Coronavirus project thread

Got the angle braces welded to the beam and the gantry stood back up. Need to finish some painting, then raise to full height, and find a catch can for the chain.

It's been two years since I welded anything. Most looked good. My out of position, overhead welds looked like the underside of a third grade school desk.


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While not due to the viruz, more due to my unemployment, the whole beer bug thing is still on some people's minds so I'll cheat a little to post this here:

Sanded down the old bunk bed set that my brothers and I used when my two sons age. Used some quick dry spray polyurethane, wife loved it, so we will see how long they last.

Before and after pics

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Been a while since I updated m garage build. Work has been slow due to some health set backs. Back story here is I have neuropathy in my feet pretty bad. part of my feet, and my upper body is very sensitive to touch, and movement. Then part of my feet (toes) have very little feeling at all. I wore a new pair of shoes, and they were a lil tighter than my old ones. Seems some how I got a wire stuck in my toe. No idea when, or how it got there. I got a sore on my toe, an it kept getting worse, went to urgent care, they sent me to a wound specialist, 2 days in-between, it was like it got worse 100 fold. Wound doc took one look at it and sent me to Mission Hospital in Asheville, where I was admitted on Friday, surgery on Saturday, then another one on the following Wednesday. Took off my big to on my right foot. Honestly, the day of, the following day up until now, I had zero pain. So yeah, that slowed down progress. Then my shoulder, the left one, was really hurting due to arthritis, and as luck would have it, the right did the same thing. Pain pills which I had, did nothing. on a 1-10 pain scale, I would have had to give it a 10+. The right one got to feeling a lot better, but not so much for my left. But I kept trying to get some progress on my building, and I had some help, both before and during the toe and should issues. An old friend from High School, Mr John Fuller, My son @josh$$ and my next door neighbor have lent a hand. I did some of it, and I directed what I wanted/or needed done, wiring wise. I have all my receptacles run on the bottom, except my circuit for my drill press and my fridge, microwave and coffee maker. Wire nutting the junction bow and connecting it in the breaker box is all that's left there. A receptacle for my exhaust fan (running on a drop cord for now, finish wiring to my ceiling fans, also on a drop cord for now. Then I will be finished with the wiring.
I got my power supply to the shop back filled, does need some shovel and rake work still though. Ha to 17 ton loads of crush and run brought in and spread, and one load of #57 washed stone brought in. I have a pretty decent driveway into my shop if I say so myself.
So, here's a couple pics.

This is the corner where my fridge, microwave and coffee maker will go

This is my breaker box. Keep in mind, I am not an electrician

These are some of my receptacles all around my building. There is one on each of the metal stubs, except in the corners

And finally, one of my exhaust fan. Just a harbor freight fan. Supposed to move 300 cubic feet per minute. I hope this will help with the high temps in the building. Just a simple shelf and a hole cut out to blow the hot air out. Sealed it up with some duck tape.
Oldest son had trouble on the original bunk ladder, and the wifey said both bunks needed side rails.

With a wiggle of my nose, cross of my arms, and a nod of my head...... POOF

2x3 construction with 1x8 rail boards. Incorporated the "latching" system into the side rails, it rests of the plywood under the mattresses, on the bed rails themselves, and is about 1/8 or so from being solid on the carpet. Going to sand it down some, hit it with the MAP torch, then some clear semi gloss polyurethane.

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Oldest son had trouble on the original bunk ladder, and the wifey said both bunks needed side rails.

With a wiggle of my nose, cross of my arms, and a nod of my head...... POOF

2x3 construction with 1x8 rail boards. Incorporated the "latching" system into the side rails, it rests of the plywood under the mattresses, on the bed rails themselves, and is about 1/8 or so from being solid on the carpet. Going to sand it down some, hit it with the MAP torch, then some clear semi gloss polyurethane.

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Couldn't put the poly on because it started raining on me, but you get the look reguardless. Even put the boys initials on their respective bunk side board.

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Well I started this on March 9th and I am finally getting close to completion

Still lots more work but it is all coming together.

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Well I started this on March 9th and I am finally getting close to completion

Still lots more work but it is all coming together.
Wise man putting the shallow end by the terraces. My kid mind instantly thought multilevel diving board. My dad had to swap our pool around on install when I was a kid. It would have placed the deep end by the house right under a second floor deck. He knew what would happen so he put the shallow end there. I went up there and contemplated the jump 100 times, but it was just a touch too sketchy for 4 ft.
Wise man putting the shallow end by the terraces. My kid mind instantly thought multilevel diving board. My dad had to swap our pool around on install when I was a kid. It would have placed the deep end by the house right under a second floor deck. He knew what would happen so he put the shallow end there. I went up there and contemplated the jump 100 times, but it was just a touch too sketchy for 4 ft.
What you don't see it the two story roof about 6feet from deep end :) just hope the kids don't find the ladders.
What you don't see it the two story roof about 6feet from deep end :) just hope the kids don't find the ladders.

