Cl find of the day

Don’t see how those will bring anywhere near that much.

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I don't get the crazy prices on the FSJs either. Esp the grand waggys from the 80s. While I like them, they weren't all that great. Definitely not enough to demand much more than sticker 30 yrs later.

I keep telling myself i will not buy anymore projects/toys but damn i want this. Somebody go get it quick.

Guess i should say it was posted a little while ago on greenvilles craigslist
actually had terrible boating accident and lost all firearms.
Last time I go shooting with @Paul

Sumbitch put me on a John boat headed to a range on an island down south of Oakracoke. Boat flipped, lost everything

Every thing
He fat fingered and added a zero, right? He wants $1,700 for it. He has to.
"I was planning on a couple more things to finish her restoration, which will take this jeep conservatively over the 20k range. This is based on completed auctions on ebay and sold vehicles not what people are asking."
i will give it to him that is a clean xj and does have some decent parts put into it, that realistically in the market today could get him close to 10,000 for the right person, but 17,000 is stupid high
Saw this on the NC Agricultural Review classifieds:
"All-purpose Steel Master metal building, open end, 120x48 ft. wide, 19 ft. high,
still in crate, $25,000. Ronald Hammonds, Lumberton 910-734-2991.

I know nothing about it and have no affiliation, just passing along what seems like a lot of ft^2 for the money.