Automotive bubble....has it burst?

Looked like they all work at a new car dealer. Do they have to drive a brand new car to work at a dealer or something? And some of them acted proud that they had two crazy high car payments!
There's 2 school's of thought with men (typically) around paying for something;
1) Look how MUCH I paid (pounds chest and thinks the more you pay the cooler you are)
2) Look how little I paid (I'm so good I got a massive discount... And my name is Rod 🤣😎😘)

I've never understood #1. However I was surrounded by those types growing up. Kids that would destroy a brand new BMX bike because they wanted the latest and greatest and parents would fall for it
But think of the commission they earned on themselves 🤣
That's a thing though. I listened to an episode of This American Life where they followed a dealership in NJ or somewhere and it was nuts the stuff the salesmen would do to make quotas and get huge bonuses. It was not unusual for someone to trade their own car in to push themselves across the line for a bonus.
In the modern social media age - never over look the con.
The video itself - designed to look like it’s a bad thing - is actually a deep fake influencing folks to think these payments are normal
Lets not forget, as our illustrious leader Mr. Shawn often reminds us - inflation is real.
Not matter how much prices fall, they will never return to what they were is 2020. A complete rebound will be 15%+ more just because the value of a dollar has changed by that much.
Lets not forget, as our illustrious leader Mr. Shawn often reminds us - inflation is real.
Not matter how much prices fall, they will never return to what they were is 2020. A complete rebound will be 15%+ more just because the value of a dollar has changed by that much.
Fucking beat me to it
If you want to make money, get ducks
these ladies keep us in protein shots, and make enough to pay for the feed for them and our couple four legged alarms feed.....and two egotistical cats.

I was in Walmart a little over a week ago and 18-packs were going for $6 which is a complete rip-off. I buy 30-packs from Harris Teeter for $5.69. Clearly there is profit-boosting happening with the media spin on all that crap. Sad that so much of the population thinks Walmart is always a good deal; rarely are their prices better on most of the items I purchase, especially so with groceries.
I was in Walmart a little over a week ago and 18-packs were going for $6 which is a complete rip-off. I buy 30-packs from Harris Teeter for $5.69. Clearly there is profit-boosting happening with the media spin on all that crap. Sad that so much of the population thinks Walmart is always a good deal; rarely are their prices better on most of the items I purchase, especially so with groceries.
Our Harris Teeter is the cheapest price for eggs, but it’s 7.99 for a 30 pack.