Gotta break em in. Just take the valve stems out and then to figure eights on the pavement for about 20 minutes til they get real hot. They should be broken in by then if your rims don't cut the side walls. I've seen TSL's support the weight of a samurai even with 0 PSI. After doing the above they would actually flatten with the stems removed.
I got to work on her today with a buddy welded up the hole in the 9" then cut out the old bearing races. Then the fun task of cleaning out the housing and prepping it to put the 3rd member back in. I got the third back in then put the brakes back together and slid in the new shafts and bearings. All in all it went smooth and according to plan. I think I have a broke hub up front though ill go through it this week and see. I took it for a fun 70 mph test drive down my road and she's doing great. Now I just need my shocks to come in and ill be set!