Brings back memories of stupid things I did as a kid. I had a friend who had a kidney shaped pool behind his split level house. One day we got to looking and decided if we got on the lower roof from the upstairs bathroom, and hauled ass down the roof towards the edge, we should have enough speed to clear the concrete patio and land safely in the pool. Mind you, due to the way the backyard was dug out for the pool it was still a 2 story fall into the pool. Man, we had a blast jumping off the roof into the pool until his dad came home. I don’t think we swam in that pool for the rest of the summer. Everyone made the leap into the pool with no issues but looking back, we were so lucky. There were so many ways things could have turned bad.
Before I even got my building up, I was shopping for things, for the building. One of my plans(in my head) mostly came to reality yesterday and today.
I had bought a woodstove for winter heat in the shop, and I had a metal work table ai have had for 15 or maybe even 20 years. My vision was to put the woodstove on the table, and make a roll cart from some HF furniture dollies. Roll it out, take it to the door, fill it with wood, and then shove it up under the stove. Cut down on the mess, and keep the floor more open. It's gonna have a fan blowing up over the top to direct the heat a lil better. Ceiling fans in, so they will blow the rising heat back down. Anyway here's the table and the stove. It's amazing hat a little paint will do!
Before I even got my building up, I was shopping for things, for the building. One of my plans(in my head) mostly came to reality yesterday and today.
I had bought a woodstove for winter heat in the shop, and I had a metal work table ai have had for 15 or maybe even 20 years. My vision was to put the woodstove on the table, and make a roll cart from some HF furniture dollies. Roll it out, take it to the door, fill it with wood, and then shove it up under the stove. Cut down on the mess, and keep the floor more open. It's gonna have a fan blowing up over the top to direct the heat a lil better. Ceiling fans in, so they will blow the rising heat back down. Anyway here's the table and the stove. It's amazing hat a little paint will do!
View attachment 320376
You might also consider what many do, set a barrel or tank outside, & collect used motor oil. Run a line in for the stove, add a valve, & have like a Drip Line. Burn the oil or use it to Spice up the wood!
So....what color do I paint the third one? Green, to make a power rangers set, or black, because well, BLM?

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I'm more curious what one does with 3 lifts.
This fountain belonged to my grandmother. My father is not sure how long she had it, but it wasn't new when I first went to visit her around 1980, so I'm guessing it was from the 60's or 70's. When my grandmother passed away in 1987, my parents put it in their back yard. One winter probably around the late 90's, my father let it sit out and freeze. The whole bottom cracked and fell out. My father fixed it, but it always leaked. They moved into a retirement home last December, and didn't want to take it with them, so I went and got it. We removed the old failed repair, built a new bottom using a flower pot plastic base as a mold, and painted it. It sits right outside our kitchen window now. It has been working for about 3-4 weeks now and does not appear to be leaking.

I'm more curious what one does with 3 lifts.

Originally had 5 of them. Traded away 2.

Usually just use two. Occasionally have a use for 3, like the last time i pulled a pickup flatbed. One in back, one on each side at the front, with a cross beam under the bed so that the tires would clear the jack bases.
Originally had 5 of them. Traded away 2.

Usually just use two. Occasionally have a use for 3, like the last time i pulled a pickup flatbed. One in back, one on each side at the front, with a cross beam under the bed so that the tires would clear the jack bases.

I remember when I was 14, I worked at a service station. Mostly I pumped gas(back when full service was common) check fluids, washed windshields, and checked air pressures. The station I worked had two bays, only one had a lift(drive on) But he has these type jacks and used them a lot. The would come in real handy these days lifting a bed off a truck to change out sending units/fuel pump!
I came into a bunch of camlock fittings, so made up a manifold and some short hoses, so I could hook my trash pump to my IBC tank, and up to 3 hoses off of that for watering or whatever. Vertical hose back to the tank is for recirc so the pump doesn't overheat. I can close that valve just a bit, and get the pressure on the garden hose going out to about as much as you want to hold.

I also have a long suction hose so I can fill the tank from the pond (via the recirc circuit), then reconnect the suction side of the pump to the tank and pump from it.

Used it today to wash down the M715 down at the shop.

I came into a bunch of camlock fittings, so made up a manifold and some short hoses, so I could hook my trash pump to my IBC tank, and up to 3 hoses off of that for watering or whatever. Vertical hose back to the tank is for recirc so the pump doesn't overheat. I can close that valve just a bit, and get the pressure on the garden hose going out to about as much as you want to hold.

I also have a long suction hose so I can fill the tank from the pond (via the recirc circuit), then reconnect the suction side of the pump to the tank and pump from it.

Used it today to wash down the M715 down at the shop.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a fire engine works!
