Fuel Prices report

Murphy's in Morganton (@ Wal Mart) $3,77 reg gas, and $4.99 Diesel, On the way into town, everything was $4.09-$4.19
My wife said the station across from the Brintles truck stop is 3.98 for regular.
Just filled up at $3.58 for 87. Diesel was $4.63.

Wally world gas station next to my shop. I thought it was a typo since most of the other stations are around $3.90, but since then I found another couple at $3.6X.
Maryland is on "fuel tax holiday" for 30 days.
Wooptie Doo, instant 36 cent / gal savings.

... until later when they realize they needed that money bc the cost of road repair didn't magically go away too.
I think it’s interesting that Europe, who would be most affected by Russia moving on Ukraine, hasn’t sanctioned Russia by refusing their petro exports. The US however is outraged that some other country would invade a sovereign nation to further its own interests, and is refusing to do busines. It’s sort of like a guy watching his work buddy mouth off and make threats to another coworker in a bar and be like “you tell him Bob…imma sit here and finish this beer”.
I think it’s interesting that Europe, who would be most affected by Russia moving on Ukraine, hasn’t sanctioned Russia by refusing their petro exports. The US however is outraged that some other country would invade a sovereign nation to further its own interests, and is refusing to do busines. It’s sort of like a guy watching his work buddy mouth off and make threats to another coworker in a bar and be like “you tell him Bob…imma sit here and finish this beer”.

We don't rely on Russia as much as Europe does for oil, gas, etc.
We don't rely on Russia as much as Europe does for oil, gas, etc.
So the outrage and “standing by Ukraine” has limits defined by commodities.
Lets not kid ourselves...most feelings aren't unconditional.
Gotta admit it's clever

But 300 gallons? Thats a shitpile of gas. Like 2100+ lbs worth. I don't understand how that could even fit in a van.
EDIT - quick math says 300 gallons is ~40 cubic feet. So yeah it's fit in just the right sized container, but its a lot of weight!
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Gotta admit it's clever

But 300 gallons? Thats a shitpile of gas. Like 2100+ lbs worth. I don't understand how that could even fit in a van.
EDIT - quick math says 300 gallons is ~40 cubic feet. So yeah it's fit in just the right sized container, but its a lot of weight!
They probably have a tote in the center. Liquid Totes These are either 275 or 330 gallon ones. Fun fact. I haul fertilizer for a company in GA. If its liquid in 5 gallon pales we are good to go. If it's liquid in totes it requires a tanker endorsement.
Gotta admit it's clever

But 300 gallons? Thats a shitpile of gas. Like 2100+ lbs worth. I don't understand how that could even fit in a van.
EDIT - quick math says 300 gallons is ~40 cubic feet. So yeah it's fit in just the right sized container, but its a lot of weight!

There is NO WAY a Chrysler mini van is hauling that much weight. Gas is roughly 7 lbs. per gallon, not counting the container. I think diesel may be heavier because of the lack of refining. So 300 gallons is more than the payload capacity of most half-ton (and many 3/4 ton) trucks.

Me thinks they did steal some gas, but the gas station is exaggerating how much was stolen to bump it into a higher theft class. Even with a pump inside the "van" to pull it up from the underground tank, you would think the owner would notice someone parked over their pump access for 30-45 minutes (guesstimate of how long it would take to pump 300 gallons). And for it to happen more than once and in the middle of the day? Come on......

Interesting statement at the end of the article about him contacting the insurance company to see if it's covered......

Either way, simple and cheap solution is to place an orange traffic cone over the access cover. Parking lot is big enough that most people can drive around it. At least until the fuel prices go back down.
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Was talking to one of my grad students in San Diego yesterday, he said gas there is consistently 6.50
Put diesel in the RV today. :( $4.86 in Forest City. Regular $3.95
Gasoline holding at 3.89 in Mount Airy and 3.99 in Galax.

Smithfield area was as low as 3.79 this past weekend.