Fuel Prices report

Highest gas/diesel I've seen in Chattanooga over the past week: 4.49/5.57
Lowest gas/diesel I've seen in Chattanooga over the past week: 3.89/5.09
Virginia is a mix. I see 5.40ish to 6.00 for diesel. Gasoline is mostly 4.39 to 4.59.

I filled the work car (CRV) up in Stuart yesterday and fit $50 in it.

Has never been 50 before 😐
How soon before we get $6 gas?
Diesel over $6 in many stations in VA.
$81 to fill up XJ. Damn…..
Just went to Texas and back on I20, cheapest diesel was 4.63, most expensive 5.89. Never saw a sign for 6+. Cheapest gas was 4.09, most expensive was 4.79.

Unleaded is 4.59 here local ....... about 1.00 from being triple of the day Brandon took office.
For work travel we are being discouraged to rent cars, bc of the high price of gas. Mind you on any given trip I'd bet I do about...30-50 miles.
Me - "So how are we to get around?"
Admin - "Just take an Uber or Taxi."
Me - "You know they also adjust their rates to include the cost of gas right? And this will save...[counts on fingers].. $3 in gas. On a $3k trip. This conversation cost more than that."
Admin - [blank stare]
For work travel we are being discouraged to rent cars, bc of the high price of gas. Mind you on any given trip I'd bet I do about...30-50 miles.
Me - "So how are we to get around?"
Admin - "Just take an Uber or Taxi."
Me - "You know they also adjust their rates to include the cost of gas right? And this will save...[counts on fingers].. $3 in gas. On a $3k trip. This conversation cost more than that."
Admin - [blank govco ignorance and following pointless guidance from higher up office stooges stare]
Added to it to match my numerous experiences after 20yrs dealing with this and very similar situations with the overlords.
Filled up personal vehicle and 2 work vehicles this AM. Hendersonville/South AVL area
Gas at Circle K- $4.49
Diesel at same- $5.59
Gas at local Murphy Express- $4.29
Diesel at local truck stop- $5.89
4.80 pretty much everywhere around here now.

I'll be in san diego in 24 hrs, look out for a fun report
Gas has to get to almost 7 to be triple? Its about double now
Not here. We were paying less than 2.00/ gal local. Triple for us would be less than 6. We are at 4.59 now.
Not here. We were paying less than 2.00/ gal local. Triple for us would be less than 6. We are at 4.59 now.
Give it a month or so. The idiots in DC have given the oil companies no reason to lower prices when the Energy secretary said don't expect gas priced to drop anytime in the next 10 years or when the bumbling administration has come out and said that no new refineries will be licensed in the US.
BIL returned from KC, Mo yesterday... mid-teens 5.0L F-150 towing 6500# travel trailer... $500 in fuel alone. Granted, they're retired... typically drive for 2 hours, stop for gas/pee/dogs then repeat in 2 more hours, so likely NOT price shopping on the highwway?

Dreading the haul to Windrocks in a few week... which smells of a $500 fuel bill
I remember paying closer to a buck a gallon at some point under Obama. Guess that makes him better than Trump?

Nope, that only happened because he depleted US emergency reserves.
Trump built those back up and prices stayed low.