But I just can't get rid of it, it's not just what I drive, it's my damn truck, it's a part of who I am, I can't just throw it away . . .
FACT: it is the first piece of property you have owned, there for it is what gave you independance.
FACT: it is an APPLIANCE, just like a refridgerator, or a washing machine, you don't drool over them like a boar in rut do you ?
FACT: Yes the truck is part of your "identity" as a young adult, but you have to let go of it at some point. Your identity will be formed and shaped by SO many other influences in your life, this truck WILL become an insignificant part of your history in short order, really it will.
As many who are on this forum will agree, buy a house, get married, have a kid, you will see, that truck will be the LAST thing you think about when it's time to pay bills, make a house repair, feed/clothe the family/kid(s).
Ultimately, your identity, your life will be defined by your kids/family, and possibly if you are really lucky, your job.
some day, you'll figure out how much time and money you wasted on
The Truck because at the time you were doing what you
THOUGHT was the best thing but really didn't have the time or resources to do it right.
Building stuff in a parking lot of a dorm or where ever may be neat and cool, and allow you to do some "neat things" but in reality, what ever you do you have to cut corners due to time and $$$ constraints. you don't have time to think things thru, cuz you have to "Get 'r Done" to get to the next project or get home or class or what ever.
it's not that we / I don't like your ideas, most all of use have been there, to some degree.
All I'm trying to impart to you in past statement, THINK about what is being said.
You want to redesign the wheel, GREAT ! have fun doing it, but realize, the bigger wheel is already out there, and probably cheaper than what you will spend time and material wise to rebuild the one you have.