Housing market trash

I'm getting ready to start a 42 unit town house development outside of asheville and over 1/2 are going to be short term rentals. Another project in chimney rock is going to be 28 homes that will be all rentals
Sounds like you need some fire retardant plywood
That’s generally first generation. By the second generation they are as American as the rest of us. For better or worse.
The second generation are the same, only fatter. See: Houston 'sideshow' car vids. You can see the lack of intelligence/no reasoning skills/lack of parents/no drive to be a better person or American on their face.

I'll take less people for $1000 Alex.
The second generation are the same, only fatter. See: Houston 'sideshow' car vids. You can see the lack of intelligence/no reasoning skills/lack of parents/no drive to be a better person or American on their face.
That has to be the second dumbest thing I've read today.

Fortunately I also saw this about 2hrs ago:
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The second generation are the same, only fatter. See: Houston 'sideshow' car vids. You can see the lack of intelligence/no reasoning skills/lack of parents/no drive to be a better person or American on their face.

I'll take less people for $1000 Alex.

It must be a sad world you.live in to be so ignorant and hate filled.

A lady that works for my family is the perfect counter to your post. She is legal, her husband wasn't. He got picked up in a traffic checkpoint several years ago and was deported. She was left raising their two children alone. She persevered and both kids turned out great. Her son went to cc for diesel mechanics, got his CDL and drives a heavy recovery wrecker for my uncle. Far from a drain on society. Her daughter is a senior in HS this year and she proudly showed me a picture of her daughter holding a "going to app state" banner in her cap and gown yesterday. She's smart and going places just like her brother.
Not informed? Hardly. You can't take away from me the things I've seen, heard, and witnessed.

The only thing I hate are the politicians that are actively running this state and country into the ground. No more, no less. Well maybe drivers who are in the wrong lane causing chaos. They are pretty terrible too.
Sure, there are good, hard working people. Everywhere, all over the world. No one ever said otherwise. I work with people of all colors and races and everyone is great. But just because you have a 'counter point' does not make my point any less valid.
A kid going to app state does not negate the thousands of others that do not...doesn't negate the drunk illegal alien, that purposeful lax enforcement polices allowed, killing an honest hard working American citizen.....the thousands of others that lack guidance, parenting, skills, education, common sense, or any type of intelligence. They are out there...they are easy to see and observe. The thousands that slowly drag the area they flock to down to their level. Am I not supposed to see it? To know what is happening? To stay ignorant to the changes caused? When my neighborhood and property values (to keep this convo housing related) are negatively affected by something (currently happening to me IRL) I take notice. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean its not happening.
But yea, tons of hard working people too....like there always has been.
I'm not sad, just looking around.
I do think its ok to be angry when certain polices allow for death, less pleasant areas to live and work, less safety, and strained resources. I hope that anger leads to fixing the issues. Or should we sit back so we aren't accused of being self centered and egotistical?
I'd rather have Mexicans move in around me than Yankees. There, I said it...
Hell I had Mexican neighbors for 9 years. You never knew they were there except they would have a cookout once a month in the summer. And they always waved and asked if I needed help when I was doing something in the yard. My white neighbors wouldn't even wave as they went by
And I do regularly I just am getting tired of trying to hold the little rascal, a beer, and wave at the neighbors all at the same time….

So wave the little rascal at your neighbors?

Appreciate it but I need some piss off my porch type of space

I live on 3 acres. Piss off the porch and wave at the poor folks driving by!
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Those of y’all been to my place know you gotta want to get here and know how.

Still living @trailerlyfe but maybe soon/if we can get our house plans going. I’d rather live in this 1990 box on this ground though than be back in suburbia.

Meanwhile I put up the second shelter on my shop…. two 16x30 places on each side to collect more stuff to be out of the weather.
