Finally a Diesel.. CTD, W250.. Dyno'ed again

WOW is all I can SAY..

Well myself and some freinds loaded up and headed out to PA from NC for the weekend..

I had my 1st Gen with my bed camper, my trailer and jeep on back..

I averaged 12.9 MPG on the trip..
even at 70mph on hills never got about 1150 degrees on Pyro..
truck always had plenty of power to pass people if needed..

I am just amazed at the power I had with only a few upgrades..

oh and the New Mirrors were AWESOME I could see the entire road with no issues at all..

Click on pic to see full size

WOW is all I can SAY..
Well myself and some freinds loaded up and headed out to PA from NC for the weekend..
I had my 1st Gen with my bed camper, my trailer and jeep on back..
I averaged 12.9 MPG on the trip..
even at 70mph on hills never got about 1150 degrees on Pyro..
truck always had plenty of power to pass people if needed..
I am just amazed at the power I had with only a few upgrades..
oh and the New Mirrors were AWESOME I could see the entire road with no issues at all..
Click on pic to see full size
Nice job BRUISER! My buddy has a 91 like yours...been fun making easy mods into great power. I like what you've been doing with yours...keep up the good work!!!:gitrdun:
Well Since I bought my truck I have had Electrical issues with my truck..

Odometer did not work, tach did not work, a/c control did not work, heater fan did not work, the list went on and on..

For the most part I have fixed everything except the A/C.

So last weekend I was doing a bunch of yard work and I needed to run tolowes well the wife wanted to ride along so I got ready to get into the truck and she said " HECK NO is it 95 outside".. so we took her Grand Cherokee.

So it got me thinking my wife is due in 4 months maybe I should try to get the A/C working..

So that leads us into this "How To" topic.


- Have a known good fire extinguisher within sight.
- Have a clean, uncluttered work area.
- Have good lighting.

If you burn down your truck or kill your A/C compressor I am not liable this is only a reference guide for those of us that have tried everything...

items you wil need:
- electrical wire
- toggle switch
- electrical end connectors.
- wire butt connectors
- wire cutters
You will be surprised how easy this really is..

Step 1:
take some electrical wire and strip the ends..
then clip on some roach clips so you are making mini jumper cables.
then attach one side to battery positive side
and stick a paper clip in other side with one side of paper clip sticking out to a point.
remember this is now a HOT wire

step 2:
locate the plug in the picture below.
you are looking for the blue wire.
now stick the paper clip into the blue wire hole and see if your compressor clicks.
If it clicks that means your compressor clutch is good.
Do Not leave power to clutch
make sure you pull out the paper clip



If the clutch clicked the proceed on.. if not then stop and go see a professional A/C guy.
Step 3:
Before you go any further you need to make sure your A/C is charged.. if it has no Freon in it you will burn up your Compressor..

So how do you do this?
1. go to professional
2. go to auto parts store and buy cheap "do it yourself" kit.
3. after you do the rest of the wiring.. you must connect the "do it yourself" kit before you turn on the system.

Step 4:
Follow the wiring harness up until you get to a good open spot that you can pull all the wires out and find the BLUE wire again..

You will need to cut this wire and splice in a NEW wire
see pic:


step 5:
on the firewall you will see the low side A/C relay.. if you do not want to burn up your compressor you need to connect to this.
This lets the compressor cycle on and off.

You will connect the wire that you spliced into the blue wire to one side.

The other side will go inside the cab to a toggle switch.


Step 6:
Run the wire into the cab and connect it to the power side of the toggle switch
then run another wire from the AUX power side of the toggle switch to Power.. preferably ignition switch so when you turn off truck you do not forget to turn off toggle switch

My switches are just temporary because I wanted to make sure this is gonna work


So now you have it all connected.. what is next?

you start your truck and turn on A/C switch you just installed and turn the fan on high, then go back to the "do it yourself" kit that you hooked the the A/C lines.. it is best to shake the can while it is filling.. [just follow the directions]

once the system is full you should start to feel cool air inside the cab

So did it work??


I have full A/C and it fells great..

Hope this helps some since is getting pretty HOT in most states.
Having gone through this myself, a few observations from mine.

Don't shake the can. You can introduce liquid into the line.

If your A/C doens't have much (or any) of a charge, you're just going to have to go back in later when the moisture in the system tears things up.. It's really best to take it in, let the shop pull a vacuum, and charge it from there...

And, the fill kit with the pressure gauge is 10x better than without.
Having gone through this myself, a few observations from mine.
Don't shake the can. You can introduce liquid into the line.
If your A/C doens't have much (or any) of a charge, you're just going to have to go back in later when the moisture in the system tears things up.. It's really best to take it in, let the shop pull a vacuum, and charge it from there...
And, the fill kit with the pressure gauge is 10x better than without.

Yes that is correct gauges are best.. that is what I used when doing mine.. [shh a buddy has a set.. and NO you can not borrow them]
No doubt about the vacuum for moisture removal. Also semi-good for leak detection (gross) before you drop cash for a refrigerant charge. Not as good as the flame test leak detection if you have a pinhole though. Ask me how I know.

Sorry I did not read everything Ken. Congrats on papa to be if I did not alread tell you. My mind is going. Looks good.
nice. i believe i have a set of hvac controls in my stash should you ever need/want them.
One thing I don't see that has to be addressed is the evaporator temp. sensor. It also tells the compressor when to cycle off so it doesn't turn the evaporator into a solid block of ice after running for awhile. Maybe you have done something about it and I'm not seeing it. Judging from the amount of oil around the low pressure switch it looks like the expansion vavle may be leaking also (I think that's what I'm seeing, a block with the lines runnning to it at the firewall).
One thing I don't see that has to be addressed is the evaporator temp. sensor. It also tells the compressor when to cycle off so it doesn't turn the evaporator into a solid block of ice after running for awhile. Maybe you have done something about it and I'm not seeing it. Judging from the amount of oil around the low pressure switch it looks like the expansion vavle may be leaking also (I think that's what I'm seeing, a block with the lines runnning to it at the firewall).

ya to be honest I was told what to do by a A/C guy.. so he said do this, do that and I just did it..

figured others way want to know how to bypass switch since electrical issues are common on 1st gen.

but now that you say that I am gonna stop by and ask him about that and see what he says..

I guess the good news is I only drive about 10 miles a day so the chance of it freezing it not likely for me :)
Where did you get that thing dyno'd?
kinda reminds me of carolina auto masters in downtown.
Where did you get that thing dyno'd?
kinda reminds me of carolina auto masters in downtown.

Yup that is the Place... Bad news is We broke the Dyno by the end of the day :( oops
yeah i used to hang out there all the time when my buddy mike ellis worked there/ half owned it(4 years or more ago), but i think jeffs a big :poop:head.
i remember once i was there he was on the dyno with a built motor in a vette(JUST BUILT MOTOR), and took that thing up to almost 1k rpm over redline! oh, ellis was hot bout that!
but i think jeffs a big :poop:head.

I think that was the overall line of thought throughout the day... :rolleyes:

The tech was OK... just a parrot for Jeff. As stated, the electronics (including the PC) have been sitting in the open... collecting shop filth, for YEARS... and they blamed it on diesel soot! :shaking:

Granted, there was a TON of "blackness" being deposited, but if it were my junk, it'd either be in a sealed cabinet (w/ proper ventilation) or remotely located FROM THE START!
I agree.. I say we go somewhere else.. give our money to someone that is there to help us.. not just for the money