Xtra Jeep Build Thread

Sorry for the normal pace this past week. Had too much life to take care of. Finally got back to it a little bit today. Thanks to @Jeff B for hooking me up with some exhaust parts, a bygawd FLOWMASTER!


Also finished up the sound damping on the backend, and combo sound damping/insulation on the roof.

The rear bumper was looking pretty rough.

@Jeff B also hooked me up with a stock rear bumper in pretty good condition.

I put about a dozen coats of spray on bed liner on it. We will see how it looks in daylight and holds up in use.

Also played around under hood. Replaced the air filter, the spark plugs, and added the missing electric fan. Nopics, but the spark plugs seem to have fixed the stumbling under full throttle at ~2000rpm. Now she runs like a scalded dog ! :D
I'm glad you can put them to use.
So the sweet detached exhaust dangling down apparently does a great job of cleaning the diff housing :laughing:

This was the agenda for this afternoon

One of these is purdier than the other…

I’ve had this odd shaped Husky ratchet for years, and never knew why it had such a bend and a flex head and unusually long handle until today. It’s made for XJ bumper bolts!


And they went on a lot easier.

The exhaust that was on there had these neck downs at both ends of the muffler.

Ended up making a frankensystem with some of what I had, and some of what Jeff gave me.



I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. Sound is good without being loud.

Also bled the brakes, and replaced the sway bar bushings and front bump stops.
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That shackle angle looks like a rough ride.
Spring looks rather Flat. Should ride good, but might not carry much weight. Would shackle angle effect that?
The shackle relocation changes the angle a bit. These are stock height springs, and the front uses the same hole/mount on the frame, but the rear is dropped down about about 5-6” so the spring is sitting slanted down at the rear by about 5-6”. They are also relatively flat, and I don’t need it to carry a ton of weight either. Well, actually about one ton, but not much more :D
I’m starting to get quite a collection of XJ parts so if anyone needs anything, speak up.
Rear bumper and receiver hitch are free. Axles and stock rear springs are spoken for by @Van-go I believe (not sure if he wants the D35 rear or front springs). Make offer on anything else you see.
I know its a little late, but Barnes has the center console bracket too.

I know its a little late, but Barnes has the center console bracket too.

Now that woulda been worth it. But JB welded it up for me, haha. And of course I put the console back in and forgot the rear HVAC vent pipe :rolleyes:
Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, I got the headliner done (by someone else). But it turned out great, and everything else is looking good too. Don't want to take credit for someone else's work if that is what you are implying.
No mis-credit taken. Your attention to detail and understanding of interior details knows no bounds.
Or some shit like that
Put the front seats in last night.

Got all the headliner trim and some lights and speakers back in this evening. Then finished the rear carpet.

It turned out good, but was a bit more work than I expected. None of it had holes anywhere, and there was a bunch of extra that had to be trimmed off. The molded form was pretty much the right shape. And finding holes you forgot about is a pain. :D