Light weight Toyota buggy build

ready to drop in in the morning
I haven't updated in a wile I took the buggy to Harlan to really test it and it did awsome suspension sucks and it vibrates like hell but chris at Mars fab is Taking care of the noise(super awsome guy to work with ) and he dropped my shocks off with Alex today to hopefully get me alot closer on my valving but the buggy performed great other then those 2 things a few weeks before I took it to the flats and it broke on the first hill rear out put broke (I assume it was pre stressed) so I had lee at tlc put a rcv shaft in it from ecgs and hope to never have a problem again
I was at the top of cream puff and forgot to turn my fans on buggy seams tk be ok but I see myself putting a head on soon lol but I had just got my front tires over the first ledge tires make all the difference in the world mine still need to break in alot but they where still awsome I tried pony hill but I had nothing for it and tailgate is crazy but I hope to do both on day