Just got home from work. So I can make an attempt to answer all the questions.
So after reading this I question why we need $1300 in rental equipment if only we will be handling off-trail illegal bypasses/obstacles. ?
$1,300 in equipment covers the rental of TWO machines for 16 hours of work (or two 8 hour days). The last off-season work day we had a T-190 and another group (CTB or CNC) brought a T-250. Each machine went on a different trail and had plenty of work to do just installing guard rail. Also I didn't say we will only be handling illegal bypasses/obstacles, that will just be the main focus with the guard rail etc. There will be other work to do, including some of what takes a contractor a dedicated week with a bobcat to do. We could have more machines and not get everything done.
So What happens if by some chance they change the date? will we be allowed to do a heavy work weekend later in the year?
To my knowledge they won't be changing the date. If the slight chance that they do change it, we would have another opportunity to do a heavy work weekend.
I would like to see a detailed plan for the June work weekend. Since you are good with your graphics for raising money can you map out the areas that will be worked on and what will take place at each location, and post the picture here. Sure would be easier for everyone working to follow along also.
Sarcasm aside it would be easy to make a layout. If I can make the Uwharrie Maps linked to on here I think I can handle a map with our work goals etc.
Regardless - I would like to donate to the club so I can help out but want to get receipt for the write off for tax purposes. Is NC4x4 a non profit ? Sending money directly to a personal PP account might not look so good on paper for the tax man?
We (Friends of Uwharrie) are not a NFPO. I had a friend offer to help take care of the paper work, but the official word I received was "it was being taken care of". You may want to look into donating to a NFPO Club/Organization that would be willing to then donate to the cause. Its up to you really.
Since the forest service is not involved in this workday, will they still get government credit for our participation? (for workdays that they host they get government funds based on how many people show up and when equipment they bring).
If not, then people's time and money would be better focused towards a forest service hosted workday.
I don't know where you are getting your information from but this "Work Weekend" falls on the weekend of the official Forest Service Work Day. We will have Forest Service representatives out there with us for the work weekend. Every hour (and equipment usage) we put in will be logged. Just because the Forest Service isn't funding this work day, doesn't mean they aren't participating in it.
Why do you need $500 worth of fuel?
Why should people pay for you to stay in a cabin when there is free camping at arrowhead for workdays?
We don't need $500 worth of fuel. We need enough fuel for 2 machines, and then any additional tools that we may need to purchase (tools that people may not be able to bring).
As far as the cabin goes, it seems people aren't quite understanding the situation. There have been 2 workdays we have used the cabin. I paid for the cabin, and then people that stayed in it pitched in to help cover the cost that I initially covered. I have eaten over $150 in the cost of the cabin, this is on top of my portion of the cost of staying. The purpose of the cabin is to get volunteers that usually wouldn't stay overnight due to the heat/humidity to come out and attend. It has worked in the past, and it will work again.
There is Free Camping at Arrowhead, but to my surprise I have been told flat out by some volunteers that they don't attend the summer work days because they don't like or can't stand camping in the heat/humidity. And any donated money used would only to help cover what may be left over after everyone pitches in. If you donate money and don't want it put to the cabin, then it won't be. Just specify that, and so be it.
Right now $0 of the money donated will be going to lodging/cabin costs. Only if we cover the fuel and tools would it even be considered.
Without a plan going in we will be wasting $100's if not $1000's of dollars. I want to see why we need 4 bobcats for the workday? I am sorry but just giving money to someone without justification is not me..
I never said we needed 4 Bobcats for the workday. We need 2 machines for 2 days worth of work. If you want a detailed plan, you will have one after my Friday meeting. Other wise like I posted earlier this fact will have to suffice. The work that the contractor does in the off-season takes a WEEK of dedicated use of a Bobcat. Part of our work load will be doing some of the work the contractor would be doing. So 2 machines working 2 days won't even come close to getting all the work done.
I have seen groups ask for money and never provide documentation for where the money went or will go or how it was used after the fact and it is just a downward spiral.
All of our past donations have been directly accounted for, and I will keep accounting for them. I will take pictures/copies of the rental receipts, fuel receipts, etc and post all the donations so everyone can see where their money is going. I make sure everything I do concerning money in this "organization" is transparent. To the point there is a thread posted where I keep a public record of all the donations and where the money goes.
I agree with Bruiser and Yager. I would like to see the work plan in detail. As of my last communication with Ranger Walker and Rec Specialist Savery (yesterday) there was no concrete plan. If this is the case, I think we are putting the cart before the horse in planning for X amount of equipment costing X amount of dollars without a concrete plan for it's use. IMO the planning should already be done by this time for a workday of this magnitude that is only 4 weeks away.
Well from what I have found out you will be there at the meeting Friday so you will get all the details you need. I will say I am not thrilled that it took this long to get a date set to meet with Deborah And Terry and get this all hammered out. I have been talking with them (and Rodney and others) about this work weekend for nearly a year (it will be a year in June). This includes almost 2 months of e-mail and phone tag with Deborah trying to set a date to sit down and plan for this work weekend.
The planning that has been done to this point has been off of conversations with Deborah, Terry, and Rodney and even though its not a map with gps specifics; its enough to get an idea of the amount of equipment needed etc.
And if some how we planned on doing ALL the work that needs to be done at Uwharrie, it would take MUCH MORE than 2 Bobcats working 2 days. Considering maintenance on most of the trails is YEARS behind schedule.
If they want to start treating the park like a park and not like a trashcan and put up wood guardrail like they did on one section then I'll join workdays again.
They did more than put the split rail wood fence in one spot. That fence (California something or other wood) used to be ALL OVER Uwharrie. It was quite expensive too. And what ended up happening was people busted the fence down and used it as fire wood. I have seen direct evidence of this on Daniel where the Forest Service road used to be blocked off. We found a pile of the fence right near where it was blocking the trail half burnt in a "camp fire".
Believe me I don't like the look of metal w-beam guard rail in the forest. But to the Forest Service's credit they tried the "nice looking way" and people not only abused it, but destroyed it using it as fire wood. And from the cost perspective its makes sense to put up metal guard rail once, rather than to buy expensive split rail fence over and over again.
Then you have Deborah Walker calling me when she needs something but refuses to return calls when I have a simple question. Terry is the same way.
I can't argue with you their either. Communicating with the Forest Service can be frustrating at times to put it nicely. But I try to understand they are busy, and out of town a lot of the times for meetings/training/fires etc. I also try to remember the OHV trails aren't the only thing they have to deal with out there also. It can take months to just get something looked at on the trails, but I guess you can only do so much with so many people. Maybe I am just more understand than most, but trust me it frustrates me too at times.
Planning something like this heavy work weekend, isn't like planning a paid construction project. There are people's schedules, real jobs, and outside lives to work around. And this applies to the Forest Service and others. And I don't expect everyone to agree with the Forest Service, or what they plan for us to do on the workdays. The bottom line is if we enjoy riding the trails and want to keep them open, there are some things as a community we have to pitch in on and help take care of.