39.5 Boggered Tahoe...Woods Toy on 400acres

You're right, and those customers I don't care for. Judge me on my beat on rig , don't care to have your business. That's just me, I do just fine like it is.

Unfortunately, writing off an entire clientele base can make business/growth quite difficult. The folks that don’t care what your rig looks like (friends, family, online acquaintances if they’ve seen other work), will eventually dry out…then folks will be looking for a portfolio of work, especially without a showcase rig. I always figure, if you can get 10% of contacts to return a phone call, you’re doing pretty well. If you can get 10% of the remainder to actually purchase something, that’s a success. If you cut your potential customer book in half (or more), you’re just making it that much harder on yourself. Small jobs keep the lights on, but big jobs put money in your pocket. But I assume your mind is already made up.
You realize they're not judging YOU, they're judging the work performed on your own rig as a comparison to the work they want done on their own.
Yes obviously and i just don't agree with that. I do see your "reasoning " but I don't agree with all of it. A beater rig is just that, my work on customer projects speaks for itself but when people jump to conclusions and think my rig is my work quality, I ignore them cause I don't care to have that kind of person or personality in my life or business. And I'm doing just fine without those kind, hey just being honest.
Unfortunately, writing off an entire clientele base can make business/growth quite difficult.
Well I'm so well rounded im actually constantly overbooked. Most of this is because my price is very fair, work quality is good (didn't say awesome or perfect 😉) and honesty in my work and my ethics and thats what my customer base is about..the fancy pants who you're talking about I've not had those customers and I'm ok with that. I wouldn't get along with them anyway cause I can't stand judgmental people
Yes obviously and i just don't agree with that. I do see your "reasoning " but I don't agree with all of it. A beater rig is just that, my work on customer projects speaks for itself but when people jump to conclusions and think my rig is my work quality, I ignore them cause I don't care to have that kind of person or personality in my life or business. And I'm doing just fine without those kind, hey just being honest.

Lol man come on. If you were hiring a contractor to build a 10k ( cheap) deck and the only work he could show you was his rental house he just put a deck on and it had a 2x4 ledger held on with 2" screws and 12ft tall 4x4 posts with an osb deck surface but he said "hell man, it don't matter just me and my family going to be on it, I know how to do it right I just didn't"...
you wouldn't walk away and find someone else?
Lol man come on. If you were hiring a contractor to build a 10k ( cheap) deck and the only work he could show you was his rental house he just put a deck on and it had a 2x4 ledger held on with 2" screws and 12ft tall 4x4 posts with an osb deck surface but he said "hell man, it don't matter just me and my family going to be on it, I know how to do it right I just didn't"...
you wouldn't walk away and find someone else?
I hear ya but still, I don't operate like that. I have a big portfolio of my work I show people, if thsts not good enough than oh well.
Plus as busy as I am, I don't have time to build a fancy rig..someday yeah when I can hire someone to really help out but right now, I built a quick rig so I can play and stay sane lol
I hear ya but still, I don't operate like that. I have a big portfolio of my work I show people, if thsts not good enough than oh well.
Plus as busy as I am, I don't have time to build a fancy rig..someday yeah when I can hire someone to really help out but right now, I built a quick rig so I can play and stay sane lol
It ain't about fancy. It's about attention to detail and follow through.
Ain't nobody knocking ya, we're really attempting (again) to give some insight.
im actually constantly overbooked

So what kind of work do they have you doing…I know you’re not going to post everything you’re working on, but I think I’ve seen some cage kits and a forum member’s EB. If it’s putting food on the table I’m happy for you, just trying to prevent shit from happening so you’re not looking for another venture in 6-12 months.
So what kind of work do they have you doing…I know you’re not going to post everything you’re working on, but I think I’ve seen some cage kits and a forum member’s EB. If it’s putting food on the table I’m happy for you, just trying to prevent shit from happening so you’re not looking for another venture in 6-12 months.
Tons of ls swaps, built some rigs, lots of welding/ fab repair, some automotive (if I don't turn it away lol) lots of jeep stuff, etc. LS swaps is what keeps me busy and blessed, the rest is stuff that just keeps locals and new customers happy
the only work he could show you
so your example doesn't apply to me cause... my rig is BY FAR ....VERY FAR from the only work people can see. People see my work in the shop, then I have a whole slew of portfolios of all the work I do, LS swaps, random fab work and projects I've done and that is what people pay attention to.
As a matter of fact, with my rig sitting in the shop along side of the "good looking" jobs, customers always see my rig and say "dam, bet that thing is fun," being honest! Nobody ever bashes my rig except people here haha, everyone always loves it cause they can tell it's fun to go out and beat the piss out of it and not care...Key Point is = Not Care!!
Now truth be told, I do have some that have asked "why your rig doesn't look like this Tj or XJ or YJ you're building here"...I say "cause I'm not getting paid to make mine look like that, I'm spending and loosing money and time building mine". Then they say "oh yeah, good point haha"
I know some/most believe in "built it right or don't build it at all"...well I've never liked that mentality and that gets people's rigs on Jack stands for years and years cause they don't have the time to "build it pretty" since that takes forever. So I take a couple months, pull a few all-nighters and get-r-done so I can get out and play on sundays and keep my sanity. I say my sanity cause well, working 6days a week, I get depressed if I can't go out and have some kinda fun in the woods so the heck with spending years to have a rig when in just a few months tops, I can have just as bad a rig as the next guy...just looks like an abomination LMBO. Plus you know me by now, looks I don't care for at all. If I want show quality rig, I'd build one but then be sad and depressed not being able to play with it and just have a "pretty/fancy" yard ornament, screw that. I'm not a "lets go to car show, sit in the parking lot with my fancy mall crawler and talk about my light bars and lockers on raceline wheels that cost more than my whole rig is built on" (in case you haven't noticed)
but hold your horses cause when this Tahoe is done done, there is going to be a Jeep XJ LS swapped on tons 46s(ish) and guess what, ....fancy!! yeah that's right, but that's not cause of me but since i have a crap ton of jeep customers, they keep calling me a traitor LOL, so I said yall just wait, it's coming!!! So there will be my own personal XJ that will rock it out of the park but that is gonna def take a lot of money cause it won't get any shortcuts. Plans are twin turbo LS, superdutys, 46 or 54s, coilovers, the works. And yeah, it will sit in front of my shop 90% of the time as a showcase until somebody one day comes and offers some crazy amount of money for it lol
These jeep guys are part of a club, a big one actually, and not sure I'll ever go to their meets but they keep insisting on me building an XJ since that's my first love so I'm gonna have to give in sooner or later.
Read while on the crapper this morning and as is par for the course:

