Cl find of the day

I know it's not craigslist but I had to share
what is going on with those toes
Not CL, but maybe a piece of junk or a good deal in the NC AG paper:
"36 ft. trailer, a little rough, $1,000. Miles Little, Midland 704-791-1438."

That's all it says. No pics, no additional info. I'm guessing it's a mobile home frame, but could be a PJ hydro tilt for all I know.
Looks like this may be a great deal for someone. I don't have FB so I don't have any other info on them.

Jeep - Auto Parts - Toast, North Carolina - Marketplace | Facebook

"I have 2 CJ 7s both have 304 V8sThe blue jeep runs but does need some TLC. The brown jeep dont run but the motor is not locked up has several good parts Front End, Rear End and Transmission. Take both jeeps and make 1 good one. Good clean totles in hand $1200 or OBO or possible trade on things that go BOOM or a big Stihl or Husky Chainsaws."