA.org but once Brent gets me some html that will go up instead. The URL will not change. http://savetellico.org
Brent & Joel,
Thanks for stepping up in a HUGE way in the Save Tellico effort! I really appreciate the thought, time and effort you two have put into supporting our cause. Guys like you make me proud to be associated with this sport!
Brent & Joel,
Thanks for stepping up in a HUGE way in the Save Tellico effort! I really appreciate the thought, time and effort you two have put into supporting our cause. Guys like you make me proud to be associated with this sport!

It was Brent's idea. I am just trying to help. :)
I've been in contact with Michelle, she's heading up the "Rescue Tellico Fund" efforts. Sounds like there might be a collaboration of efforts to focus on the "RTF" as opposed to "STF" (Save Tellico). Everything is still being discussed, so not quite clear on where this is going at the time. But either way, Keep an eye out for "Rescue Tellico" as well as "Save Tellico" for the time being. All monies donated to either WILL end up in the same bank account.

I applaud Joel on his initiative to secure SaveTellico.org, and we might still make use of it. But to alleviate confusion, our efforts may be best suited focusing on one project.

we'll see what it brings, either way, Kep and eye out for the stickers and make your contribution!

thanks all