If peeps would just stop texting while driving AND while waiting at stoplights AND use the gas pedal when they need to, half of the traffic jams would not exist. When stupid, no driving idiots have a smart phone in their hand it makes them even worse drivers, intelligent drivers are often too absorbed in their devices to drive any better than a 13 yo w no experience. I have been run off the road, backed into, and narrowly avoided accidents on an almost daily basis driving around the triangle for years and it's getting worse. Lately I've noticed about 1 in 10 drivers blissfully tooling down the road a night w their high beams on, blinding me and some just leave them on when I return the favor. If cell phone records were examined in every accident I bet 75% or more would be guilty of fucking w their phones at the time of the accident. Put away your phone, STFU, and have some respect for other drivers just trying to get home or to work and move your ass down the road as quickly/efficiently as safety and the speed limit will allow..........rant off but may resume at any given time.