finally my XJ to keep for good, innovative

Hey 88jokster your famous! Bet your children are proud.....
All that is needed to be said.

The things you do in this life define you as a man.

And this proves your a little bitch.

You dont even respect your family enough to take safety advice to keep YOU , Let alone your wife and kid(s).

You sir are a boy.
An immatue little boy (bitch)

And this is the legacy your leaving behind.

Hope to see you stuck on the trail.


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Hey cory, id appreciate to leave my family and kids out of this. Thats going too far man, grow up. When have i spoken of ur family so please evryone laugh at my jeep, my shop, myself but keep my wife and kids out of it. You guys dont have a clue of who i am or my family and i have respected yalls families and please do so yourselves. Thank you.
This thread is spiraling out of control and is beginning to read like something found on pirate. I joined this forum because it is not pirate. I dont like seeing this guy get bashed on. Its great that you guys want to give him advice but only he can decide if he wants to follow it or ignore. If he follows it then great, but if not then so be it.

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Well said redwagon, welcome to the haters club and sadly enough not any better than pirate. U sound like a true sport so stay real. Peace.
With all this bashing and hating i think im getting suicidal, bullying is number one deathrate nowadays and this should be reported and my profile name should be "well hated member." Go ahead moderators, knock yourselves out, i know ur dying to do it. Put my head on that stake!
For the first time ever, i am at a loss for words.
Not really. The ONLY time i have been threatened on this interwebz thing was from..........
John Fuller of Boone NC, AKA 88jeepster.
Remember that John?
And i was just being my usual charming self!
Hmm I think I could convince the right magistrate to issue an involuntary commitment due to all his other builds and this statement. Too bad I don't work in Watauga.
For the first time ever, i am at a loss for words.
Not really. The ONLY time i have been threatened on this interwebz thing was from..........
John Fuller of Boone NC, AKA 88jeepster.
Remember that John?
And i was just being my usual charming self!
hey buddy, I remember exactly how that went and since you and everyone else then got outa hand, well so did I because I remember correctly you started with talking smack about my family like cory did and then said to chill cause you were only joking. this is why people don't need to involve their families in their smack downs but keep it between the grown ups if that's what you call yourselves cause when people's families are involved, people as myself and others i'm sure tend to get very very defensive so I made my peace about that but again, I HAVE NEVER LASHED OUT AT ANYONE AS A FIRST STARTER BUT ONLY AS A RE-SPONDER.
Hmm, I think I could convince the right magistrate to issue an involuntary commitment due to all his other builds and this statement. Too bad I don't work in Watauga.
I think the other thing you guys forget is I don't build jeeps like this for others or sell to others. The Yellow Jeep is the only one I sold, which had a very expensive lift on it, and only ghetto fabbed the track bar cause I never drove it but like 7 times that year just on Gamedays and told the guy buying it to fix that properly or make it better for any swort of off roading or street use. my personal jeeps which is what you've seen on this post and the other green one with the doubler on 38s are my project beat around close to home toys that hardly ever see pavement except to my close playaround spots so please pay attention to that aspect of my posts. you act like i'm cruising down highways and daily driver these toys of mine with kids and stuff.
For the first time ever, i am at a loss for words.
Not really. The ONLY time i have been threatened on this interwebz thing was from..........
John Fuller of Boone NC, AKA 88jeepster.
Remember that John?
And i was just being my usual charming self!
and who is Paul? u called me that last time....I'm still confused...
good news is I finished boxing in my LCA mounts, pics coming, and got dual shocks set up for the rear but now got a question about that. I tried dual shock setup in rear and well, it seems to ride harder or stiffer....can anyone explain? I thought it would ride smoother but it's not. what am I missing in the mathematics of that setup?
The XJ is probably just too light got dual shocks.

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I know that Paul guy.... he ain't too bright.....

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
This thread is spiraling out of control and is beginning to read like something found on pirate. I joined this forum because it is not pirate. I dont like seeing this guy get bashed on. Its great that you guys want to give him advice but only he can decide if he wants to follow it or ignore. If he follows it then great, but if not then so be it.

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Thats how I felt the first time he posted a thread and got beat up on. But by the second/third/whatever'eth time, he's just a glutton for punishment. All it takes is NOT navigated the interwebz to NC4x4 if he hates it so much.
Thank God, I haven't had this much funny stuff to read since...his last thread.
so if your local, do I know you, seen you around, drive a noticeable truck or such. maybe for a chance someone local I could get to know for a change with a face and not just some internet jabber. but if your scared of my "personhood" and criticize me from this forum than we'll just stick with this online jibber jabber. I wouldn't want to "endanger" you by being in my presence or pass on my "afro ingenuity" and "ghetto danger fabulousity" to you and wouldn't want your reputation on here to diminish because you actually met someone face to face and actually got to know the "real" person behind a keyboard. But incase you are ever up for meeting, would love to meet and chat someday about builds and jeeps and life and such and be real people face to face with common grounds of values and dreams,; trust me I am nothing close to what you and these guys think I am.