Granny 2: The Resurrection

There has definitely been some sweat shed for this project. On average, I am going through a gallon of water per day, plus a few canned drinks. On the flip side though, I'm in the shade most of the day, and by avoiding the sun as much as possible I'm not bothered that much by the heat. I will :gitrdun: ..... eventually. :lol:
Don, I would support Granny hung low on the swing set and let the grand kids play on it. They would love it and that is called recycling!
:popcorn: benefits of being retired.
Cool stuff Don. I rmbr when you first told me about the frame cracks and what to build next.
see ya soon Don. Tell Darlene said hello.
Alright you guys... just slow down a little bit. I have to get something done that is worth pics before I can post them. :shaking: :lol:

I got past a major hurdle today. I got the motor mounts finished, located on the frame, and partially welded in place. It was a lot of work, but I am very pleased with the results. I got the motor pulled back out before I quit for the day, and on Monday I hope to finish welding the mounts to the frame. After that is done I feel like the rest will be a piece-of-cake.

Old Granny is already spoken for... or at least the body parts. The new owner will take them off my hands in a few weeks. That said she is not going to be suspended low on a swing set. The main reason being that a certain old fart that peddles tube steaks might be tempted to come for a visit... and stay too long. :flipoff2:


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Don, it may have taken a while to fab those up, but I'd say you'll never have an issue with failure! Awesome work there my Friend!
I got the motor mounts welded and painted this morning, and spent a good part of the afternoon cleaning the engine, tranny and transfer case. I painted the rear, and lower sides, of the engine. I'll match the upper part after I get it installed and decide what wires and lines will remain. Good day today. :)


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Trans. Lifting Eye

Don, where did you get that trans. lift eye? Never seen such a thing, & would have doubted, it would hold the weight! Bet you made that. Always amazed, at the things, people come up with!
Nice paint, by the way!

Do I have the only AMC "Green" engine?:lol:
^^ It's just an eyebolt in a stock T-18 tower cap, and the only weight it is supporting is the tailweight of the trans/tc. I made it to lift T-18s when I was rebuilding them... needless to say, it still comes in handy. The paint is Chrysler blue... I couldn't find any AMC blue locally. As for "green"... I dunno. :)
Don I'm starting to look forward to your daily updates. Keep them coming. I was also wondering about the eye bolt deal. that is nice. Everything seems to be coming right along. I'm almost betting you'll be at the Fun Caravan w/ this thing finished.
I appreciate the compliments, but I won't make any "guesstimates" as to when it will be finished. This will very likely be the last one I do, so I plan to take my time and do it right.
I got the drivetrain back in today. The stock belly pan (skidplate) almost fits the T-18/Dana 20, but I do have to make a couple modifications. There are also a couple cutouts in the bottom of the pan that I will cut plates for and weld them in to close the holes, and strengthen it. Tomorrow is visit-Mom day and we are going in the morning so I may be back on this some tomorrow afternoon. More as I get it done... and it is nice being retired. :huggy:


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^^^ Dave, it's always good running into you fellows at the Farmhouse. Sorry I missed lunchtime though! :lol:

Thanks for the compliment Matthew. yeah, I'm real pleased with the way the mounts turned out. :bounce2:
I finished the welding on the belly pan today, and got it painted and installed. The engine tranny/transfer case swap is now completely finished. I tried snapping a couple pics, but underneath at close quarters didn't turn out too good. Tomorrow I will set the swing set up again and lift Old Granny's body off the chassis. Then I will start swapping out the axles. I believe the engine swap will have been the most difficult part of this project, and I am expecting things to progress a little faster now that it is done. I hope I don't regret making that statement. :)
Looks as though that has the stock heater motor in place. When I had my Wrangler, one of the first things I noticed was the weak heater. (this was in Michigan, mind you) I saw a write up about swapping in what I think was a 79 Blazer heater motor. You have to cut the hole a little larger for the motor to fit through the firewall, but it puts out some HEAT. To the point that even in the dead of winter time, I would have to cut it off to keep my boots from cooking. Works well for the defroster, too!

Right on the heater fan. I've never felt the need to change out my CJ fan, but have read the articles on using a GM fan. They run faster, I believe. Plus installing the plastic defrost ducts help, so they say. Never tried that either, defrost blows a very small area.:lol:
I've never had a problem with the heater fans either... and I'm not heading to Michigan any time soon... at least not in a CJ. :lol:

OK... here's some updates.... first, some pics of the belly pan that I tried to get yesterday evening... the camera works better in daylight.

Next, the bare chassis parked in the shade where I am getting ready to remove the gas tank and start on the axle swap.


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Finally, Old Granny's tub and cab hanging on the swing set waiting for the new owner to back his trailer under it, and haul it away.

I'm actually feeling a sense of accomplishment now! :driver:


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Yikes... I forgot all about him!!! Maybe the chains across the doors will keep him out! :lol:

Here's a few more pics... the old frame is ready for the next "recycle day". I'll start getting the axles cleaned up and painted next. If all goes well, maybe I will have them installed by the week's end.


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