Fuel Prices report

Coming home from Myrtle today I saw from 5.71 to 4.79. 4.79$ was at Enoree, exit 38 on 26 outside Spartanburg. Most places in North Myrtle were around 5.40 during the last week.
Coming home from Myrtle today I saw from 5.71 to 4.79. 4.79$ was at Enoree, exit 38 on 26 outside Spartanburg. Most places in North Myrtle were around 5.40 during the last week.
In Camden, SC its 4.39 at the Murphy IIRC. Diesel is 4.69 maybe. I can't exactly remember. It however a couple miles off I20. Anyone traveling I20 towards the coast pass about 3 miles from the house. Exit 98 has a good Fatz Cafe we visit weekly. :)
Filled a race jug today after filling the mower from the stash for 4.22 in Mount Airy.

The other jug for diesel from filling the tractor was painful 😖
Saw $3.99 in the boonies on 460 in VA going to Kairos this last weekend.


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Pulled a u turn to fill up my 38 gallon 2500 yukon xl after a camping trip for $3.82 in Lexington SC. Next station down was $3.7x I saw while I was already pumping.
Camden Murphy had gas at 3.95 and diesel at 4.55 the other day when I went to fill up.
Saw $3.60 at the Sheetz yesterday.

Under $90:

3.23 for regular in Clayton today, 4.60 for diesel.

Saw 4.59 for diesel today in Bennetsville, SC. Wasn’t in my P/U or I’d have stopped to top off best I’ve seen around Aberdeen has been 4.89 with the Circle K discount.
$3.40 at the Sheetz.


What are you running 88 in and has mileage suffered?

I filled up 3 of my fleet today at the same station for $3.44 for 87. 65 gallons and the thirstyest of them was half full...
Wife's 2010 ford edge. It registered a .2 mpg drop, so not sure I'd it truly dropped or just different driving. We did have a problem of E88 giving a misfire, but fresh plugs (has 300k on it, so needed) solved that.
This was a couple days ago, & in the War Spot of Denver, NC. Murphy, & others. Normal prices for regular elsewhere are $3.49.


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