if your Yota ain't built like rediculous and rediculouslly powerful, then lets race in the mud race, shall we? why not, i might lose still but still worth running plus i need people in open class to run so i have people to race with
if your Yota ain't built like rediculous and rediculouslly powerful, then lets race in the mud race, shall we? why not, i might lose still but still worth running plus i need people in open class to run so i have people to race with
ur gross
O I'm sorry, I thought you were wanting to start the whole who has the biggest one! I just sent my baby pic.
And no I don't want to race you!I really don't care who has the "best" rig!!! My point is only
you come on and post about some budget build with some home made stuff, people give advice related to safety and you argue! You buy a lawn mower trailer to haul your rig, people give advice related to safety and you argue, you buy a truck that needs work, people give advice and.....you argue! !!! Then you go to the Flats and do well (I am happy for that) and now your all like " my cut tires do better then anything you can buy!" " "man would love to go wheel with you, but there not a place to park my trailer!" " URE has no challenge for my rig!" ........... if richland trail is so awsome, stop acting like your some big timer and drive the dam jeep there!!!
He's got welded diffs probably doesn't handle all to well on the streets.
Glad you had fun at the flats but do not get cocky which it sounds very much like you are. I don't know you, hell I only know a handful of people on this forum, but you come off as a conceited jackass. I've wheeled some pretty nasty shit out west and embarrassed a lot of big money rigs, mainly because they were afraid to scratch their shit or lacked skill in line choice. I know a lot the guys up here are chasing after 1 tons and 400+hp LS engines, enjoy your jeep and mind your own business. Just stop getting so butt hurt and do what makes you happy.
Personally, I'd love to see you wheel that out west. It would make you rethink a lot of your build.
That redneckcj5 isnt it??
i think its funny how you guys put down my control arms which Jeep/Chrysler uses them on all the New JKs for over ten years now but yet i choose to use them and beef them up, and i get knocked for it????this is the stupid shit you guys post that makes yall seem like the know it all jackasses. You bunch of pros think only DOM/Heims/and allow/chromo stuff can handle trails...i got news for yall pros: Jeeps Cherokees used thin ass sheetmetal for 30 years and never had issues out of their control arms or mounts unless bushing were the failure...so when a guy like me doubles or triples that...he's the dummy?? really? this kind of misinformation from you pros is the reason why people (and many of them) like myself don't listen to you and take you seriously. i wheeled stock control arms lengthened/doubled up for 15years DRIVING ON THE STREET WITH FAMILY MIND YOU, and ain't never had one get weak or break or death wobble...that's cause i know the basic science of metals and when you take some thin sheetmetal and double or triple it's thickness with plenty of overlap, it becomes plenty strong for anything to a reasonable measure that i and most would ever through at it. Like a broken record again....ya'll forget we aren't all trying to build some Moab Crawlers that test every limit of a 4x4 and beyond. Even if i had the money for DOM, i would still choose these JK arms and lengthen them with angle iron cause the rubber bushing ride a lot smoother and way cheaper but will hold up to anything i would dare ever consider putting them through. So to conclude for the 100th time, if yall stop telling people that there's only one right way to build it, maybe you're responses would be a bit more realistic and appreciated but when all your advise is junk..junk..junk unless it's this way....you don't get very far with it. I'm glad you live and swear by your DOM cages and arms and shafts but i live and swear by mine too and what i like is what i like and it works so stop your hatin already and just everyone respect each others rigs and get along like @Blaze said in another thread already!!! DAM, enough with yalls negative feedback all the time and just let people do what they do and enjoy doing it. You'd be better off coming to meet me and wheeling with me and my ghetto build and maybe shooting me some pointers of how to tackle certain trails better and teach me some stuff that might actually get me somewhere...like up the trail...rather than just sit there dogging me build that you don't even give a chance to see in action. That would be the real deal sport fans way to be if you ask me. Ok, I'm done. Good DayOn a hill, your "smartly" cut tires hook up, arms rip out, how will you're wife react when you are barrel rolling to the bottom?
This. And hes gonna come back wondering why nobody said anything about it not being safeI will only point out the obvious
On a hill, your "smartly" cut tires hook up, arms rip out, how will you're wife react when you are barrel rolling to the bottom.
and your way wrong on this one sir...cheap builds are what they are but smart guys like me know what to stay off of and what to hit so I can respectfully keep from clogging up trails with my cheap build but so far, my cheap build has done pretty well and haven't even really laid into it yet...cause i got enough sense and respect for the rest of you to stay out of your way and not abuse my cheap build which would cause me to break and be a nuisance!!! (this is the only reason i stayed off Rock Ledge, 3 Way, Sloppy Joe last trip...cause many people were playing around on them and didn't want to take a chance)Cheap builds are time bombs, at some point you are either sitting there broke, without the means to fix it making you
a PIA, or an obstacle.
Leave me out of this please!That redneckcj5 isnt it??
Well we have all seen "this Guy" on here before.
Does the term "accident looking for a place to happen" ring any bells?
I will only point out the obvious
On a hill, your "smartly" cut tires hook up, arms rip out, how will you're wife react when you are barrel rolling to the bottom?
Cheap builds are time bombs, at some point you are either sitting there broke, without the means to fix it making you
a PIA, or an obstacle.
we've all seen your kind, the attitude, the unwillingness to listen and learn, and no. This isn't the way to find friends to wheel with.