Except you’re the one who puts all the trash on it and lites the damn thing on fire despite everyone (for the most part) literally trying to help out and make you a better person/ business owner because they are already successful business owners. But hey. You do you.
God Bless America, that was worth the $5.50...bravo Sh...I mean John for the entertainment.

Added value: Do what everyone said.

Edit because I am slow with the jokes: See everyone in 1.7 years!

Happy Monday!
Except you’re the one who puts all the trash on it and lites the damn thing on fire despite everyone (for the most part) literally trying to help out and make you a better person/ business owner because they are already successful business owners. But hey. You do you.

First quote from the instant classic of the Fuller shop thread...BTW still waiting on a follow-up/conclusion. Damn wasn't even close on that prediction...need more data points...

...and on that bombshell, I think we can close this one out...great job everyone, we met expectations, and in some areas went above and beyond...GOOOOOOD NIGHT.
Except you’re the one who puts all the trash on it and lites the damn thing on fire despite everyone (for the most part) literally trying to help out and make you a better person/ business owner because they are already successful business owners. But hey. You do you.
for what it's worth, and probably not much cause I know I'm just pissing in the wind here, but here goes: Personal Opinion here!! I think most of the people here just can't stand to dish out advise to me and not be heard...liked...listened to..I mean c'mon lets face the facts here, you have a guy who says he's doing very well, very happy with how his business is going, actually constantly overwhelmed with work, very blessed and when prompted to do something different to "attract" different kind of customers, he says he's good, doesn't care for that but thanks anyway. Now that guy (me) is frowned upon..bashed..stupid..moron..dumpster fired thread all because he doesn't care to adhere to the advise given about a select type of possible customer base which is more than his total right to do so. And somehow that guy is the duche for "not listening" yet he is happy as could ever be doing what he does, more blessed than ever has been so why is he the bad guy??? What I see is the people who are "advising" him of some "possible" new potential clients IF he did something different with his business approach/model/product is that those guys get upset, offended whatever you call it when said "business person" doesn't take their advise...this to me is stupendous. Now obviously I don't care but it amazes me how I get so trashed on just because I don't take advise about how i build my personal rig and somehow that makes me a bad business man. I fail to see this, probably cause I'm not native born american and don't share the normal american ways like most do but dam, I'm still confused in how I'm the bad guy or the idiot in all this. Either way, I guess I'm just trying to maybe hoping show a perspective that I don't think some/most of you are seeing, but carry on as usual lol.
I know you’re not going to post everything you’re working on,
btw I tried to on a thread and like usual, got shut down cause they said "i was advertising my business without a license" ...whatever. I wasn't advertising, just sharing jobs I'm doing since it seemed some as yourself are curious of what I do. I never once tried to "recruit" any customers from it, honestly it was no different than other jobs/rigs I'v built but hey, nothing new. And I don't do the whole marketing with business license on here and diamond profile cause well, look at this thread....people have spoken out what they think of my work and potential just by my beater toy so why would anyone in their right mind come to me for work when my name has been plastered all over dumpsters in about every thread I've ever started haha. Oh well, live on, look forward and stay positive and that's how I'm where I'm at today!!
@marty79 most of us here are rooting for ya and have been for a while. This is evident.
You do need to learn to accept constructive criticism and advice without taking it personally. When advice is offered from a number of successful (see: not overwhelmed or slammed, but successful) business folks, you may want to ponder it for a bit.
Instead of being immediately defensive, maybe think to yourself "does what _________ is saying have a practical application in my work/life/business"