Lawn and Landscape

Maybe pot worms?

Could also be those things from Tremors

While we are on the subject of lawn, what will kill, hopefully a slow agonizing death at that, fire ants. I have battle to keep them out of my yard for a few years now but they are now gaining me. I can treat a hill and it seems like three more pop up. Cost is not a factor if it works!
Growing up we would douse the hill with gas and light it up. Not sure if it was really effective (or safe) but it was fun for a kid.
, any 3-way or 4-way will whack it

Matt is fortunate he found a woman that agreed to let her touch him...twice :cool: no WAY he'd ever be able to pull off a 3-way..much less a 4-way :popcorn:
What should we be doing right now other than the high nitrogen? anything for the weeds before the season starts?
I typically put down pre-emergent/fertilizer combo in mid-March
Considering buying another backpack leaf blower. I have an OLD Echo PB-650 from 2009 ish. Bought it off my neighbor used. It has run great for 8yrs that I had it. Really just abused/neglected other than non ethanal gas, and it kept running. The return fuel line finally dried out and cracked so I decided to show it some love and replaced the fuel line, fuel filter and the spark plug, Fired up and ran for 10minutes then just up and quit on me. I'm going to try and figure out why it quit but, I also got the ok from my better half to buy a new one. I'm cheap and may just fix the one I have but would love the 9010 Echo or the PB755 or even the PB-580 would do me for the .25 acre we are on. Might move in 5 years to minimum of an acre maybe more if the price is right for 5 acres so do I buy for the future? I am looking for recommendations.
I bought a Stihl backpack leaf blower new in 2005. I think it is a mid-level/size, maybe slightly bigger than mid-level model. It is still running strong. When it takes a dump, I am going to buy a Stihl BR800.
My thing is, Currently really only use it in the fall, we have a cordless that works fine to blow the grass off the drive and walkways. But wondering if the larger one would be overkill. I'm a homeowner I don't use it everyday. Even considering used but people only are dropping the price $50 to $100 off original purchase price from what I've seen.
My thing is, Currently really only use it in the fall, we have a cordless that works fine to blow the grass off the drive and walkways. But wondering if the larger one would be overkill. I'm a homeowner I don't use it everyday. Even considering used but people only are dropping the price $50 to $100 off original purchase price from what I've seen.

You would probably be fine with a mid-level/size blower. I use mine every time I mow the lawn, so it gets used year round.
I bought a Husqvarna 150BT from Lowes over a year ago for my 3.5 acres of leaves. The thing still starts on the 2nd pull and and runs for over an hour on a tank of fuel.

Two seasons on it so far and I don't see why it won't keep going.
Yeah, I'm leaning towards the PB755 if I buy new I like Echo always had good luck with them. The blower always started until I put the Hose, fuel filter and Spark plug, IF I get it running again I'll probably run it till it dies, even with minimal use it always has been great.
I got a redmax 8550 a couple of years ago and love it, its over kill but turned my leaf blowing in the fall from 4 hours once a week with old small leaf blower to just under an hour. Stihl is a little more comfortable but i didn't want to have to adjust the valves. The new echo 9010 or whatever looks like a beast. And the bigger blowers seem to hold their value if you decide to sell later on.
You would blow your fence down with a 9010! lol but it would be fun! If you're going to fix yours go to Jacks Small Engines and order a carb and new fuel lines and fuel filter and as long as the coil and compression is good it should run. If you just rebuild the carb, get a carb kit then scour the metal parts with a brass or steel brush and clean with brake cleaner or carb cleaner really good. You'll need to model and serial number to order the correct parts. Use only mid grade non ethanol fuel with Red Armor synthetic 2 cycle oil or the true fuel you buy already mixed. When it sits for longer than two weeks, drain gas and run it until it runs out of gas and it will last longer. Buy extra fuel filters for them also and change at least once per season.
Compression was good, never had a problem with it and didn't smoke, usually ran True fuel last few years, prior to that I was using non ethanol from QT and I did run the fuel out at end of the season. I'm willing to put $50-$70 in it, to get it running again.
All my lawn equipment and saws I run either True fuel or QT non ethanol.

You would blow your fence down with a 9010!
Yeah Grant said I could stand in three places and doo our whole yard with it.
storm GIF
What time of year is best to put down lime, or does it not matter? If typically done it in November or December in the past.
When I get back from school (end of March) I have a pelletized lime treatment to do then looking to over seed the mess of mixed grass I have right now (1.5 acres). Initial plan is surround fence and to put goats on it to graze/ natural fertilizer. Eventually turning into a 4 place rotational pasture area. What is the best/durable spring/summer grass? Fall time I will overseed again with rye to keep green on and give something for them to munch on. Last year I put out $250 worth of bahia and it did nothing. Looking for something that’s gonna come up. Soil is a dark loam. Area is Aberdeen. And, go...
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