
yager said:
Anyone watch the Trucks show this weekend on how to clean up your veggi oil... Im sure its old news to some, but i found it interesting (and simple...)

I saw that too. It looked fairly simple and easy (of course that was edited down to fit in a 5 minute segment). I forgot the name of the company that made the equipment. I had wanted to look them up and see how much it costs. What gear are you using to filter the vegetable oil with BigWoody?

Now when they start making it simple(er) to produce your own corn/rap-seed/cotton oil from crops then more people will get in the mix...

It would have an interesting impact on farm subsidies including those the gov't is paying to let their fields go back to wild to avoid surpluses. You would think that scientists would be able to create a hybrid that could yield more of the vegetable oil ingredients. That would surely make it a bit more economical.
Ridgerunner said:
I heard This morning that some Gas Stations have up the price to $2.99 For Regular I spoke with best friend in California and they are expectiing gas to reach 4.00 buy the end of the month. This is Just plain stupid The gas companies are using this hurricane to make more money. I know there would be some impack from this but .50 per gallon or more. this is going to bring things to a screaching halt. It sucks becuase they have us buy the gonads. ARCO can produce gas at a much cheaper price. and they make a lot of money when the price goes up. all of ther oil comes from the USA so their cost is not effected buy the ARAB oil. now this Hurricane may have effected them but not the ARAB oil So Why the Crazy price increase. Something needs to be done!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

gas here only went up 4 cents. i assume it will keep rising though. jsut gassed the jeep up and it took 40 bucks.
id like to thank everyone, not just those of you on here that spread gossip about outrageous price increases

its great entertainment :rolleyes:
i don't know how outrageous it is, around me it is 2.70 now, it was 2.50 2 days ago. i just filled up, then barfed my lunch then started looking for a volkswagon tdi on line.

i guess we are just going to have to deal with it, but this is going to force me to practically give up wheeling.
Gas prices haven't changed here, still 2.54/gallon last I saw.

And yes, it is quite entertaining to see all these rumors and such. I just hope they never happen...

It might be a "rumor" where you are but here in Cornelius it is fact. I filled up my truck at the gas station across from my apt. sunday night for $2.49 a gallon. I filled up my car at the same gas station last night (monday) for $2.59 a gallon. I just drove by that same gas station and it was $2.79 a gallon, That is 20 cents more just over night. and it is not just this gas station in the area raising prices. This is getting nuts!

I just like reading Pancake's posts... They're challenging.
Well, diesel at the Scotchman, where I usually fill up is 2.99, it's $2.52 across the street, but I'm betting it will be up by morning. Total BS since the effects of Katrina haven't even had time to hit the pumps yet. But what can you do. I still think it's a panic rise due to the media.

That is about 75% of the rise in cost IMO. I would say mabey 25% of the price increase is due to increased demand. If demand really increased every time the news and analysts said it was gas would be outrageous. Demand goes up when it gets cold, it goes up when the weather is nice, it goes up when it snows, it goes up when floods, it goes up when the weather is bad. With the supply only changeing by a few hundred thousand barrels each quarter there is no way the supply and demand can effect the retail price that much.

Just my opinion though... :beer:
Prices in the university area shot up $0.27 overnight. Only one station I have seen that hasn't gone up. And I bet they'll follow suit by the morning.
Rob said:
Well, diesel at the Scotchman, where I usually fill up is 2.99, it's $2.52 across the street, but I'm betting it will be up by morning. .

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Damn, this Dayton trip is gonna be costly.
3 stations in a row in Hickory.
1st station = $2.69
2nd station = 2.79
3rd station = 2.47????
And there were people getting gas at teh 1st 2 stations... :rolleyes:

Everywhere around here was $2.49-2.60 yesterday. :flipoff2:
Now is the time to see whcih companies are out to screw thier customers as hard as possible. Notice how some jumped the price up as son as there was a mention of the refineries and oil rigs being evacuated. Really shouldnt affect prices till early next week, but if i ran a oil comapny i would jack the price on up too. People will pay for it b/c they have no alternative.... YET.
$3.09 at a CITGO on S. Miami @ Angier (Durham) this morning! Yesterday was $2.69. :mad:
Gawd... it must suck to have to drive to RTP every day to go to work.

I don't think I'm due for another fillup for.... probably 3 wks. Maybe 3 1/2. Hell, if I stretch it, I might make October. :flipoff2:
RufusTheRam said:
i'll be extremely surprised if it goes up more than 10-15 cents. this country isn't having the oil shortage people think.

Fuel is up over $.50 a gallon at my local stations.
Get it while you can if it's still cheap near you. :(
Gawd... it must suck to have to drive to RTP every day to go to work.
tell me about it. gas hasn't gone up much out here near work yet though, but i hear in raleigh it's up to nearly 3 bucks a gallon...
Gawd... it must suck to have to drive to RTP every day to go to work.
I live just over 5 miles from where I work, and have been talking to my boss about a raise just so I can afford to get there and back.

Fun? Not hardly.