4" exhaust (WITH MUFFLER!! Sounds like ASS straight piped)
EGR delete with sinister up-pipe
65+ HP towing tune (SCT)
SOME kind of monitor to constantly watch EGT, EOT, ECT
And most importantly, DO NOT leave the cruise control on when climbing with +10K load.
I was leaving golden mountain fully loaded and hit that climb on 40 with the cruise at 70 when the temp went from 215 to 250 in less than a second. Limped home by stopping every 100 miles to add a gallon of water

(thank GOD for
@Jason W. )
After that I got decked, ARP gaskets, ARP studs and never use the cruise unless I'm rolling on flat ground. (lesson learned the hard way)
And I disagree with Phillip....the 2003 "whistle" is annoying to me. Maybe because the only times I've heard it were when driven by total douche canoe's that seemed to be thoroughly getting off to it's sound and made SURE everyone around them heard the variation in throttle

See also honda civic type ARRR straight piped