Not informed? Hardly. You can't take away from me the things I've seen, heard, and witnessed.
The only thing I hate are the politicians that are actively running this state and country into the ground. No more, no less. Well maybe drivers who are in the wrong lane causing chaos. They are pretty terrible too.
Sure, there are good, hard working people. Everywhere, all over the world. No one ever said otherwise. I work with people of all colors and races and everyone is great. But just because you have a 'counter point' does not make my point any less valid.
A kid going to app state does not negate the thousands of others that do not...doesn't negate the drunk illegal alien, that purposeful lax enforcement polices allowed, killing an honest hard working American citizen.....the thousands of others that lack guidance, parenting, skills, education, common sense, or any type of intelligence. They are out there...they are easy to see and observe. The thousands that slowly drag the area they flock to down to their level. Am I not supposed to see it? To know what is happening? To stay ignorant to the changes caused? When my neighborhood and property values (to keep this convo housing related) are negatively affected by something (currently happening to me IRL) I take notice. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean its not happening.
But yea, tons of hard working people there always has been.
I'm not sad, just looking around.
I do think its ok to be angry when certain polices allow for death, less pleasant areas to live and work, less safety, and strained resources. I hope that anger leads to fixing the issues. Or should we sit back so we aren't accused of being self centered and egotistical?