Cl find of the day

I think it's effin ugly. Still cool though.
The front looks like the rear of a GTM and the sides are too wide, makes it look fat... or something.


big picture is big
I'm still trying to sell one of mine...I don't even have 13k. I like that bent left front radius arm though. That's custom :D
I'm still trying to sell one of mine...I don't even have 13k. I like that bent left front radius arm though. That's custom :D
Is the angle or are both bent? One up one down. I'll give them props for doing a straight axle conversion on it.
Always interesting when people try to sell vehicles with diesel or EV conversions and neglect to show ANY underhood pictures.
Exactly what I thought. "Hey I have this really cool awesome thing made by a 'Genius Asian' and I'm not going to show any pictures of the thing that makes it special and unique." :rolleyes: