Cl find of the day

Why is it in the wanted section? If the price weren't so high, I would think that is a fake ad.
I have seen cars in the parts section. I assume it's because CL makes you pay to list an auto now from what I was told.
I have seen cars in the parts section. I assume it's because CL makes you pay to list an auto now from what I was told.
Forgot about that part. I would say that was a mistake on their part, but considering they don't have ads and don't charge for services otherwise, it was probably a smart move. If these shady ass dealers wouldn't repost the same crap every friggin day, and spam with every single word ever as a keyword, CL could drastically reduce their bandwidth.
Today on Listing After Smoking Crack

Heck of a deal on an 02 Camaro with a T56! $3600 and a dingleball hone from being a fun toy.

Heck of a deal on an 02 Camaro with a T56! $3600 and a dingleball hone from being a fun toy.
I honestly HATE that gen Camaro... But would almost consider that for a fuckaround car

So as a OBS owner and owner of a 2 door I can tell you first hand this isnt unusual, The first couple Ive seen go for this I thought they were smoking crack. One in Florida just like this with 9k miles just sold for $55,000. I got offered $12,000 from a guy at a local auction house for my 2 door. with the square body 2 door blazers getting harder to find and more expensive its driving the cost up on these. Well, that and these era GMs are the best truck/SUVs ever built by mankind if you ask me lol .... i may be slightly biased and exaggerating but only slightly lmao
So as a OBS owner and owner of a 2 door I can tell you first hand this isnt unusual, The first couple Ive seen go for this I thought they were smoking crack. One in Florida just like this with 9k miles just sold for $55,000. I got offered $12,000 from a guy at a local auction house for my 2 door. with the square body 2 door blazers getting harder to find and more expensive its driving the cost up on these. Well, that and these era GMs are the best truck/SUVs ever built by mankind if you ask me lol .... i may be slightly biased and exaggerating but only slightly lmao
@marty79 :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::stirthepot::stirthepot:
The only evidence you need for the 800 being the height of GM engineering is changing a headlight bulb.
That’s when they pivoted out on a bar for easy access, right?