Granny 2: The Resurrection

That's good news! You made my day! Thanks! :beer:

I worked on other things today, but here's a nice clean pacifier pic for ya. :lol:


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Subscribed. Just got caught up on your build thread myself. Looks good man!
Thanks Guys! I was planning to bring it home today, but as it was raining again this morning I opted to let Damien store it for another day... too much unpainted metal to get wet.

I worked on the TBI wiring harness about all afternoon. I now have all the wires sorted out, and the ones not needed have been removed. I am now to a point where I actually feel like I might know what I am doing... and the truth is I am enjoying doing it. Caver Dave gets most of the credit for prodding me into it... and I'm "almost" ready to thank him for it. :lol:

I'll probably bring it back home tomorrow... more as I get it done.
Granny2 is back home. The sliders really look nice!!! Thanks Damien... darn good job!!! Sorry, no pics... I was in a rush to get all the unpainted metal off and get it indoors before the rain started again. Today, I pulled my GM HEI distributor and am now in the process of switching the module from 4-pin to 7-pin, and locking the advance mechanism. I will hopefully finish that tomorrow. Once I get it checked out, and timed, I will start installing the throttle body injection. I think I have collected everything I need now to make it work. More as I get it....
I finished the ignition conversion today, and I am pretty well pleased with the way it turned out. I removed everything that had anything to do with the advance mechanism (both mechanical and vacuum). I then welded the advance mechanism so it can't move, and made a plate to secure the reluctor in the same position it was originally. I had to drill and tap a new hole (6-32) to mount the 7-pin module. Luckily, I had just enough of the little slip-on terminals to complete the job. Here's three pics of what I did (so Chip won't accuse me of slacking). I'm working between rain showers so progress is sort of slow today. :)


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I had planned to spray some primer on my unpainted parts (bumpers, etc.) today, but the temperature didn't suit me, and it looked like it could start raining at about any time for most of the day. So... I swapped out the manifolds instead. I took the old carburetor and manifolds off, did some cleaning, and finished up squirting the blue paint on the engine. That's kinda funny... I have painted that engine, one small section at a time, starting somewhere around August of last year. It's finally all matching blue. I installed the Knock Sensor in the side of the block while the manifolds were out of the way. The throttle body sits real nice on the adapter (no pic), but I am going to have to rearrange some brake lines to allow better clearance for the throttle linkage. That doesn't look like it will be a major issue. I guess the next move will be to install the TBI and start connecting wires. More as I get it done.... :)


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Am thinking this will not only be a thing of beauty but functional as well!
Now get to it SLACKER! LOL

Remember, we have a shake down in 2 weeks!
I guess the next move will be to install the TBI and start connecting wires.

I did about the same thing... diddled with "rebuilding" the gas tank (had a 5gallon dent in the bottom, no drain bung, & needed re-plumbing), swapped the exhaust (had drug 1 side of the duals off on every trip for years & was too rusty/beat to weld O2 bungs in) and generally put off the inevitable...

So get on with it already! :D

Holler if there's anything I can do...
Yesterday, I got the brake lines moved, fuel lines hooked up, coolant/heater hoses hooked up, vacuum lines hooked up, and sensors mounted. I had to fabricate some brackets to secure the fuel lines, and to mount the MAP sensor. Today, I am going to attempt to mount the ECM behind the glove box just above the heater box. If that goes as planned, I will then be routing and soldering the wiring harness back together. If I am successful in getting her up and running again, I see paint flying in the near future. :)

... and Caver Dave, I'm sure I will be hollering loud and clear at some point in time. :lol:

I was going to head out to The Farm today, but decided instead to keep working on the project... I dunno, maybe that jinxed me. Anyway, I got her all wired up, and ready to run... BUT... she won't start. The fuel pump isn't running when I turn the ignition key so I am hoping it's something as simple as a bad relay... or at least ends up being something simple. Tomorrow being Sunday, I'm taking a day off. I'll look at it again on Monday. More later...
Do you have a check engine light? Is it proving out when you switch the key on? Do you have power to the fuel pump relay? There should be battery power to one terminal at all times and one terminal will be powered by the computer for 2 seconds at key on then powered again once the ecm senses a rpm signal from the ignition module. I ask about the check engine light because if it isn't coming on then the computer is not powering up or there is something wrong with the ecm itself and it therefore wont power up the fuel pump relay.

If you jump across the relay (apply 12v to the fuel pump wire) then does the pump come on and if so will it start with the relay bypassed? If so you most likely have a bad relay.
Well... the sun has risen again... the old guy has risen again... and Granny2 is up and running with DIY throttle body injection. :bounce:

Someday I might confess as to the source of Saturday evening's problem (#268), but presently I am not ready to handle that much embarrassment. :eek:ops:

Y'all can wonder about that one... and don't worry about letting your imagination run wild!!! :lol:

Now I start working out a bug, or two (which I expected). Right now the fuel pressure is low. She is running on my old electric fuel pump which is only putting out 7 lbs. I know I need to replace it. She needs 12-15 psi to run properly. The check engine light is going out, as it should, so I assume there are no drastic errors to worry about. I'm getting ready to head back to the boneyard to get a throttle cable and air cleaner. The air cleaner is going to be a tight fit beside the power brake booster. More as I get it done...
Nice! Glad to hear you got it running.
Hey Don, I have found the correct in-line pump to use on the GM TBI is a Airtex E8094 if that helps.

Thanks David... this pump selection stuff has cost me a few more gray hairs... which I can't afford! :lol: Presently, I have an E8094 sitting on the workbench beside an E2000 which I am going to hook up today and see what happens. This is the result of further discussion in another thread:
Back again... The E2000 pump put my fuel pressure at exactly 12 psi which is about perfect. The engine seems to run good, but I know there are some adjustments to be made. I have done all I can do on the injection until I can get a laptop hooked up to it. I'm going to cut grass and do yardwork tomorrow. I will be spraying paint in the very near future. Then... she will be almost finished. :)