free roll cage material

1) thats why Im a degreed engineer and you're not
2) 'think' isn't your strong point

The times I've sat at a monthly progress meeting on a jobsite and WANTED to say that........holy hell I hate being a professional sometimes
sorry dude but no. 1. never claimed to be some big fabricator welder, ever. 2. I've only stated that what i can weld is what i can weld for me and my uses and for customers vehicles with the normal 3/16 stuff and has never ever failed.
Just to be clear about what we are talking about here, John.
You are running a business where you are charging people money to weld for them. So of these part include suspension which are critical to safety of the vehicle.
You are not a certified welder. This is not illegal by any means. But your claim it is "good enough" for your customer.
We are providing a completely, 100% free opportunity for you to prove to use that it is, is fact, good enough for your customers, and to clear your name, by using the same test that is the industry standard. A pass at the absolute most basic tests for welding.
These are standard industry tests. Nobody here is cheating or out to get you. We just want to see the actual proof.

What's the problem? In fact you will come out BETTER THAN FREE because you will be get a free spool of wire out of the deal. On me.
This is not illegal by any means. .


lets remember he famously proclaimed he didnt collect or pay taxes and didnt have a business license so...yeah there is that.

Thats my biggest issue with the dude. He makes a living by stealing from the fine people of this state. By not paying his fair share he says inherently tat he is better than all of us idiots paying taxs and running businesses legally.

Regardless of material used, any structural item fully welded to a sheet metal unibody is prone to fail. The proper way to do this is to weld a panel of .090" or .125 sheet metal to the unibody, and weld the tube to the plate.

The plate is not to be welded completely.

It is also good practice to through bolt and sandwich the unibody with another larger plate on opposite side, and use grade 8 bolts of at least. 375".

For practice weld also 1.75 tube to a piece of 16 ga plate, and then destroy it. The sheet metal will hopefully tear at the edge of the heat affected zone. If the weld breaks, you have much bigger problems.

We had a large truck part with this problem about 8-10 years ago. The body or shell of the assembly was 1.7mm (1/16") with two 10mm thick mounting tabs welded on to mount the assembly to the truck. After a few years in production, the thin body/shell would crack right beside where the 10mm brackets were welded on. I was assigned to fix the problem. The solution I came up with is exactly as you described. I designed some 3mm thick plates to fit between the 10mm mounting brackets and the body/shell of the assembly. I specified the 3mm plates to be basically stitch welded 1" down each side of the plate on all four corners of the reinforcement plate. We haven't had any more failures since that fix.
[Judge] show me what you got

[Atty for the plaintiff] first, exhibit A is an 8x10 glossy color photograph of a wrecked bus full of nuns, orphans, and puppies, all either maimed or dead. Exhibit B is a 8x10 glossy color photograph of a broken control arm made by the defendant from an old bed frame. Exhibit C is a printout of several threads from where two architects, a dozen engineers, two dozen professional welders and fabricators, three dozen auto mechanics, and several dozen amateur fabricators told him that if he continued doing shitty work, he would kill a bus load of nuns, orphans and puppies.

[Judge] and I understand, Mr martyjohn, that although you are doing paying work for the general public, that you do not have any liability insurance as a professional mechanic, welder, or fabricator? You are SCREWED.
We had a large truck part with this problem about 8-10 years ago. The body or shell of the assembly was 1.7mm (1/16") with two 10mm thick mounting tabs welded on to mount the assembly to the truck. After a few years in production, the thin body/shell would crack right beside where the 10mm brackets were welded on. I was assigned to fix the problem. The solution I came up with is exactly as you described. I designed some 3mm thick plates to fit between the 10mm mounting brackets and the body/shell of the assembly. I specified the 3mm plates to be basically stitch welded 1" down each side of the plate on all four corners of the reinforcement plate. We haven't had any more failures since that fix.

No surprise that they were failing there. A very rigid plate welded to a flexible panel makes a huge stress riser where the dramatic change in stiffness occurs. Add some loads, and some vibration, and bingo.
all of this because Dylan just wants the trampoline out of his yard because one of the oranges bounced back at him. methinks JF uses lead based paint chips as a condiment on his food.

I will sweeten the deal for you. All you need to do is *honestly* take the challenge (you do the welding yourself, with your 110 machine) using the 3/8 coupons and tested by Mac5005.

If you pass visual and bend test, I will donate $100 in your honor to the Methodist Home for Children (Methodist Home for Children — Inspiring hope. Changing lives.). They'll send you a neat acknowledgement card and everything. (I'd offer your favorite charity, but couldn't stomach something stupid like supporting Bernie or Hillary, suggest something if you want).

If you fail, you man up, and admit in this thread that you are not the welder/fabricator that you profess to be, and that you admit that you just might kill somebody someday with your weak attempts at welding and fabrication.

If by some miracle you pass, PM me and remind me of this, will do asap.

DP (putting MY money where my mouth is)

I will sweeten the deal for you. All you need to do is *honestly* take the challenge (you do the welding yourself, with your 110 machine) using the 3/8 coupons and tested by Mac5005.

If you pass visual and bend test, I will donate $100 in your honor to the Methodist Home for Children (Methodist Home for Children — Inspiring hope. Changing lives.). They'll send you a neat acknowledgement card and everything. (I'd offer your favorite charity, but couldn't stomach something stupid like supporting Bernie or Hillary, suggest something if you want).

If you fail, you man up, and admit in this thread that you are not the welder/fabricator that you profess to be, and that you admit that you just might kill somebody someday with your weak attempts at welding and fabrication.

If by some miracle you pass, PM me and remind me of this, will do asap.

DP (putting MY money where my mouth is)

I will sweeten the deal for you. All you need to do is *honestly* take the challenge (you do the welding yourself, with your 110 machine) using the 3/8 coupons and tested by Mac5005.

If you pass visual and bend test, I will donate $100 in your honor to the Methodist Home for Children (Methodist Home for Children — Inspiring hope. Changing lives.). They'll send you a neat acknowledgement card and everything. (I'd offer your favorite charity, but couldn't stomach something stupid like supporting Bernie or Hillary, suggest something if you want).

If you fail, you man up, and admit in this thread that you are not the welder/fabricator that you profess to be, and that you admit that you just might kill somebody someday with your weak attempts at welding and fabrication.

If by some miracle you pass, PM me and remind me of this, will do asap.

DP (putting MY money where my mouth is)

1) first somebody please tell him the coupons are not for 10% off on another Harbor Freight welder- we need to get that cleared up JF - coupons are the parent metal used in welding tests. I know you want to weld sheet metal to 3/8" plate but these will be same thickness and new. so don't be scared, thats the way its supposed to be.
2) that's a legit call out. he may not be Methodist but hes a self proclaimed religious man, and why WOULDNT he do this. heck, I'd do this if it was offered to me!
1) first somebody please tell him the coupons are not for 10% off on another Harbor Freight welder

I legitimately just spit cheerwine on my keyboard
I am betting a test method used for certifications practices doesn't qualify for his level of quality. He most likely doesn't understand the test isn't to tear it apart rather than prove its fusion, ductility, and weld continuity. I guess me having no less than ten such procedural certifications makes me and those like me unqualified to educate or reprimand bad practices. So calling yourself a welder is like me claiming to be a doctor. You and people like you Mr Fuller are why professionals like myself put up with custmers who desire my quality with your attitude and price point.
Thanks, I need that thing! I wish I kept my trailblazer..
Almost page 20 :rockon:
Damn, forgot to check this during lunch break. Now I gotta read everything since like page 11 to get caught up. Can a man not go to work anymore. Gawwwssshhhhh :shaking:

Post some up close pics of your freakishly strong welds please. I've been doing it wrong for years obviously since I can't figure out how to get good penetration with .035 FC unto .500"+ wall steel.

Please!!!?? :D
Thats my biggest issue with the dude. He makes a living by stealing from the fine people of this state. By not paying his fair share he says inherently tat he is better than all of us idiots paying taxs and running businesses legally.
truth is Ron I've never had to pay taxes because of being low income...I'm not going to show you all my tax records for the last 13yrs but i never had to pay a dime because of being a low income housing/family. If you're not aware of this than go look into it and see for yourself. Low income people actually get back tons of money on tax return for free from the government which I quit doing years ago because you're right, that's not fair to get back thousands and thousands of dollars free for nothing but having kids and low income. I work harder than most people I've ever met but as much as i hate to bring it up....being a fellon makes it VERY VERY HARD to get a legit job that pays legit money so please spare me of your awesomeness that you're blessed with....I have to live with the poor decisions i made in my early years of growing up and have had to do what i can to provide for my family. I gave up trying to get jobs when every job i apply for sends me copy of my criminal report of why I'm a looser and not worthy to hire....if you were in my shoes I'm sure you and most would do the same thing and improvise doing what you can to make a living and I am to say the least very happy and greatful to have what i have.

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